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No NPC's on Soulstone Plains to progress story


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When reaching level 48, the quest to go from Talus supply post to go with the supply request to Cerulean/Crimson faction merchant, you cannot because Soulstone plains is empty. Not a single npc, no merchants. Main quest is stuck not even the arrow appears. 

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Just released the Musician class so potentially a lot of people leveling up the old-fashioned way and all of them are going to hit this.  I hit this too.  This was happening since Wednesday?  Wtf...

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it boggles the mind for stuff entirely unrelated to the bulk of the content of a patch can end up being broken by said patch.. like i get i'm no programmer so i'm entirely talking outta my ass but it's just..confusing


and b4 ppl say "WHY YOU SURPRISED NC F'D UP LIKE USUAL" i've seen this happen in other mmos so i'm not singling NC out

Edited by Divinehero
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This may be a stretch since I have no clue what goes into coding a game but, would a possible quick fix be just getting the quest npc to spawn. It's not like we need the entire camp just to advance the quest. Then again if one thing is tied to another.... who knows. Maybe just temporarily give a quest skip for this part till its fixed. Game breaking bug is game breaking. 

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This is the type of bug that should've been fixed via an emergency maintenance as soon it was possible. Several new players I got to play have stopped because they couldn't progress due to this bug. Some redeemed their 7 day premium membership from prime gaming only to have nearly the entire membership wasted because they don't want to skip the story.

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10 hours ago, Deosier said:

This is the type of bug that should've been fixed via an emergency maintenance as soon it was possible. Several new players I got to play have stopped because they couldn't progress due to this bug. Some redeemed their 7 day premium membership from prime gaming only to have nearly the entire membership wasted because they don't want to skip the story.

Imma be honest, every new player should have used the lvl 60 ticket if they redeemed their 7 days of premium. They should do end-game content until their premium lasts, then they can make a new char to do story with (by the time the 7 days premium wears off, it should be fixed anyway). Using premium for story is the worst thing you can do imo, unless they plan to buy premium each month. Or just save the premium for later... But as stated above:

On 10/12/2022 at 11:21 PM, Green Storm said:

Thanks for your bug report. We're aware of the issue and will be investigating a fix asap.

Edited by Hungibungi
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