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How do we beat Force Masters?


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I only started playing maybe three days ago and I've been doing some arena. The only time I can beat a FM is if it's an incredibly clueless player, other than that I just get locked down and burst. 


Could any experienced Summoners give any tips on how to survive and kill a FM?

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Flower petals and Friendship skill points down the resist line. Flower petals resists all ranged damage received in the cloud, however if you move away from it, you'll get hit.  Friendship is another great skill when you add skills to the resist side, can help not only against ranged but other classes too, but both require timing.  If an fm grabs your cat and puts it to sleep or freezes it, you cannot send commands to it, however if they sleep you or freeze you, you are still able to use commands. Using the resists to your advantage coupled with the weed whack is good. If they grab you and your cat is near them, you can either knock them down to get away, or stack points into the hammer for daze as a quick escape, even knock them up and attack them with the cat to get a few hits in. Doom n bloom when you feel you need to, and study an fm's character gestures, so you know what skills to avoid and which ones to drop dps on. Sunflower is linear damage so if they move to the side of it you'll miss.  A lot of it will be muscle memory , and keeping distances. (the knock up feature through daze is also a nice little way to catch melee off guard :) ) I hope this helps a little bit!

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  • 5 months later...

FMs have an ability that after three chill stacks you get frozen.  They can then attack you to build up two more chill stacks, Impact stun you then freeze you again.  It's a vicious cycle you do not want to be a part of. Basically you have to avoid it if all possible.


At the beginning of the match you have options.  You can go after them or you can use seed shroud.  I would recommend using your two dazes and knockdown to get them to use tab escape then comfortably grapple them and put in damage.

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you rly cant since sumnrs are so underpowered rn. petal storm blocks some of their attacks. with hm skills though they have many range attacks that just cut through it. if they are bad or don't know their skills you have a shot. typically though its heavily weighted in their favor.

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Spam seed shroud and cat grab. Take advantage of cat grab as much as possible and look out for Divine Veil. Fair warning though, FMs can and will break your counter if you don't time it right.


Also, watch out for Frost Orbs. You have any idea how many times I've endless stunned a Summoner because they weren't paying attention to frost orbs? It was hilarious but also sad because if they just looked at the lil blue orbs around me, they would know to be careful.


But back to cat grab, it's the most cancerous move in the game. Use it and spec for defense reduction. When your cat is onto of the FM, spam the sunflower thingie on her until she's dead or scared half to death and out of grab. They will try to use veil/freeze combo to gain some cheap health, don't hit into it. It takes patience to win against a FM as a Summoner, just like it takes patience the other way around.


But also try spamming CCs with your cat and knocking the FM into the air, it really annoys them.

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With what everyone said, plus:


Before you pin them down with the cat, make sure they waste their escapes, else its pointless.

Use play time to knock them into the air, as they cannot escape from that like from other CC's.


When they sleep your cat, use seed shroud and move to the cat so when they hit the cat they will wake it up.

Also seed shroud resets your roots, so make sure to use that combo to root the fm and when they are out of escapes you can burst them down a fair amount.


Watch for their freeze, since one of them heals them with each hit, recall ur cat.

Make sure your cat is specced for knockback on beckon and your petals are specced for heals upon hits

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