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Here are the stats on the 4 new soulshields in feb 10 patch (tower/bsh)


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I've just uploaded the stats to my game guide database <3 
I hope this helps everyone out~
Here are the four new soulshields:

Mushin Soulshield
Endless Tower Soulshield
Bloodshade Harbor Soulshield
Bloodshade Harbor (lesser) Soulshield

(click the link, for more organized stat info, with individual tile stats ;A;) 

mushin.png Mushin soul shield set


endless_tower.png Endless Tower soul shield set


bloodshade_harbor.png Bloodshade Harbor soul shield set


bloodshade_harbor_~lesser~.png Bloodshade Harbor (lesser) soul shield set



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11 minutes ago, Calmisity said:

What's the difference between the Mushin and the Endless tower? I mean like are they related?

 One of these, you buy from an NPC at the enterance (but it also drops on 8th floor)
The other, is floor 1~7 drops.

Actually, it is not optimal, to just equip 1 full set. It's more useful to mix and match. For example, if you want lots of crit, you'd take 3 really critty pieces from ONE set and 5 really critty pieces from ANOTHER set. I havent bothered with the theorycrafting yet tho ... so I havent decided the best combination .. (yet)

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1 minute ago, Cheers 思綺 said:

we will only get till floor 7 though so mushin bopae/soulshield won't be aviable?

Endless Tower soulshield will be available FOR SURE.

Mushin soulshield ... im not sure. There is a vendor in the lobby area, that sells them ... buuuut ... I don't know if the tokens for exchange, will be out yet :<

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sigh )': the general discussion board is filled with so many people whining and complaining, that legitimate helpful threads are pushed wayyy down and unnoticed. My own complaint to NCsoft: Make a new board called "complaints" and move any thread with the subject of "suggestions to NCsoft" (which are in reality, thinly-veiled complaints) .. over to the complaint board, so that the general discussion would actually have good content to read -_-

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2 minutes ago, Feyco said:

Where did you actually get the stats from? The patch notes I assume? But where did you find them?

I would like to know this as well. What files were they datamined from, because I certainly didn't see these in the current patch files. 

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As far as I can tell from the info provided a full set of endless will give you higher crit than putting any pieces of bloodshade in there. Due to the set effect. Only #6 from Bloodshade is something you might want over an Endless piece, but the price for gaining 70-88 crit is losing 274 crit.

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I'm thinking of making a combination between mushin and endless mushin for greater number of critical


what do you think guys ?

#1 mushin

#2 mushin (200+ critical)

#3 Mushin

#4 endless mushin

#5 endless mushin (200+ critical)

#6 mushin

#7 endless mushin (200+ critical )

#8 mushin (200+ critical )



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5 hours ago, LordRalph said:

Very useful information. Thanks for sharing! Keep it up :)


5 hours ago, Pico said:

Thanks you for putting the work in to share this information.


46 minutes ago, RobynTheTiny said:

Good info :)


You can also check out this website: http://bns.endgame.pk/soul_shields/

nice overview of lots of soul shields and other useful stuff.

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Can someone just say which is the best... for the people who don't want to look into it, please.

As far as I can tell, the  Endless Tower soul shield set is the best, and we can only buy it from a NPC? Correct? So I have no reason at all, to uncharm the BSH ones?


I want the one which gives the most DMG, since in a perfect world you will have more benefits for playing correctly and having the best DPS gear possible. Seems like we can avoid everything after learning the content. 

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