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What the hell


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2 hours ago, BaeofVengenace said:

No worries, you'll get in. Just come back after prime time wherever you live on whatever server.

(Based on the number of people on x-time of x-server the slots open up from what I noticed after most of everyone leaves).


I'd have to argue you have a better shot of getting in when the servers are MORE busy, as presumably there are more people doing said quest, and being forced to pick whichever faction isn't full, thus, presumably, freeing up a spot on the "full" faction.

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Simple trick to get into a "full" faction:


Talk to the OTHER guy. He will still give you a choice of EITHER faction at the end of the dialogs. Then choose the one you want.


Worked several times for me in Beta and Live.

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21 hours ago, GnatB said:


I'd have to argue you have a better shot of getting in when the servers are MORE busy, as presumably there are more people doing said quest, and being forced to pick whichever faction isn't full, thus, presumably, freeing up a spot on the "full" faction.

It might be the case, it might not. But sometimes when it's that busy during my standard 12p.m. noon to 8pm. regime, if I wanted to flop over to Crimson I'd have to get up early much more prior to noon to do so.

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The full thing doesn't seems to work too much.For example on hajoon there is much more cerulean then crimson to the point that people on crimson are saying can't even do my dailies npc are dead on all channels and all crimson camp are camped by cerulean lol.

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