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This game is more like street fighter


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I realy dont know what i can think about pvp on this game. Almost every class have ridiculous abilities.


Destro: Spin? So much HP and healing? WTF?

BD: Spin from destro? WTF?

Summoner: Stealth? What the *cricket*? Healing everything? Cant sleep cat? DMG like two players? No HP transfer? Just hard healing?

Assasin: Perma invis? Jeasus!

Forcemaster: Perma stun? WTF? Ice, Ice, Ice.

BM: Block, block, block, they do nothing more. Just do dmg and stay after the finish...

and KFM: Nothing. Maybe knockdowns, but KFMs are week... No i not playing KFM. I'm sorry kung fu masters.


All balance in this game is by stealing tallents from other classes? Here is not true ballance. Is more like teken. All PVP is about stuns and using ridiculous OP skills It has almost every class, realy nothing more. Every class have realy hard opponent and very easy oponent type. This is ballance?


I think almost all classes IS OP, so is hard to see this wtf unbalance.


Before you start screaming, i'am gold BD and beated every class in this game. I can win. But feeling from pvp is disappointment.



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Every class has multiple CC's. Every class has multiple ways to avoid or get out of CC's.


KFM is far from weak, theyre actually probably top tier with someone who knows how to use them well.


If everything is OP then nothing is.


You're a BD if you're not plat you're crap you basically get it handed to you at this patch level. If you're complaining about FM's in general this is a L2P issue they're the worst class right now.

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As usual, personal insults...


I never saw plat BD, but this is not point... I am not complaining about me class (and every class), so why you insulting me?


Can you answer me, why different classes have others abbilities? Why i have jeasus spin? I dont using this shit.

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4 minutes ago, Gratus said:

I think you're just very confused by what's happening in PvP. You'll learn, just keep playing.

No, iam not. In PVP i have good chance to win, but why we talking about me? :). I am not complain about me char or class. I said too i dont know why i have spin.

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You have a good chance to win because you play in gold with BD. I'm not saying that you're complaining about your class, I'm saying that you don't know what you should be doing in PvP so it just seems like mindless button smashing.

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4 minutes ago, Gratus said:

You have a good chance to win because you play in gold with BD. I'm not saying that you're complaining about your class, I'm saying that you don't know what you should be doing in PvP so it just seems like mindless button smashing.

Well, dont judge me please. Without spin i can not win by breaking keyboard.

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11 minutes ago, Justsomeone said:

kfm nothing? a good kfm will get no hits and stunlock you to death  with his ranged attacks, a bit more hard to play? maybe but  stronger than a summoner

Only two defeated me from maybe 15? I dont know if others are so bad or what. Realy dont know. Maybe i play so easy and maybe OP class. So if i am so bad, why i winning? By ballanced?

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game is still not finished . you knbow.. level 50 and more skills.

yeah there are rock paper scissors matchups. which is very bad imho. we must see after these new skills if it will change.

if everything is op nothing is op.


actually pvp is about juking opponent, which is also the main goal of a lot of 1v1 real life sports you know?


it is called also "asymmetric balance". if every class had the same skillset we could have just one class.


if you dont like PvP it is up to you to take decisions....


so..what is the point of this thread?

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If every class is overpowered, doesn't that make them generally even?


Your assessment of KFM is laughable - I can only imagine that you've been fighting Silver KFMs who are still in training. It's a difficult class to get the hang of, but it's ALSO "overpowered" in that it has the best counter-play opportunities with very short cool downs on iron shoulder and triple kick, plus a post-tab combo that can 100-0 if performed correctly. 


Your complaint is essentially that all classes have powerful, class-defining abilities. You haven't yet realized that each of these has counter plays, but that will come with knowledge and experience if you give yourself the chance to objectively learn from losses instead of raging. 

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No class is overpowered. Everything you listed can be countered or avoided, and it's literally the entire point of a class to specialize in a certain skill, skillset, or skill type.


This game is extremely balanced.


Also, no class has more or less of any stat in arena PvP, it's all equalized, and gear is negated. You could go in with the training weapon and no clothes or accessories at level 15 and you'd have the same stats as a level 45 with full upgraded accessories and armour with max upgraded weapons.

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25 minutes ago, Asildriez said:

Blade dancer is probably in the best place right now and you are complaining about pretty much everything else...is this forum just 99% trolls or something?


I think people just have unrealistic expectations. They watch videos of the PVP and say "wow that looks so fun. I'm a pro pvp player from (insert some traditional MMO) with (insert some flashy title or rating), so I'll obviously dominate this game!" They load up, "master" the easymode PVE, then play 10 pvp matches using their PVE rotations and not paying attention to their enemies, then come to the horrible realization that every other class is insanely overpowered. Some of them reroll, but all of them eventually make rage posts once they realize the reroll was "underpowered" too. When people tell them to learn the mechanics, they think "Why should I have to learn the mechanics of other classes when in (insert other game here) I just needed to know my Deeps rotation and spam it real good? I'm a pro player, I can kill 20 mobs at once in PVE, these classes are just too OP!"


Eventually this stuff will die down to some degree. These people will go back to the usual mmo fare and do what they were born to do - spam their rotations on each other while watching TV.


Honestly if they'd made the PVE a little harder, maybe more indicative of the difficulty of the PVP, this issue wouldn't come up so much in the pvp subforum because they'd be gone earlier in the gaming experience. It's silly that you can just spam a couple of abilities and hit 45 without breaking a sweat. 

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I main as a KFM, and people are right. It's a very difficult class to play in arenas and I've almost punched a hole into my wall due to extreme frustration, BUT as most people have stated the game is still in it's infancy and I've only been playing the game for a few weeks.


Your argument is coming from a place of not understanding, very much like applying for a job you're not qualified to do and getting angry because you haven't studied the chosen profession.


Your comparison to Street Fighter isn't wrong at all, I hate Street Fighter but I now know why people play it because of the gratification of pulling of wicked crazy combos. :D



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13 minutes ago, XER0SIGHT said:

I main as a KFM, and people are right. It's a very difficult class to play in arenas and I've almost punched a hole into my wall due to extreme frustration, BUT as most people have stated the game is still in it's infancy and I've only been playing the game for a few weeks.



Maybe I'm a bit crazy, but that is what I'm enjoying so much about the game. You can't simply pick it up in a few days, and you absolutely can't "put in your time" to reach PVP level 8bajillion and destroy everyone with your l33t PVP gear. 3 weeks after launch and I still feel like I've only scratched the surface. Sometimes I'll go on a 2-3 match winning streak and start feeling like I'm getting pretty good... then I'll run into someone who's actually good and it makes the back of my neck tingle watching how they elegantly tear my game apart, spoil every strategy, and rip me to shreds (afterwards watching my shadowplay recording, because during the match I'm pulling my hair out). There's no better motivation than knowing 95% of what they did was based on SKILL, and not just gear/class imbalance. 


It's definitely going to be a niche game. Like I said earlier, most MMO gamers are accustomed to the Netflix & Chill generation of gaming where you let your addons/gear do the work while you split your attention binge watching Dexter. This game, I feel like you need to do actual out of game studying and dozens of hours of raw arena time to get to a high level of competence in PVP.

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