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Why the BM badmouthing?


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So far I have only played one class to 45: Assassin.  That is because the mechanics and speed of the class intrigued me.  I wanted to learn the game before leveling up my BM which I had been hoping would become my main.  However, I am hearing nothing but bad-mouthing on BM as a PvP class.  Everyone always says that it is so easy to beat one and that you have to REALLY outplay your opponent because they have a big advantage. 


What makes BM so weak in 1v1 PvP?  I would like to hear truthfully so I can look out for what makes it weak and try my best to compensate. 

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BM is missing 2 strong skills they won't receive till level 50.


BMs are not bad you can go plat+ with them with a little more effort than some of the classes have to put into it. Most get a bad wrap cause they sit behind their block and still get owned like idiots.


Long story short, if you want to play a BM do it. I switched from assassin and just got my BM to 45 and I'm enjoying him so far. I suck at pvp and have only made it to 1700 so far though.


You can watch someone climb 1500 to plat whos actually a good player on the twitch below.



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To my girlfriend don't like pvp and she have a summoner, she have 9wins and 1 loses, 1617 of ratting she say only spam buttons.


I love pvp but i have a BM and is really really hard to win img betwen 1550 - 1620 rating, and i have played a lot y no paso de deso.


BM: have a lot of control "defensive" skiills but the other clasees cant be controled by yours skills for the most of the time and yours defences  the same thing happens.

It is apparently strong but nothing works as it seems in pvp

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Pretty muh exactly what 2nd post said plus theres also hongmoon block iframe

BM is seriously lacking points and it's pretty bad before lv40s. When ppl first time try pvp as BM in 20 or 30 I can guarantee they get roflstomped


I myself grinded all but 2 classes to gold at lv36 and BM was by far most difficult. This was purely due the lack of skills. It was constant uphill when you were missing so darn much :S

Eventually I ran into one gold destroyer twice who gave me eazy points and I climbed to gold. Tht lil fvktard had relied to fact that nobody couldnt counter grab earlier, 5sec spam into counterable move every friking single time


Next 2 asian patches will buff Blade masters

Next patch expecially is gonna be very yummy. Wait till opponent has wasted tab and spam shit outta draw stance RB during Flock of Blades

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I decided to start off as another class simply because they have heavy focus usage and little ways to recover it. Their guard is also underwhelming compared to Kungfu Master's guard that resists damage on successful counter. choosing BM after playing assassin is like downgrading to windows 98 from windows 7, i don't recommend it.


You could perform far better as another class than wasting your time and effort in learning blade master, they say KFM is hard but it's much more worth mastering KFM over Blade Master imo.. even after the buff it will still be difficult

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7 minutes ago, Snowbunny said:

Pretty muh exactly what 2nd post said plus theres also hongmoon block iframe

BM is seriously lacking points and it's pretty bad before lv40s. When ppl first time try pvp as BM in 20 or 30 I can guarantee they get roflstomped


I myself grinded all but 2 classes to gold at lv36 and BM was by far most difficult. This was purely due the lack of skills. It was constant uphill when you were missing so darn much :S

Eventually I ran into one gold destroyer twice who gave me eazy points and I climbed to gold. Tht lil fvktard had relied to fact that nobody couldnt counter grab earlier, 5sec spam into counterable move every friking single time


Next 2 asian patches will buff Blade masters

Next patch expecially is gonna be very yummy. Wait till opponent has wasted tab and spam shit outta draw stance RB during Flock of Blades

 I agree. The class is highly reliant on skill points do not go in early you'll get frustrated almost all of our CC is tied to skill points. I took assassin to 1700 at level 28 because they get their toolkit earlier and with few skill points you can't do this with the BM..unless you're an amazing player which I am not.

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I may be able to do better with another class, but I already have that with the Assassin.  I want to play BM.


So I am seeing that there are no reliable ways to get HP back.  Also, from these posts I am gathering that the block is unreliable (so I need to get good with using it at the last second).  I will wait until 45 to try Arena based on what is being said about the skill points. 

