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costume rotation f10


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why did u destroy our F10 Outfit rotation?

Before UE4 Update we had every 2 weeks 2 - 3 outfits (new or recycled doesnt matter).

After UE4 Update we just had it every month and now what?

Give us back the 2 week rotation, you asked us for outfits that we want, we told you.

Just put whatever Outfits every 2 weeks and everyone will get sooner or later something he wants.

You have that Outfits already its not like you have to put work into it to design something and to sell it to us. just put it in and take our money!!!


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Many people want to collect outfits that are no longer available, and the outfit rotation was the perfect opportunity for people to have the chance to get outfits that they  have missed in the past. As the OP mentioned it should be next to 0 work to bring back the bi-weekly outfit rotation, but it would make alot of your customers happy and you would make a profit, so 2 birds with one stone.

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The rotation is indeed horrible...

Before the costumes were rotating every 2 weeks, then they extended it to monthly updates and now... there's nothing but the void.

I'm still waiting for "Butterfly Clip Hair" that I've missed out on a bit over 3 years ago.


It would be a big profit for them to put the cosmetics in every 2 weeks because I'm sure many players missed out on some outfits they like but are just never there so as @dampfgurkesaid, it would kill 2 birds with 1 stone.

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I agree with this, please do rotate costume i rly need costumes.
Game could be more alive with costumes, at least we have more thing we aim and want to have.
Right now is jst horrible, also i'm waiting for costumes in black friday, no news at all till now so sad.

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I was hoping to see some news about black friday offers too, since there was even a specific thread on the forums made by Green Storm but sadly nothing happened. We got new costumes rotation in f10 now and those are the outfits nobody wants nor asked for so I wonder why do they even ask us for opinions and suggestions if they ignore them in the end anyway and do whatever they want. It's quite sad at this point.

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23 minutes ago, Anessi said:

I was hoping to see some news about black friday offers too, since there was even a specific thread on the forums made by Green Storm but sadly nothing happened. We got new costumes rotation in f10 now and those are the outfits nobody wants nor asked for so I wonder why do they even ask us for opinions and suggestions if they ignore them in the end anyway and do whatever they want. It's quite sad at this point.


Black Friday is Nov 25. So we will get the offers very likely next Wednesday. Lets also not illude that rng box outfits or fancier trove exclusives will be in the shop,

Though granted the 2 week rotation was nice, and I would also wish for it to come back.



Just saw this announced 12 minutes ago:


Fashion time? We’re bringing back three stylish costumes that will make you look lavish. Check them out in the Hongmoon Store!

Lycan Heart

Light Specter

Dark Specter

Edited by Grimoir
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those 3 costumes are what I meant. Nobody asked for them nor nobody wants them cause they're simply put ugly and we already have them in game and those are just recolors of the ones we can farm by killing bamboo guards and/or blackram npcs. The only "new" one is "Lycan Heart" and all I have to say about it is: what on earth are those feet/shoes/whatever it is? Scary...

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I think the Cosmetics/Costume tab on F10 is overall outdated. My gripe about this is, if NCSoft wants to make money in this 10 or so years old game through all these micro-transactions just pump it all in cosmetics/costumes. Never mind weekly/bi-weekly rotations. Just list all the in-demand costumes and cosmetics.


I'm a new player. Just started in July and have never touched this game ever. There are some old outfits I'd like to get for my main and 2 alts. I can guarantee you that if those are listed in F10, you bet I'd spend the money to get it.


Or another idea, give new and returning players the chance and option to buy Designer Threads via F10. That way we can get the outfits and RNG boxes from Mushin NPC.


If money is all NCSoft want to keep this game going, then why not do any of that? Idk...just my humble two cents.

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Just do like other games (BDO/Aion) put almost everything (cosmetics) buyable with NCoin (some with HMcoin), do a 10% or 20% sale weekly rotation for 1 or 2 costumes, and a monthly themed (halloween/christmas) cosmetics bundles (costume + weapon + cat costume).

Easy profit, even easier then the RNG boxes....

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  • 1 month later...

Bumping this because I've just come back to the game and the lack of new outfits in the cash shop is awful. The game has over 3000 (outfit + pieces + weapon skins) of them now, why not add more to the shop?

