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Everything posted by RavTH

  1. so I was right they just let you hit them without doing any thing like iframes/ssing or cat interrupting since summoner was and is op in pvp they probably don't know how to pvp with their class so blaming would be another way.
  2. wait why badges and hearts need oils? wtf lol no wait why do we need more tiers of soul hearts badges w/e..? do we really need to make people do 100mill dps per second because next content will be just recolour bt with 700zillion hp?
  3. what would be interesting is mixing old, previous and new skill tree skills into your own build.
  4. eeh simple mode doesn't reflect any differences in pvp, you could win or lose no matter what, that summoners reactions were just slow, because you said you used bb and hold rmb so that means you were in stealth or out of stealth depending if you got hit and then what they did was just stand still for you to let rmb him? If you but it that way then he gave up or couldn't understand how to pvp with his class. can I see the video it might be cause of pveing that you got disliked for rather than using simple mode.
  5. It's pointles to say this but there are some players that disagree with that for some reason, but it's true that are making players more likely to leave on what they are keep on doing.
  6. p2w your way or grind for a year or two and see how it fits you.
  7. you can do Koldrak with under 1k ap tho since it will give way more when you do the ice mechs. Regardless saying stuff here wont get probably noticed by the people that can change the game... Sadly we're just beating a dead horse like they say.
  8. we will never receive those just like we never received the recent winning outfits...
  9. all yes from me. Edited 1.Making the Celestial Basin give more peaches for quests would be nice and decreasing the price for the accessories and badges. (since it's old content it shouldn't be grindy as new one right?) 2. Remove Koldrak from Being 12man and make it as a Dungeon Daily one time only like CS/HM but without orb. (6 Man is enough to prevent lags and the attack buff you get from there is plenty to even solo it.) 3. Remove them from CB and only inclue badges with a little discount once you finish certain part of the story line? 4. Yes but buff them up a little bit don't buff them for END GAME GEAR because it will be another fiesta, make them for gear that's like least Raven so everyone with mid gear could do that content. 5. Remove the useless soulshields that we no longer need and make outfits cheaper. 6. also add a way to obtain Chromatic threads like some kind of daily from that Clothing Merchant and not only from F10... 7. Read 4 and Outlaw Island make it so we can skip to Juna with some ticket instead of going all the way from the beginning... 8. I don't care about those but the benefits of being premium are minor in this game after F3 became free. But maybe we could have option to disable enable Windstride Effect. 9. Premium Stash was supose to be account bound but why did they change it? Can someone confirm this if Korea has it different? 10. Yes PTS is overkill for gear like that now that we need more PTS overall for other important accessories that will give us more dps like Bracelet. 11. Make Celestial Basin, Moon Refugee, and Zaiwei Ruins gems salvageable into Powders. (Make the Gilded/Dyed gems farmable for once! Gems don't have to be p2w they can be p2w fast obtaining them but make them OBTAINABLE and not P2W only!) 12. Bring Black Blackwrym and Terrors in Misty Woods and make them Stronger also include better rewards from them also SPIKE UP Faction Quests so they give more and don't leave Faction System dead like you did for the past 2 years now. Give Misty Woods Daily Faction Quests GOLD and more Faction Rank Points and MORE MORE MORE Insignias cause it's ridiculous that Clan outfit system is only for p2w clans right now as all designs are in F10 for some ** reason. Make Faction merchants give some of them. This would improve the game in terms of Balance.
  10. This "Stronghold Gold Boxes ninja nerfs from EL/SSM" needs to stop. Oh to late for that look at the player base. Using f9 is not a good way to make gold. Also Trove was possible for f2p players when Venture Tokens were in ToI, now that' they are gone simply Trove is locked by p2w and you know that pretty well I hope.
  11. What if there was no nerfs to daily gold income and venture tokens from ToI? Dreams.
  12. so perhaps this is your last reply?
  13. You don't know how this game works, I was like you once I was telling my self that I will one day catch up to end game gear but then I realized that it's useless even if I try to spend my entire day and night on the game. As you said you've been playing this for 1 year now so ofcourse you don't know how the economy, events, game balance and gearing up works. You can keep playing the game it's fun I love the combat system but gear gaps broke that if you want to endlessly grind and achieve nothing but disappointment by your means go head you should probably realize by now that content will be always locked for you so it doesn't matter how much you grind. to me double currency events are just cuttin your rewards that you are suppose to get twice as mcuh but instead you get less.
