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STILL THE SAME ISSUE, 1.5 DAYS LATER... Honestly i can't buy the stuffs that i need, i can't make my progress that i need.........................

And wow... i am soon so freaking done with this game it's increadible. 

First maintenance in 3 times for like 5 hours in middle daylight in EU, then server take downs recent days for HOURS, AH that doesn't even work at all, not even the character profile static tab works, i mean WTF.... 



Like i said, so done with this shizzness. 


Still not to mention the worst PC optimization ever, 20FPS + with this PC Spec lol. 64P BF4 Maps loads faster and playes better. 

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Nope, but i am about to do a factory PC Reset as i wanna clean it over again, have so much shit on it, but it's far from being a problem, but i like i said have much to get rid of. 

But this seems to be connected to the last days of server issues, when the lag appeared and some others have same issue. 

So maybe it will help, i'll do the factory reset tonight, so i have my hopes up for that even if i think that's not the problem.


I Appreciate your time trying to help me mate. 

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not to mention i tried many times and that error thing when i try to reg a sell counts it as sell and apparently i reached daily maximum even tho i didnt put anything for sale... no commment NC u nailed it rly .....

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