Edited by Kitah
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My two cents on this ongoing issue:


The problem is whatever the staff at NCWest seem to be doing with the game files. If this upsets some people, I will link you to a page on the Korean website and encourage you to take a look. https://bnsnshop.plaync.com/bns/goods/detail?dgi=413976


The shop is selling an outfit for a flat fee, bundled with Premium. This same outfit was instead put into Trove for our region.

The Western community has been asking for ages to just sell older outfits in F10 for a flat fee and keep rotating them. I think NCWest really has to understand that the majority of players nowadays are very casual; Korea may be different but the West is mostly casual. This is evident by the lack of players interested in clearing the highest floors in ranking. I have gotten to those floors and you do have to enslave yourself to the game to get there. Most people do not wish to this in the West and it's very evident from interacting with the remaining active community in places other than these forums. You know you can push the Battle Pass, Trove, and whatever else ALONGSIDE a proper costume rotation? This will greatly make your remaining player base happy.


(The last outfits given with the Prime Bundle were very lovely, so I will give credit where it's due. You need to harvest more of these older outfits into the F10 rotation. I'm waiting 3+ years already for a re-run of the Hongmoon Ascension outfit.)


So what is keeping them from doing appropriate outfit rotations? It is the bare minimum in my opinion. But do you guys not understand how to use the tools for doing this properly? I bring this up because I notice the regular non-RNG methods outfit rotations are always including the exact same outfits. This leads me to believe you just have someone copy pasting the same preset script over and over into the store, without knowing how to change it.


Certain people that play this game do a better job at providing the community the outfits that they want than whoever is running the F10 outfit rotations. All I'm gonna say. Most people would rather own these outfits themselves and they will pay money for them.

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3 minutes ago, Zombie King said:

The problem is whatever the staff at NCWest seem to be doing with the game files.


I'm just going to point to one obvious assumption in your post that is not correct. Please stop making these assumptions. The rest of your post has valid feedback (that I record and continue passing), but I think it's important that we have an honest discussion where you don't state things that aren't true.

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We did have a costume rotation some time ago, while it was only 2-4 costumes on a biweekly rotation, it was there.

They simply need to expand on that and have a number of say give or take 5-10 costumes and 5-10 weapon skins on a solid rotation say every 2 weeks.

That alone would be decent.

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14 minutes ago, Green Storm said:


I'm just going to point to one obvious assumption in your post that is not correct. Please stop making these assumptions. The rest of your post has valid feedback (that I record and continue passing), but I think it's important that we have an honest discussion where you don't state things that aren't true.


Fair. I believe you and trust that you all can navigate the files. But this statement I made was in relation to a statement further down, in which I brought up the exact same copy-pasted outfits every time in the regular F10 rotation. Like the ones before the Christmas outfits were put in. This has to do with the game's files. Korea is able to compile an entire newer outfit bundle to be sold in F10 so I think the West should be able to do this as well but also for older outfits.


22 minutes ago, Zombie King said:

I bring this up because I notice the regular non-RNG methods outfit rotations are always including the exact same outfits. This leads me to believe you just have someone copy pasting the same preset script over and over into the store, without knowing how to change it.


It's something I also noticed with the Thanksgiving sale, in which there was an outfit there that has already been previously available in recent times and that nobody actually asked for. To me, it just pointed to pre-made packs with files in them and if this is actually the case, a better way would be to manually dig in to grab outfits the community wants or even those that are forgotten and you can just throw them in along with 2 popular outfits with each F10 rotation. Of course, I don't work for you guys but it's also not top secret knowledge how Unreal Engine 4 games' files work and are compiled into Paks.

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13 hours ago, Green Storm said:

I want to say that this (old) topic is something we've been thinking about. There'll be a few things to help with this year, but I can't say more than that at this point.


Hey Green Storm,


While your team is working on improvements to the regular rotation of store cosmetics, can they also look into bringing some of the older cosmetics from other versions of the game, which somehow never made it into our version despite there being no real reason for that?


The Officer Hat for the Officer outfit is missing from F3, the Autumn Leaves headpiece (which looks like new hairstyles) is also missing despite the outfit being there). The Brown and Black Horse Heads along with the Carrot versions are also still missing. It's worth nothing all of these cosmetics existed in other versions of the game... in 2016!


This already gives you some options of very old outfits (but new for the West version) to the shop already.


Adding some legacy items to the store for the Anniversary would be a much welcomed thing.