  14. Seems like you shifting topics from your gear to events? Well you don't have enough experience to talk abotu either or give any kind of tips to new players. From gearing PoV you don't have experience because you don't know the struggle of getting to Legendary weapon, unlike now you get it from story. Your research again I am going to ignore because you don't provide evidencial record of what you are trying to prove me here with saying "my research" if it's costs/upgrade mats calctuating that's a passive common thing to do not "my research" so you are not the only one who does that when playing MMO's Also double currency event is a money sink and an insult to an actual event.
  15. I see you twisted some of my points that are valid and still are vlid there and there also I didn't mean to point out your gear but you sounded like you knew pretty much about the game so I decided to check you out but sad thing I saw was your gear and this is not an elitist way to say I pitty you because of gear but on what you say on this forum is irevleant because you lack simple experience. Your gear might be decent to catch up but your experience and what you say about the game make your points even more non-valid in this forum which what you say is pretty much irrelevant as you don't know what it is like to spend thousands of gold to just upgrade 1 stage item. Unles you swipe your way which I am pretty sure you don't right? Now since you said about events. It's about how much it offers for that the amount of time you spend on it. Since you are new to the game you will soon find out the hard way on your own.
  16. 9 out of 10 F2P Player, I am sorry for correcting your gear. I saw your alts but they werent alts were they? Alts have more gear than that, wel maybe I saw another summoner with Asc Staff but it's not an actual gear for alt is it? It's a PvP Weapon didn't I said that PvP weapon is not suitable for farming? Mr. 9 out of 10 F2P Player. anyway I don't care about your gear but what you are saying here is now inrevvleant because you haven't played enough to reach the point where you will feel like quitting. If you are interested in my gear look up on forums I posted some videos about events and there you can find my in game name from youtube video. Also you spend all your materials on upgrading King Gloves instead of Necklase which would give you more DPS but who told you to make King Gloves maxed first? I don't know and I feel pitty for you now. Also you maxed out your weapon to Aransu Stage 9 why? Why not keep it as 6 since those last 3 stages don't give you anything but prove that you had extra mats and gold to use on your poor accessories. If you want more DPS always get your accessories to a decent level so your Aransu can be supported by them, since you need Elemental Damage for Aransu to show it's true potential. Also you said about that crafting Blodstones is to obtain them much quicker then only relaying on getting it from pvp, it is called focusing for a reason, all of your effort goes into a said action to speed up the process while damning everything else in order to finish. No it's not It's a gold sink and a mat sink and you don't really need them right now as I saw your gear, Also The reason why some people decide not to craft them is cause it's not faster, it's not reliable, it's a gold + mat sink and they reather farm them so they can save their mats and gold as a F2P player you should know by know that This game works like this, a F2P player spends a lot of time on grinding hardcore, then saving mats until a nerf to upgrade cost comes and then you jump few stages up with your gear. That's how F2P player works in this game, you wait for a nerf cost to upgrade with your hoarded mats, and not spend them on crafting that's not for you yet. If you want to reply again with another yet bad reaso why your gear is like this then play however you want but 9 out of 10 F2P player is a bit to much for you as I can see. I wonder whoever is reading this conversation is laughing for this.
