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Safe (PvP Disabled) Channel


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Enough Complaints About The Problem, Let's Talk Solutions.


There are tons of threads regarding the faction imbalance issues, but none dedicated to viable solutions.  I've posted this idea on several of them, but figured I would make a thread for it to discuss it in better detail.  For reference, I am on Mushin where cerulean is about 90% of uniforms you ever see, and the remaining 10% are just lying dead.


My proposed solution is to designate a single channel as "safe," PvP disabled.  You can still wear faction outfits to change NPC aggression and engage in daily quests, but you cannot attack or be attacked by other players on this channel.  The channel would not be a default to load into, you would have to switch to it once in the zone to get there.


This channel creates a safe area for players in an undersized faction to do their daily quest and hunt NPCs in peace.  The main reason servers shift to all be on a single side is because of these dailys.  When every channel is zerged by 20 blues and 10 of them lack human decency and respect to let people who don't want to fight just do quests in peace, the only solution is to further exacerbate the problem by becoming blue yourself.  Not if we had a safe channel as an option.  With this, players could simply go to the safe channel, farm dailys, and obtain everything they need while staying red.  With no pressure forcing people blue, the numbers would actually even out among active players instead of relying on spambots to fill in for the weaker side.  This means the majority of channels, all PvP-enabled, would become a lot more even and fun for players looking to engage in fair PvP, rather than an untouchable one-sided zergfest.


This change benefits people who do and don't want to PvP at the same time.  Those that do will get a better fuller experience once factions even out.  Those that don't will have a way to get the daily rewards they need to progress without needing to swarm to the majority faction (or otherwise simply "be able to" do dailys at all which is currently nearly impossible on red).


I understand the point of faction dailys was to encourage PvP, but many people want to follow the path of least resistance.  With PvP forced, that path is joining the majority side.  The safe channel offers an alternative path for those players to follow, rather than contributing to the snowballing balance issues that threaten to destroy/undermine the system entirely.


It doesn't fix everything, there will still be jerks ganking lowbies, and I really do think PvP should not have a dura loss penalty (it really discourages people from enabling it more often), but it does solve the issue of faction balance and progression gating behind PvP, which are currently much bigger problems.



Edit:  Depending on how the game is coded, we may require a different solution to work within the technology and what the localization team is able to modify.


Since factions work on a flagging system for hostility, we may be able to create new uniforms to make dailys pvp-optional.  If it's possible to create a uniform that flags you as friendly to your faction NPCs, and hostile to the enemy faction NPCs while itself being counted as a separate 3rd faction, we can have 2 versions.  We can have a "trainee" uniform that flags you as a "trainee" faction, with only the above hostilities enabled.  We can then have a second "recruit" uniform in the "recruit" factions, which have the above relationship, but are also hostile to the opposing "recruit" faction.



Second idea:  Just allow the dailys to be picked up and done without a uniform, as a freelance mercenary.  You will be hostile to both factions' NPCs as you are normally, but you can do the quests without worrying about other players.  This solution does still mean insignia farm would be limited to flags being on, so it may not be enough incentive to fix the problem.



Sub idea:  Whichever you end up choosing, there's still the issue of what happens when all channels' bases are mobbed and they refuse to break for you to pick up quests.  I recommend a faction notice board, invincible NPC to be able to grab dailys whether you are on a PVP channel or not.

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Sorry but i dont agree with this once again if you want dailies join a group and wipe each other out  there is a reason for faction dailies in other words you just want to be handed Soulstones or what ever you are after. i have seen this done it happed in AION (Fast Track) and it killed the game for the most part and a lot of ppl left the game. If this was to happen every single soul would be in the Safe channel which would kill the game also in the beginning they stated there is no safe zones in this game, and honestly i hope they dont change it.

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As much as I don't think this is necessarily a bad idea, I think this channel would be full all of the time, with constant complaints that it's too small to allow everyone in, so some still can't get their dailies done (especially during prime time).  It's the sort of thing where people would demand more "no PvP" channels until the actual PvP channels were basically empty, because why even go to them since the PvP itself doesn't seem to be rewarded in any tangible way?

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5 minutes ago, Ojnas said:

Sorry but i dont agree with this once again if you want dailies join a group and wipe each other out  there is a reason for faction dailies in other words you just want to be handed Soulstones or what ever you are after. i have seen this done it happed in AION (Fast Track) and it killed the game for the most part and a lot of ppl left the game. If this was to happen every single soul would be in the Safe channel which would kill the game also in the beginning they stated there is no safe zones in this game, and honestly i hope they dont change it.


Really, join red on Mushin, then get back to me.

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22 minutes ago, Cogbyrn said:

As much as I don't think this is necessarily a bad idea, I think this channel would be full all of the time, with constant complaints that it's too small to allow everyone in, so some still can't get their dailies done (especially during prime time).  It's the sort of thing where people would demand more "no PvP" channels until the actual PvP channels were basically empty, because why even go to them since the PvP itself doesn't seem to be rewarded in any tangible way?