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11 more skill points will be available come Feb 10th. This greatly shores up our current build issues, where you're having to make choices between chi regen, CC, damage, and can never really come up with something "complete." The HM skills are released with content - so it's very likely that even when we get "the 50 patch," it will actually be quite a few content updates after that before we have all the HM skills. I believe I heard Jaesung mentioning that the HM Block (or maybe Z?) is from pretty recent content. 


We will be getting HM 4 with Feb 10 patch, which can be pretty fun. Definitely not a game changer, but it does offer some fun options including the big lightning field AOE. 


Either way, I really enjoy BM main as it is. Yes it's not easy... but I honestly don't want to rank up easily because I'm playing a strong class. Not only would I naturally gain less skill over time, but I'd be playing a class that I don't enjoy as much as my BM just because it's stronger. 

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Blademaster at the moment is very skillpoint starved.
Playing a Blademaster at a viable/competable level is extremely difficult compared to other classes. AAlaguna is a 2100 diamond assassin who mained BM before and is stuck at 1650 gold with his BM. SS_PvP on the other hand is a diamond BM and plays incredibly well, it's unreal.
The biggest issue with what is currently left of BM is that your rotation has to be absolutely flawless if you want a chance. Where a destroyer can simply kill you if your tab is on cd (and they have plenty of ways to bait this out) you as a BM to compete with the type of damage destroyers can dish need to do a 20-22 button combo that includes 6-7 cc's which puts you at about 50-60% of the damage of a decent ani cancel dps, that's how underpowered BM is atm.

What will change at the 50+hongmoon patch afaik

1) Our Z throw with hongmoon level pierces defense and stuns for 3 sec. This is incredibly huge because it's basically like assassin shuriken where the only counter is iframing it. If not, you'll be stunned for 3 sec and you're in for a lot of trouble or tab out which means you're in even more trouble since we still have everything left. Any good rotation followup after tab with the new lightning draw is gonna decimate people.

2) as mentioned before. Lightning draw hongmoon. This is basically your blade call but instantly from lightning draw itself. The damage is comparable but it's extra if the target is cc'd i think. This means u don't have to perfectly time your 5 sec blade call anymore and can opt for that anti grab one i think.

3) Hongmoon block. I'm not entirely sure but i think on a succesful parry or block you get 5 seconds of CC immunity. during this time window u can be super aggressive.

4) Iframes: As far as i know we get 2 additional iframes which by itself is a pretty big deal. You can notice right now that our iframes are just not cutting it, you always lack that little bit and this will surely help.

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Like I said before, I already have an assassin to feel OP with (and it feels super strong).  My BM is what I really wanted since learning about this game and is the class whose play style I have the most fun with.  At the moment, I am looking for help and advice on how to make the most with what we currently have so I can try to still do well.  Not going to back off simply because it might be the most difficult class presently to do well with. 


Any feedback on the build idea that I linked?

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16 minutes ago, Eldraed said:

Like I said before, I already have an assassin to feel OP with (and it feels super strong).  My BM is what I really wanted since learning about this game and is the class whose play style I have the most fun with.  At the moment, I am looking for help and advice on how to make the most with what we currently have so I can try to still do well.  Not going to back off simply because it might be the most difficult class presently to do well with. 


Any feedback on the build idea that I linked?

Damm man, same for me :) high-five 

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So....again I want to ask for feedback on my build I was considering for PvP.


Only thing I can really think might be off is that I am thinking that I might not be using Breeze all that much to make the 4 points worth it.  That is some really easy Focus generation though with some HP back.  Any platinum BMs browse these topics that could share their wisdom on what has been working? Or any BM close to platinum :-)



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8 hours ago, Eldraed said:

So....again I want to ask for feedback on my build I was considering for PvP.


Only thing I can really think might be off is that I am thinking that I might not be using Breeze all that much to make the 4 points worth it.  That is some really easy Focus generation though with some HP back.  Any platinum BMs browse these topics that could share their wisdom on what has been working? Or any BM close to platinum :-)



I'm was at 1787 at one point as BM and used almost the same build (Except I had the last skill point placed into the Anklebiter skill instead of the Take Flight skill.  Your build is very similar to s_PvP's  build, which is what I based mine off of.  I suggest you check s_PvP out on Twitch and watch some of his previous videos.  He's a awesome CN/TW Diamond Blade Master who has been playing the NA version of game.  Hope this help :)

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