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Everything posted by Draknalor

  1. This is a huge problem.. If this is not fixed soon then our inventory slots will just be gone and we can't do any thing to free them up
  2. I hope you guys remember that Cold storage is a 6 player content dungeon. Here is a video of me doing it wayyy back in May 2016. When they update the health of dungeons it is only to make them more relevant again.
  3. You don't need challenger token to do grand fusions any more
  4. Hey. only 2/3 after doing all 3 Hard mode dungeons So please Include trial to count for the quest
  5. The word "Busted" has several meanings. Can be both negative and positive. In the context you used it, most people will see it in the Positive way, as in "FM has busted damage!" meaning it has very high damage. It can get confusing 😄
  6. Here's an album of some of the crits, if some people prefer images https://imgur.com/a/MI3SZIm
  7. More 3 star crits than ever before, or maybe i was just lucky this time around? A lot of things are still very overpriced, and a lot of useless things are still there But still a huge step up from the 2021 and before troves ofc, You have done a decent Job at this.
  8. More gold for upgrades is always good. It takes like 800g for 1 tap on my starcross and 1700 per attempt on weapon. More gold is always good.
  9. Well, if you joined those discords then that would also be a good place for feedback. A lot more people talk there than on here or reddit
  10. Are you not part of The discords? All informations and guides are already up a long time in advance before the content goes live. Here is the guide to the Upcoming dungeon. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1nS7uE24-6GGkpIDSaBZ6DPIfT4DOmyxV4UCtkdn0Uxo/edit#slide=id.p There is nothing to figure out or solve or anything that is "hidden" we already know all this stuff
  11. "You" in this context means NCsoft as a whole, Not any mod or person specifically Hey, on live streams for EU you have never wanted to show mechs or how a boss looks on a live stream or "Beforehand" at all But then you go and do a full comprehensive guide for a dungeon for another region? Why not do stuff like that for EU as well?
  12. Hey I was excited to actually get to use the thing i paid money for.. But it seems the "Fixes" notes were not correct. When can we expect an actual fix?
  13. I'm fairly sure you can transfer all outfits with stamps tho?
  14. If you want to compare UE3 and UE4 you can do so with these playlists that i've made. Cutscene unreal engine 4 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGWAuK6_6ib118OnSnn59Si4y3uo2Dfot Cutscene Unreal engine 3. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGWAuK6_6ib3PeXO5pOC7XpRyz2szmzGH Meh, No clue why the links turn un-clickable when the thread is posted, But there they are any way
  15. The solo dungeon is there for you to grind for upgrade material for the Mystic badge and the amulet. Which one you choose to upgrade first is all up to you.
  16. You need to upgrade the amulet. You can add +'s to it as well
  17. Yes, we know about a new class and what it will be. Was announced like a month ago No release date for NCwest servers yet tho
  18. Please stop making caps/drapes glue to your characters. Make them flow freely instead, Otherwise you clip through it instantly. and it looks awful So that is pretty much summer outfit 2022 ruined. Or just add a "Hide cape" option like other games.
  19. Sadly, they have most years released the yearly outfit in august. But most years they have had running sales from june until august, Because back then it cycled around faster. Remember 1 year when they just changed the rotation of swim wear every two weeks. I'm worried that they will ignore most of the swimwear that is in the wardrobe atm and only add 2-3 like they usually do now in a rotation. Imo, They should've just had all of them available in the store from June onwards like most other games have.
  20. Please don’t judge a class based on level 19 against quest mobs
  21. I'm sure i am extremly lucky with this. But all the starcross stuff and upsurge weapon got mystic on them within 1-3 rerolls for me. I think earring even had Mystic as first stat, no reroll needed
  22. You are not meant to keep it at +11 tho. The Weapon gains more Boss attack power as you level it up, Which is the stat that matters. Also, these weapons has always almost been about the 5 stack effect only and not the raw stat on the weapon. Weapon has always been the worst thing to upgrade for DmG increase tho, ever since the stopped giving Ability dmg increases and just has the same as the previous tier.
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