True.  But that could also be solved.  The way channels are created dynamically, additional safe channels may also spawn.  Again, the default would load you into a normal channel, but when a safe channel nears capacity of course the server could allow for another to be created.

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22 minutes ago, CaffeGrigio said:


Really, join red on Mushin, then get back to me.


Your talking about a server that was full before even headstart 80% of BnS pop went to that server i know because i kept a eye out on server pop before headstart. Im just saying a channel like this would turn ppl away in a heart beat ive seen it time after time 

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1 minute ago, Ojnas said:


Your talking about a server that was full before even headstart 80% of BnS pop went to that server i know because i kept a eye out on server pop before headstart. Im just saying a channel like this would turn ppl away in a heart beat ive seen it time after time 


Who will be turned away? All the blues on Mushin who won't be able to spawn camp? All the blues who will be mad that they won't own all the servers, because OMG, someone not in there faction was able to farm a soul shield?


The overpowered factions aren't going to fix the problem.

The Underpowered factions CAN'T fix the problem.

so, propose something better...




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1 minute ago, CaffeGrigio said:


Who will be turned away? All the blues on Mushin who won't be able to spawn camp? All the blues who will be mad that they won't own all the servers, because OMG, someone not in there faction was able to farm a soul shield?


The overpowered factions aren't going to fix the problem.

The Underpowered factions CAN'T fix the problem.

so, propose something better...





Lol exactly this is not a PvE game ive played Korean version and it gets heavier in PvP especial once they release the new zones if you have problems know just wait till the new zones come to play. The only choice you have is get a group from your faction and have fun on them 

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1 minute ago, Ojnas said:


Lol exactly this is not a PvE game ive played Korean version and it gets heavier in PvP especial once they release the new zones if you have problems know just wait till the new zones come to play. The only choice you have is get a group from your faction and have fun on them 

I don't see how Blue vs [empty] is PvP.  The safe channel removes the penalty for being red (the penalty of never being able to do dailys) which should let the population increase over time to create a more balanced PvP, as opposed to the current system which is just a vacuum of everyone switching to blue.


How do you expect to pvp without opponents?

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1 minute ago, Callback said:

I don't see how Blue vs [empty] is PvP.  The safe channel removes the penalty for being red (the penalty of never being able to do dailys) which should let the population increase over time to create a more balanced PvP, as opposed to the current system which is just a vacuum of everyone switching to blue.


How do you expect to pvp without opponents?


they don't.

It's why they're here defending the imbalance, in truth, they don't even want pvp.

They want to spawn camp. They want to be able to farm insignias without interruption.

That's all it's about for them.

so, don't be fooled into thinking 'pvp' is what the overpowered factions want.

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2 minutes ago, Callback said:

I don't see how Blue vs [empty] is PvP.  The safe channel removes the penalty for being red (the penalty of never being able to do dailys) which should let the population increase over time to create a more balanced PvP, as opposed to the current system which is just a vacuum of everyone switching to blue.


How do you expect to pvp without opponents?


Well i dont know what to say buddy sounds like you have it tough on your server. 

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5 minutes ago, Ojnas said:


Well i dont know what to say buddy sounds like you have it tough on your server. 

Which is why I'm trying to help fix it and create a solution that makes it possible to both be red and progress in the game.  What reason do you have to defend the current one-sided system?  You seem to enjoy PvP, so I don't know why you would desire to see one side driven to extinction.

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3 minutes ago, Callback said:

Which is why I'm trying to help fix it and create a solution that makes it possible to both be red and progress in the game.  What reason do you have to defend the current one-sided system?  You seem to enjoy PvP, so I don't know why you would desire to see one side driven to extinction.


I love pvp and enjoy it keep in mind i usually run Solo or with my buddy waiting on Guildies to lvl up so that they can join me we have a static group/guild that we have been playing for 7 years know and we have no problem taking out large groups, and my views on a safe channel ive seen it in many MMO's and alot of my pvp buddies left it because of it perfect example was AION with that stupied fast track channel killed rifting

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2 hours ago, Cogbyrn said:

As much as I don't think this is necessarily a bad idea, I think this channel would be full all of the time, with constant complaints that it's too small to allow everyone in, so some still can't get their dailies done (especially during prime time).  It's the sort of thing where people would demand more "no PvP" channels until the actual PvP channels were basically empty, because why even go to them since the PvP itself doesn't seem to be rewarded in any tangible way?

If they implemented this, and this is what happens, then it would only be evidence of a bigger problem. It would simply mean people don't want open world pvp for one reason or another, and at that point, they have more issues they need to fix...

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I may not like the imbalances, and I may not get some dailies done at times due to it. However I WILL NOT support any form of a "safe" channel..ever.


