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Need help with things tutorial didnt tell me


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right click on a name in chat and select block down near the bottom of the list. if you want to clear your block list open your friends window and tab over to the ignore list. then "release" everything and start over.


also. Dumplings and some food items are the only way to heal out of combat. if you're buying them from a merchant you're doing it wrong. you can get them for about 10c in the market place and wont need more than 10-20 at a time since you can replenish almost everything you use just through drops.


if you're feeling like you have to rest and eat too much, work on your blocks, iframes, and in combat health restoration abilities.


I play as a lvl 45 KFM and even when doing dungeons such as the big 4 and Poharan i wont ever even pop a potion unless im down to about 30% and looking really shaky since my skill set can often let me get back up to 100% again just through chaining some of my skills properly.

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4 minutes ago, Sinlaire said:

right click on a name in chat and select block down near the bottom of the list. if you want to clear your block list open your friends window and tab over to the ignore list. then "release" everything and start over.


also. Dumplings and some food items are the only way to heal out of combat. if you're buying them from a merchant you're doing it wrong. you can get them for about 10c in the market place and wont need more than 10-20 at a time since you can replenish almost everything you use just through drops.


if you're feeling like you have to rest and eat too much, work on your blocks, iframes, and in combat health restoration abilities.


I play as a lvl 45 KFM and even when doing dungeons such as the big 4 and Poharan i wont ever even pop a potion unless im down to about 30% and looking really shaky since my skill set can often let me get back up to 100% again just through chaining some of my skills properly.

good post. But OP is asking about how to block in pvp not how to block bots.

I'm assuming you're still a low level, OP, since you are asking basic questions. 

Anyways, depending on the class, you might not be able to block at all. But you have other skills to compensate blocking. And, again, depending on your class, you might not get those compensating skill until you are a higher level. But if you tell us your class, I'm sure we will able to provide better input.

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I'll admit I haven't gotten too high level, but as far as I'm aware, only blademasters have a "Block", though two other classes have something similar.

KFM have a counter, which lasts a fairly short time, but ends in an immediate counter attack when attacked into.

Assassin have a parry (I believe?) which lasts a decent length of time, and results in an immediate teleport behind the enemy into stealth if attacked into.


(edit:  And I'm 99% sure all three of those classes had training on said ability during the lvl 4-15ish training sessions.)


and I think some other classes have skills that can be upgraded to block/parry during activation in certain trees.  (I believe Destroyers "Ram" for instance, can be upgraded to parry attacks during the approach.)


(edit:  And forgot, Destroyers get a shield skill around lvl 18 or so that I guess is a block, though it's cooldown is *very* long.)

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Tutorial was pretty lack luster imo. Taught me a couple of combos, but it didn't teach me how to defend myself as a KFM


When you're dazed you can use some things

When you're stunned you can use some things

When you're knocked down you can use some things...


These things sometimes only can be used for a split second and leveling you never get a good opportunity to see what does what

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I think every class gets at least 1 damage resist skill. Summoner gets one that is an almost carbon copy of the assassins 2 key, stealth included, and I believe they get one involving the cat latter? I'm fairly sure Balde Dancer also has a block or counter of some sort, though I have no clue about Force Master.


Also @Dremlock, the class specific tutorial usually do a pretty good job of explaining the general use of the skill up to level 15 or so.

Also, the skills themselves have DESCRIPTIONS, which include REQUERIMENTS to trigger the skill. Might want to read those.

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you have to learn to do most things just by reading the skills tooltips a ton.(in the skill menu(k)).  There are lots of customization options for skills depending on what you spend skill points on.  Unfortunately, the translations are poor as f.  So, ya.


I recommend using the icon view.  The list view is just terrible and confusing.

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I did enjoy my violet quests  with brother hajoon.Try to memorize what he teach you.The rest i learn by reading what the skill do and trial and error.Also the points you are putting into your skills(press K)give you idea about what works and what doesn't.

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2 hours ago, Dremlock said:

Tutorial was pretty lack luster imo. Taught me a couple of combos, but it didn't teach me how to defend myself as a KFM


When you're dazed you can use some things

When you're stunned you can use some things

When you're knocked down you can use some things...


These things sometimes only can be used for a split second and leveling you never get a good opportunity to see what does what


Yea I thought it was really weird, it doesnt even cover the various options when you 'die' besides 1 but at least with that you have time to read them. These reactive skills should have been in the training sessions, in my case Id already been using the combos so it didnt teach me anything I couldnt easily learn or practice while questing. Pretty hard to practice timing reacting to a knockdown when youre trying not to die.


The skills that you learn while leveling up could really use a notice as well.

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just to clarify some random things mentioned in the thread:


blade dancer has a 0.5 sec window to parry during their spin move, destroyers can trait their whirlwind to do the same and can trait their 48 sec cooldown stone shield to be 24 sec with 1 sec reduction per wedge attack (punching someone whole holding them) , force masters can't block at all, but they can freeze solid and become damage immune


at least this is what I have learned while playing or watching friends play/complain about the classes

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