Edited by Kitah
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12 hours ago, Zombie King said:


Fair. I believe you and trust that you all can navigate the files. But this statement I made was in relation to a statement further down, in which I brought up the exact same copy-pasted outfits every time in the regular F10 rotation. Like the ones before the Christmas outfits were put in. This has to do with the game's files. Korea is able to compile an entire newer outfit bundle to be sold in F10 so I think the West should be able to do this as well but also for older outfits.



For your comment Zombie King, that's not exactly how game operations work (though, I cannot know exactly how NCSofts ioerates ganes, or the operations of Blade and Soul specifically))


Specualation on my side would be that they have limited resources and have a bunch of already predefined scripts and templtes for specific sales which they rotate based on last availability and plans, this can lead to some items appearing in duplicate sales over a small period of time. This isn't problem with the game files itself. It is more likely to be a problem of them looking and choosing which item go into which sale. This may also be a limitation put on/by their Production team by making a concious decision to limit the amount of cosmetics that go into the store for the Western version and instead funneling users who desire cosmetics to other monetisation features like the Trove or Lootboxes.


I don't think further speculation will take us anywhere though, I think the main problem is we lack the amount of rotation in the shop. Despite me playing last in 2018 fully, I have come back to the game to realise 90% of the cosmetics avaialble in the shop then are STILL available, with a very small limited amount removed and replaced with other items.


If they were to do 2 outfits a week (which is something they trialed in 2017, and community perception at the time was veyr positive) or 10-20 a month and rotate them out and replace it would encourage people to look regularly at the shop and encourage them to possibly even spend more.


If you are having trouble understanding what types of outfits players want @Green Storm, I would recommend creating a thread with a list of items your team is considering (that way you don't get mostly requests of Trove items which are probably no-gos for your team) and for players can then  pick the ones they want via poll. Top ones go in the first rotation, the rest go in the second rotation, and then during the second rotation you do another poll. This would also guarantee a perentage of sales (not everyone entering the poll, but I would estimate around 15% o f purchases) on those 1st rotation cosmetics due to the availabiliy and interest surrounding them.


Just some food for thought, I will continue to wait for more cosmetics to be added ot the store.

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On 1/6/2023 at 11:03 PM, Green Storm said:


I'm just going to point to one obvious assumption in your post that is not correct. Please stop making these assumptions. The rest of your post has valid feedback (that I record and continue passing), but I think it's important that we have an honest discussion where you don't state things that aren't true.

Indeed an incorrect assumption. Sadly many tools to help the playerbase are never invented which is on devs from korea not team west. Still some (no idea since just not reading names would indicate any shift of employees) ticket support does make it really easy to "ignore" tickets and demand to post things on forum instead when it is a majority of players experiencing a crucial/game-breaking bug.


Moreover what do we as players expect? (and yeah, Ill pick up that point again). Team West - to my knowledge - is a localization team not the developement branch here. The only issue I do see with game files where do previous versions go? If something breaks we are stuck with a broken game instead of extending things for a week.



On 1/7/2023 at 12:08 PM, Kitah said:

If you are having trouble understanding what types of outfits players want @Green Storm, I would recommend creating a thread with a list of items your team is considering (that way you don't get mostly requests of Trove items which are probably no-gos for your team) and for players can then  pick the ones they want via poll.

I think mega-threads about many things could help out alot. Especially ones which include community votes.


We - as a community - may got greedy now since with @Green Stormwe finally have someone to work out all the mess which got dusty over the years. I appreciate it. Slowly but surely people will notice this and bring up more and more issues, which you shouldn't have to shoulder alone. Some tickets used to get closed with no comments and threads removed without any reason given - issues never resolved. And those like real issues (bonus stats, enviroment) are ignored to a point where even the community doesn't believe in any changes for the better. As stated above: It is good to see you wrapping up all loose end and yet with trust in you all past issues will slowly but surely arise again since you did give us new hope.

as Kitah said it best: some food for thought.

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1 hour ago, ASHE ENT. said:

new outfit in fortune favor haha


There's nothing strange about it, it's like this since years and years.

It's just part of their business model, Nothing weird about it.

They should just add a rotation or more old outfits on F10.

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4 hours ago, Zaru said:

There's nothing strange about it, it's like this since years and years.

It's just part of their business model, Nothing weird about it.

They should just add a rotation or more old outfits on F10.


I think your doubts about old outfits are resolved in a future event with ncoins and hmcoins you can buy all the old outfits, skins wep and pets from an NPC Event. 

Edited by roskiboy
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