  17. Primers are locked by raids because they require the currency, gold mats to just infuse into your soulshield and get rng % of the primer. Events are bad, I confirmed it by farming with 10 characters last Tower of Memory event and not getting more than 40 Sacred Vials, the Last Tower of Memory event that was the second one gave about 38 Sacred Oils with like 7 characters, that was event. Events we get now are no point spending in time for at all. also 80-90g is not that much but the fact that you need like 80-90g x 700 or more you will do the math by eyes and see how much gold you really need to just reach your pet to a decent tier. I did not forget the psyches I did mention them also the upcoming soulshields ones. Crafting Bloodstones is a gold+mat sink for the about you get back so don't say stupid thing like that, you would trap someone that's new on here if you do that. As I said the events are bad and I did more grinding than you for my soul with all the events that they provided us and what? not even True Cosmic because events alone are not good anymore. Or maybe the new one is? idk, I don't play this game but judging from Tower of Memory it left a bad impression of the events. Not to mention the other 3 back in between October and December that were pure trash. Over the course of 30 day endless spaming alts and main for event just to get what? like 20 pet pads/vials? cool! well you need like 400 more to make it relevant the time you put into the event, which is a joke. So you can't obtain "EASILY" enough vials or pet packs to make your time equal and relevant you spend on the event. GZ You played your self in a delusional cycle. The dungeons I listed above are old dungeons that you never probably played. I don't know about Brood chamber or Challenge mode but cool story. Step in Sundered Nexsus and see if you solve the puzzle with bomb, I bet not everyone remembers that. Who knows maybe you'll be lucky and need 1 bomb only. I am here because you are wrong about the game and as an more experienced player I am here to tell you why and if you are sorry because you are a different gamer that spending more time on BnS than your life will make you think that you are catching up at game then you are solidly wrong. Well I guess I am just a different kind of gamer than you are which there is nothing wrong with that. (But there is) I don't know what this 9 out of 10 means but I will ignore it as you have no proof or evidencial score for that record. But what you are accomplishing on bns is wasting your time than closing a gear gap. UNLESS You have already Grandcelesial Stage 6 or higher and not only Octa gems but Dyem Tris with already LEAST Stage 6 or 10 working towards Awakening Stage3 TT Accessories including the DoTA PvE Neck that you should have at stage 6 or above and your soul should not be Awakened Ascending Soul but like past True Cosmic stage on the way to The Last tier, then maybe you are what you say you are but it's sad when truth hurts. Anyway just an advice for you, don't max King Gloves before any accessory. Cricket ====== Since at the end you acted like a big shot I decided to look up you and your gear is not maxed, you have only 1 Psyche on your Bracelet, instead of maxed psyches like you mentioned. You simply lied, afer seeing your gear I can tell you are pretyty much NEW to the game and comparing my retired main gear or even alt with your account is a joke. Mr.F2P 9 out of 10 player.
  18. It seems like you don't understand what 6v6 is right now and why it's bad. ========THIS IS AN EXAMPLE========= I have for example 320k hp my pvp attack power is 1.4k my my pvp defense is 4-5k and I am in 1700 queue with DF 6 and decent gems including ruby stun for pvp. I have knowledge of every match up against my class, I do all the combos techasing anything that's possible to make my enemy trying not to move, but the damage I do does not compromise with what I would want to achieve. ================= I am damaging him yes, I am making his life harder yes, but can I kill them before someone comes in and jumps me? No, Why? Because they have better GEAR than me, How? Not including the maxed pet locked by P2W Wall but also they happen to have PvE gear to get BETTER PvP Gear which is obtainable from a PvE content like the Dens of Acient or whatever it's name was and primers which are raid locked. Also have you heard there are new psyche soulshields coming? Yeah it's PvE Gated too so there you go again. Now you mentioned something stupid here "If you want to pvp and do it correctly using the gear that isfor pvp, then suck it up and do it." I am not sure what's in your mind but that's not how it works, if you have a PvP Gear you do PvP right? Right then why do you need PvE gear to get PvP Gear to begin with? You wont be able to answer that question is it's the games fault for making it that way, the game wants you to do PvE mainly and PvP as a side thing but still you probably still don't understand and denying yourself in delusion that you need PvP Gear to get to that side PvP thing (gear only not arena). Now about that 6v6 is a PvE content you don't understand nor get that too but it's all about damage now not skill or how good you were, all you need to have is damage that's why it's called 6v6 PvE content and not PvP for some people that play or played the game. Also you mentioned primers which are locked by raids so there you go PvE locked PvP gear. I didn't tried Brood Chamber so I can't judge you but the dungeons still require less effort that's why you see people looking for BB/SB/1.3k or more idk because all you need is damage nowadays to just ignore phases and what not, and no I haven't tried challange mode I had offer from friend but I was hoping to do it with clan mates but they quit the game. Now if you're going to say again that all you need is hellion pvp gear and ivory/nova core soulshields with df weapon to compete in 6v6 you are wrong, What you need is to spend all your gold on high tier pet and then you have no gold to upgrade the rest of the gear unless you trove/rng box/swipe and have some jewels behind then yes but f2p player that's where you stop. MAYBE if you would have that gear BEFORE there was the new pvp gear, new gems and weapon then you could probably do some damage (really depends on what soul you have and how much piercing and gems etc...) also I am not going to mention this dyed gems or what ever they are called but people use those in 6v6 too and I saw their extra stats and also they are locked by huge P2W wall that is not easy to come by. As I said before the game is using the P2W distance/gap between F2P is like 2-3 years of grinding. Unless you yolo your entire gold on Windrest pouches and happen to have 50k gold then maybe you can reach to 1 year grinding gap. I might have made some mistakes or what not but you probably understand now that this game is beyond saving.