I've seen that ruin so many games. It'd be 1 thing if you were forced to be in pvp non stop, however it's a flag system in BnS, so there isn't a need for any "safe channels"

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22 minutes ago, Flareon said:

No, daily faction quests are risk/reward you run the risk of getting pk'd for them that's the point, it'd be too easy otherwise.  If you do this make it so you get half the rewards if you did it on the safe channel. 

Or better yet, you could do on the "safe channel" and get no faction contribution, and 1 ss per quest. Nothing more, and no loot bag option.

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So the  PK-ers and the Griefers don't want a non PVP channel because they would have nobody to kill anymore or bully, the only reason most players join a specific faction just so they  do not get bullied, because it's impossible to fight back when the numbers are 80-20 or 90-10 on some servers.


First of all: I don't enjoy PVP in BnS, never enjoyed pvp when is not based on skill  but on gear and lvl, the only pvp I really enjoyed and cringed sometimes is Tera.


I do agree with a non PVP channel, but I also agree that   should not be the same  rewards, if the PVP channel has 4 Soulstone reward to a quest, the non pvp channel should have 2 soulstne rewards, basically the rewards should be cut in half, thus  making players choose high risk/grief  high reward, low risk/low reward.


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1 hour ago, Udunnome said:

I get my ass roflolstomped because I dunno how to PVP properly, have good gear or am part of a group. But that's how PvP is, it's never fair. Penalties for dying here are too small to get bothered with. Just res and move on. 

Carebear mode - ON.


Nobody would  complain if there was a better way to get Ss, an item that is way too expensive to buy ( 30silver for 1 on my server) , and you need like tons of it,  basically you need it everywhere, crafting , evolving...  so basically you are forced to do something  that not everybody enjoys doing. 


Edit: think of it like this, not everybody smokes, but because some smoke  there is a special place dedicated for smokers so that they don't affect nonsmokers,  so  here should be the same, not everyone likes to PVP  so make a special place for non-PVP  to grind on these.  So far the owpvp in BnS is a joke,  just a place for  tards to grief other players for the lulz

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1 minute ago, syrusstk said:


Nobody would  complain if there was a better way to get Ss, an item that is way too expensive to buy ( 30silver for 1 on my server) , and you need like tons of it,  basically you need it everywhere, crafting , evolving...  so basically you are forced to do something  that not everybody enjoys doing. 

Being a PvP oriented game it's naturally to be "forced" to PvP. Not all things related to game stuff should be so available to everyone. PvE to PvP to PvE to PvP, that's in my opinion the normal style of a good MMO.

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9 minutes ago, Udunnome said:

Being a PvP oriented game it's naturally to be "forced" to PvP. Not all things related to game stuff should be so available to everyone. PvE to PvP to PvE to PvP, that's in my opinion the normal style of a good MMO.


Sorry to say this to you but this is not a good MMO, is a nice looking MMO not a good one,  it gets boring really fast, also  most mmos pvp has a separate reward be it in cosmetics or items, gear specially dedicated for pvp ,  but in BnS the owPvP reward ( and I mean Ss)  are needed everywhere, so is not a do if you like it's a do because you must, forcing someone into doing something they don't like it's like asking them to quit, because why play something that just  pisses you off 


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1 minute ago, syrusstk said:


Sorry to say this to you but this is not a good MMO, is a nice looking MMO not a good one,  it gets boring really fast, also  most mmos pvp has a separate reward be it in cosmetics or items, gear,  but in BnS the PvP reward ( and I mean Ss)  are needed everywhere, so is not a do if you like it's a do because you must, forcing someone into doing something they don't like it's like asking them to quit, because why play something that just  pisses you off 


Most MMOs I have played used the style I just described. Imagine a mass PvP, like 200 vs 200 so 1 person gets 1 earring, out of 200 ppl, and probably it's not even you. This is why I chose BNS.

Although now I am waiting for more content because indeed the current end game is a bit lacking. And honestly open world PvP in BNS is not what I expected. "Farming channels" are not my style. This is softcore PvP, that's why I don't understand the reason for this topic. Open world PvP is normally mass PvP style. Go with a group, avoid stronger enemies,etc. 

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38 minutes ago, Udunnome said:

Most MMOs I have played used the style I just described. Imagine a mass PvP, like 200 vs 200 so 1 person gets 1 earring, out of 200 ppl, and probably it's not even you. This is why I chose BNS.

Although now I am waiting for more content because indeed the current end game is a bit lacking. And honestly open world PvP in BNS is not what I expected. "Farming channels" are not my style. This is softcore PvP, that's why I don't understand the reason for this topic. Open world PvP is normally mass PvP style. Go with a group, avoid stronger enemies,etc. 


You don't seem to get it, what group? when there is 80-20, 90-10 faction ratio, you eighter change faction to the dominant o just move on to other mmos  that is how good pvp is :))  if this is not enough proof.


I played I think all action mmos out there, and can say  that  the only game  where you could manage even with bad gear or low lvl  was Raiderz,  where small reaction time and skill  kept you alive.   

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