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PVP A little broken and boring.


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So far, I am only level 20, but it is always one sided I've noticed when coming to levels. I found myself fighting somebody who was only one level ahead of me, and they seemed to have one shotted me. I feel this game could use a simple balance system where levels don't matter so much. I mean they should, the person spent more time playing the game, but I can't see why it should that much. Like why should I wait until max level to start pvping? It is not fun. Even if I was a higher level it still isn't fun... :/ not really sure what else to say that would change peoples mind, but it was a little disappointing to see. 2-3 levels ahead I can see, but not 1. Sorry, lame.

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If you were one-shotted by someone around your level then you must have been pvping in the open world.


OW pvp is not and cannot logically be balanced around skill as long as gear remains a pertinent factor, so don't put on a faction costume and do open world pvp if you're expecting a fair match up. That's what the arena is for.

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Don't know if you're a troll or what but I'm gonna end you're stupidy right there:

* Levels (stats) don't matter in the arena

* The only thing your level does is give you access to your skills

* You could go into pvp wearing not a single bo pae (soul shield) and the training weapon and still murder people

* Every class has the potential to be really good look into your own skill before posting stuff like this and consider getting good at the game.

* Have fun and enjoy a mmorpg that actually has a complex 1v1 scene.

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my experience at this point...most people are just trying to level.  You do run across some skirmishes, but it's not really a big deal.  I had on Bamboo guard in Jadestone village, and I saw and engaged in a few fights.  It was entertaining.  No one was running around with OP gear and slaughtering every player anywhere.  Granted, this is the farthest I've gotten so far, so I don't know about further areas.  However, there are plenty of out of the way places where you can put on a faction costume without being noticed.

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Yeah I'm all for practicing in PVP, but there isn't much practice when you can't really find a ratio to work out your skills in. Like you're telling me the arena is balanced, an end game sort of thing, yet the open world where newbs are involved isn't? It seems like a system built around ganking, I mean why else would you put on the faction gear? Even at a lower level, you go back and gank newbs. lol Nobody higher is going to be standing around protecting them... I'm just saying I feel that newbs when being ganked should atleast have a fighting chance. Yeah take off the faction gear, you can do that, but it simply takes a players ability to participate in an open world function that really is only catered to higher level players.

By all means when I am a higher level I will go back and try and play the good guy since everyone just lets it happen don't have any real interest in the lore based side of the game. I mean it would be fun to implement such a thing. Don't get me wrong, I really do see the fun of the PVP in this game, I  simply cannot wait to get stronger and get better at the game, I love the fact there's open world PVP and it's oh such a cool system. But I just don't see any benefit to wearing a faction garb other than getting ganked or ganking newbs. lol There's no protecting newbs, or even doing missions for that faction might earn you extra xp/gold, would be really sick to see.

I'm so sorry if this just seems like a blind rant to you guys, I am not here to bash the game, I really enjoy it, a lot of good quality stuff, some of the best animations I've seen. It is really fun. I just think there could be some tweaking in terms of newbs not getting their ass kicked, I'm level 20, no matter how good I might feel I am with the combos and the button pressing, I'll never feel confident doing any sort of PVP until I am max level. That is cutting out a good 90% of the PVP for me, since I will really only be spending my time PVE stuff, I'm impatient and I want to go around protecting other players from getting ganked. :P Would be a fun job!!

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48 minutes ago, Kraken801 said:

Considering the PVP is one of the MOST BALANCED on the market haha....

For an MMO that doesn't really mean much. Regardless, some classes are a lot easier to play than others. You know which ones.


OW PvP is just for giggles. If you want to actually PvP do arena. Stats are equalized but you have more skills/skill points as you level up. You can arena pretty successfully starting at around 33-35 or so depending on class. And again, some classes are a lot easier to play than others.

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It's OW PvP... what do you want from it? Not really anyway to balance that. 


Also, one level shouldn't make that much difference. I've worn my faction armor almost the entire time I've had it, and I've fought lots of people several levels above me. Are you really undergeared? Make sure you're upgrading your equipment. 

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7 hours ago, Voretechz said:

I never get bored of laughing at people who think the PvP is broken just because they are bad. lol

Just because I'm new doesn't mean I'm bad. lol I'm sorry I don't know how to get out of grips and every time I do it's because I just died. rofl


Anwyays if a fresh level 15 can manhandle a 45... then I don't know, I'm playing an assassin so that's probably why. lol

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You dying a lot has everything to do with your play style and skill level. I'm not going to be the one to come in here and say that you're bad because you just might be new to the game or something, but if you're dying as often as you say you are, you're not doing something right. In the open world, are you keeping a 360 degree eye out when roaming around? Or do you just roam around carelessly with your costume on expecting not to get ganked? For me, I literally have to be paranoid when roaming around in my costume. That way I am aware of what's going on around me most of the time, and if I see someone sneaking up (costume or not), I keep a peripheral eye on that person until they are out of my vicinity. If that person decides to attack or come near me, at least I know that there is a 50% chance or more that they are out to kill me and can take the necessary actions to move or counter. As far as higher levels attacking you. Unfortunately, you can't do anything as a lower level. That's how most games work when it comes to open world PvP. You either have to suck it up, find ways to avoid them, or take your costume off until you're comfortable enough to put it back on again. This game gives you the choice to PvP out in the open world, so I'm not sure why I keep seeing these kinds of posts popping up. If you don't want to get ganked at lower level, take off your costume!

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14 minutes ago, byazurabyazurabyazura said:

Like I'll be landing all my hits on a combo, but all a player has to do is force choke me and I'm done rofl stupid shitty boring ways to die xD

You don't have your tab specced to get out of Phantom Grip. Player error.

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Okay I should explain what happened. I saw a level 21 in jadestone ganking some newbs and guards, so I'm like hey we're roughly the same level, so I initiated the combo you learn from hajoon, bomb, turning leaf, detonate, shadow dash, spam them with stabs, but as soon as they got up before I knew it I was dead. Their health bar was unscathed. So I thought hey I'll give it another go, do another successful volley, but as soon as they got up again, dead. lol

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First things first....there is no GANKING in this game, from the moment you equip your faction gear you  ARE prepared for combat with anyone. 

Even if a lvl 45 comes and kills you it is YOUR choice to put on faction gear.


Also question because i am an assasin aswell and i i start to "spam them with stabs" as you say in world pvp they die after 2 hits,

do you have your weapon and jewels upgraded and evolved? do you have the lvl 20 Purple Soul shield from blackram dungeon?


If you did not and the other guy has it's easy for him to one shot you and you to never damage him if he has like 2 times your defence and attack stats

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Byazura, I believe you read the comments above incorrectly- Open World PvP is fairly unbalanced until max level (45 then 50 next patch).


The PvP that IS balanced in Arena PvP... everyone has the same stats, the only difference is what skills you have, and your spec points.

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1 minute ago, DankDuck1 said:

Byazura, I believe you read the comments above incorrectly- Open World PvP is fairly unbalanced until max level (45 then 50 next patch).


The PvP that IS balanced in Arena PvP... everyone has the same stats, the only difference is what skills you have, and your spec points.

So then what is open world pvp for? xD I refuse to believe it's for high levels to *cricket* around and gank newbs. I mean there's no playable lore to that, sure I can equip my clothes and just be ego fodder for higher levels. But I WANNA FIGHT lol. I'll try my best to ignore it for now. What level is it that the arena is unlocked?

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