  19. I could give you another example the new dungeons we get now are purely about dps only max gear sb/bb blah blah now unlike we had Sundered Nexusu, Ebondare Citadel, Desolate Tomb and Naryu Foundry+Sanctum required you to do way more.
  20. I don't know what 6v6 luck you have to not be on losing team for the majority of time but Skill does not help anymore in 6v6 if I can tech chase cc lock and do damage to someone that will heal over time cause of the new bs pet before that happens other guy will 1 shoot me regardless of my gear or my pvp skills/experience from the past. I used to be arena player back in 45patch I've spend always my day in arena refilling my 20k zen beans cap couple of times by doing 1v1 and tags and trust me the pvp in 6v6 is not pvp but a simple 1 shoot simluator as I said before it's pointless to repeat this but 6v6 is not balanced and the pvp gear is locked by pve content (accessory wise) and we all do know that they need to look into balancing but it's been what? a year 2 years now and still tehy havent done anything about? Because they simply don't care about 6v6 pvp as long as them p2w whales can show off their gear and flex on people because gear matters there mostly, there been some matches I do agree that I could win due to positions and shifting bases for WWV, Novacore and Beluga but now that's not possible brcause you will get 1 shooted no matter what gear you go in there because as I said again the balance does not exist in 6v6 and 6v6 content is not a pvp content it's a pve content purely you need PvE gear to get your PvP gear to go 6v6 "PvP".
  21. So what if you can get those pvp accessories, no matter what you have in 6v6 you will get disintegrated by people that have already the 1 shot soul(long cd), what's the point of that? Might aswell make 6v6 with max gear already since that's their goal here is to make a 1 shoot battles that doesn't involve any skill whatsoever, it's just stupid. The server I played on was Jinsoyun and I left because it's easy to realized that the game state is in critical condition. F8 Dungeon Lobby is all about Raid Gear/DPS than Skill or Brain and 6v6 is how much visa cards you used on the last trove or rng boxes. I played long enough to know that even if I would come back now nothing would change, what I would come back and do the same thing over again, farm dungeons gear up and still be undergeared for raids and 6v6 because that's how bad the game is now. The game was good when Silverfrost Patch and BT Patch was but then after that they should no longer rise attack power of the gear, it's nice to have more attack power but 1million dps or more is an overkill.
  22. Which is completely misleading to what I said so what did you wanted to answer with that?
  23. But do you think like 70% of the population on EU/NA can aford a carry run for their accessories? The weapon mat can be bough in market which is realistic to have but not the accessories. I've focused with all my characters on my soul only for the past 1 year with events and it's only Awakened Cosmic Soul - Stage 2 and I've used every event I could to focus on it while I used my other materials to upgrade accessories and weapon and gear up alts to have easier gameplay on them. I have no gilded gems the only gems I have are f2p octa obsidian and garnet cause those are the only f2p obtainable gems that don't use fusion powder. Rest is just not obtainable for f2p other than swiping Unless you ignore your entire gear and focus on gems which is not optimal. It's not hard to catch up with the weapon for PvP only but for accessories which are necessary you need a decent PvE gear to get them which again gear gated, unless you can do PvE content with PvP weapon(which you could but it would be harder). um when VT badges were introduced first into the game I saw amazing gameplay from Gunners, BDs, KFMs, DES and FMs in 6v6 and they havent done anything to improve that balance what they was released higher tier PvP gear to have even more ridiculous impact on 6v6 with no balance what so ever. Arena is skill based if you understand the match up and your class.
  24. But I did not mention servers merge, only region merge. I also didn't say anything about the updates.
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