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Idk how people complain that summoners are OP, with 1 cc skill, 1(2) counter skills, (and 3 long cd retreat skills)


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24 second cd on grasping roots, 36 second cd on backstep 12 on tag team (though this skill can get you wrecked against any meeles pretty much. 12 seconds on retreat (which never seems to work and you only get to use it in a .25 second time spam or else you dont get to use it at all.  Seed shroud works like 50% of the time, like when a destroyer/blade dancer uses a spin, it won't counter it like ever. We have burst damage that seems to be resisted most of a fight. Only time you can spam that rumblebees is if your cat pins them down, then after that, they resist it again 9/10 times. I am gold in 1v1s and gold in tag teams, but I am telling you, the more and more I play, the more I realize that summoners are weak and easily countered.


Oh and don't let me forget... our cats are weak in pvp. yeah, we can put them to sleep for 5 seconds, but when you can fight them, 22k hp is easily removed. 


Oh and one more thing... blade dancers need a nerf.. putting my cat to sleep for 40 seconds is way over the line and them being able to resist all my cc (sorry, my grapsing roots) and doing massive amount of damage whilst doing loads of cc is a bit crazy. I know they are getting a nerf, but they seriously need it sooner, otherwise pvp is going to remain kind of boring to me because of all the blade dancers.

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I'll refrain from commenting on class, but I do agree about the short availability of retreat. However, once you start learning other classes you also start recognizing when that skill will become available. BM's, for example, it becomes open to use as soon as they knock you out of the air. 


I don't know if that's a good time to use it or not, but the point is you get used to it. For people with higher pings, GG, but I find it becomes easier as time goes on.

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I agree with the OP


Summoner is in fact a really weak class for PvP. I really don't get why people think they are OP. Without a doubt, all the good pvp players will tell you summoner is so easy to beat except for force masters because summoner can resist most of their attacks (ranged attacks only)


And it's true that to do any damage as a summoner you need to set up everything right..but most of our attacks/CC are resisted..literally every class. 

Pressing E once will not save you ...I only play 3v3 and summoner is only good for assists so you can heal your team and do some burst damage with sunflower cuz you have full focus when you assist. 


1v1 Summoner is good up till gold, but after that you will get wrecked by other classes. 

3v3 summoner is only good for assists, but if you are fighting and the other team uses their assists on you, you and your cat will die easily.


We have no sustained damage, in defense mode cat barely does any damage. If you put it in fight mode skill point, it dies in 2 hits.


People just complaining summoner is OP but really they are weak as hell in 3 v3 and slightly better than average in 1 v1 (only lower level).


Also...lmao...summoner will be even weaker because our level 50 skills will suck. Someone made a post about summoners that was very accurate.....basically, as you level, summoners don't really get much more powerful, they just get some buffs to defensive skills which are useless in 3 v3 when you get assisted against.


All I can do is hide in my petal storm ,seed shroud, spam LMB and doom n bloom, hoping that my cat will somehow get a knockdown or pin, so i can burst with sunflower. and if i use rumblebees, the 0.3 cast time is so shit for the damage, like 1k damage and u have to stand and shoot to burst........god dam summmoners suck against good players, only good against noobs

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summoner is indeed the most op class in this lv45 patch. Whoever cannot get a pla ranking with this class this patch can might as well dun play pvp anymore. But however lv50 its another story all class will be quite equal when they get their hongmoon skill. but now without a doubt its summoner the most op class 

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I'll tell you from KFM perspective. To beat summoner a KFM has to master 3RF ani-canceling and connect stun chain perfectly so that both summoner and the cat is affected.


Now what does summoner player has to do? Roll his face on the keyboard till high gold or plat. Of course, after that it becomes a nightmare for them when they face people with perfected combos.


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I fought against a summoner before in the lv30s, I just outright kill the cat even if they are rooting me, since the cat is their main source of damage.


And I'm using an assassin, that relies on stealth to dish out damage.


Mainly, even if you are rooted, you can still 'move' about using counter, Q, and other moves that can teleport you.


Then I spam LMB + X + RMB combo to gain focus and use it up rapidly, to attack the cat which is basically hitting me normally.


The damage I did was so high that after the cat died and I was still rooted, I can still teleport to the summoner who tried to call the cat back, due to the tiny arena.


I don't use the full extensive list of skills for my Assassin though and I generally go all out offensive, which doesn't work against some other classes (Don't have all the escape skills yet). But when I manage to stealth, I spam RMB + F to critical heart stab and critical lightning pierce, which does insanely rapid dps.


PVP would be fine in open world if we did not have upgradable weapons that could be passed down to lower levels and such... Way too easy to exploit for those who knows what items is needed. Arena seems to be based on level and matchmaking so you might win low level matches and suddenly fight someone with much more hp than you.

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