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Remove the Queues Unless You Want to Lose A LOT of People


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On 1/21/2016 at 2:47 PM, Kuroshikon said:

You know queues are because the server is full at the time right? Its not just introduced for no reason.


On 1/21/2016 at 2:48 PM, Kujo said:

Everyone on the internet wants to play this. No one is leaving. Good news is they opened new servers so your crying can stop now hopefuly.


On 1/21/2016 at 2:50 PM, BossTuff said:

All servers have maximum capacities, they're not some magic portal that can fit in as many players as you want. I would rather have the queue than to have the game lagging badly.


If they remove the queue i'm 101% sure players will start bi tching about the lag. Its an endless cycle.


On 1/21/2016 at 2:49 PM, Aimscoes said:

And then lose even more players becuase the server will lag the *cricket* out. Idiot. 


ignore the stupid comments especially the ones that comes from people with IQ of a donkey.


Now here's a legit question: can the publisher have a hand in such thing happening like queues ? Definitely yes, however, since we don't know the intentions of english ncsoft we can't assume by any mean that they want to ruin their own game.

Still queues are somewhat profit in case you didn't notice there's yet to be cash op stuff in game so the current market is not as profitable as premium which is with current perks completely useless except for one thing the queue priority.


So the point is, you don't cause the queues on purpose but you use them for your case which is legit in some way. obviously ncsoft can do a lot to reduce the queues to almost nothing by expanding servers, adding more servers, blocking bots ip...etc and all of that can be done under a week but don't forget that we had no OBT because ncsoft brought this game almost unfunded or with so little money that's why it took so many years to come out, and CBTs were plain cash as well.


disgusting how CEO think by giving green light to 3 years old version and not to be prepared at all they can still make money outta it as it suppose

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13 minutes ago, Cupofcinno said:

Ok. So you try to go to a shop but there is a queue of people trying to buy their stuff. You become irritated so you basically ask the shop manager to remove these people in the queue for your own benefit.


Sounds pretty legit


Yeah, that doens't really work. Unlike a shop that is a REAL place, the managers of this game can just add more server or increase the server capacity without having to rebuild their stablishment or buying other locales or buildings that are nearby in order to increase the shop's capacity. All they have to do is hook up more hardware and configure it. Much easier than demolishing walls or moving your shop to a bigger place.

Unless their server room is actually full and has no more space, in which case it is a bit of a problem.


In any case, the queues are there to stop the servers from melting and crashing down. Then NOBODY gets to play. So they do serve a purpose. The fact that NCsoft can sell Signatures on the side is just a capitalist bonus for the crisis. What we should we worried about is that they apparently weren't prepared.

Though, no matter! Once the 'new game' shine wears off and the queues *cricket* a large chunk of their customers (who will leave for games that have no queues) everything will be back to normal.

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The response to Blade & Soul has been overwhelming and as you can see has gone beyond our expectations. While the game has been out long in other regions, we knew we had to be prepared for the West, and we have been for most part. The servers have been stable for most part (except for this morning where our ISP experience an outage that cannot be forseen) and we've been working on bringing up new servers to push new player traffic into these servers to reduce queue.


We can absolutely do more and we will be doing more.

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atm 9 hours waiting in the queue in windrest and still 700 premium and 750 non premium in front of me yay, queue&wait its cool , removing afkers and bots should be the first step to start resolving the queues i think.


edit: now the game has frozen while i was in the queue very nice!! T.T

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17 minutes ago, Hime said:

The response to Blade & Soul has been overwhelming and as you can see has gone beyond our expectations. While the game has been out long in other regions, we knew we had to be prepared for the West, and we have been for most part. The servers have been stable for most part (except for this morning where our ISP experience an outage that cannot be forseen) and we've been working on bringing up new servers to push new player traffic into these servers to reduce queue.


We can absolutely do more and we will be doing more.


Some people just have completely unreasonable expectations. I expect NCSoft to do better over time, especially as the numbers of players stabilizes.

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Queues have been the standard to MMOs for a long time. I'm a software developer myself and I find that all "standards" need to be examined. 


I understand that from a business perspective, it makes no sense to dump a large amount of resources on unsustainable servers; lets face it, within 2-3 months, queues will probably be gone.


On the other hand, I am willing to put money in this game (I'm also a whale spender as some might call, $1,000 on Atlantica Online, $500 on Puzzle and Dragons). There are other games coming out this month and I am a game hopper. It's NCSoft's lost (not the developers, but the publisher) if they don't figure out a way to captivate whales like myself. 

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56 minutes ago, Arathos said:





ignore the stupid comments especially the ones that comes from people with IQ of a donkey.


Now here's a legit question: can the publisher have a hand in such thing happening like queues ? Definitely yes, however, since we don't know the intentions of english ncsoft we can't assume by any mean that they want to ruin their own game.

Still queues are somewhat profit in case you didn't notice there's yet to be cash op stuff in game so the current market is not as profitable as premium which is with current perks completely useless except for one thing the queue priority.


So the point is, you don't cause the queues on purpose but you use them for your case which is legit in some way. obviously ncsoft can do a lot to reduce the queues to almost nothing by expanding servers, adding more servers, blocking bots ip...etc and all of that can be done under a week but don't forget that we had no OBT because ncsoft brought this game almost unfunded or with so little money that's why it took so many years to come out, and CBTs were plain cash as well.


disgusting how CEO think by giving green light to 3 years old version and not to be prepared at all they can still make money outta it as it suppose



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