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Mount !!??

Dark Fenril

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3 minutes ago, Green Storm said:


Please avoid off-topics (and yes I know that I contributed to the off-topic'ing by replying to something about the livestream!)


Here's some information to give you context: sometimes I have to go back to past discussions to look for something I remember a player saying, or I need to gather feedback on a particular topic; I rely on thread topics to help me with that, especially if it's old information (search sometimes helps but it's much less efficient).


Let's go back to Mounts...

Yeah youre right no problem but when you know you could forgot some things copy paste it at the same Time youve read that Stuff from the Forum... and be save it to go forward in the future.. cuz dont know oft people will tell you the same Stuff in the future again and again.. and nothing will change.. 


But yeah lets go back to the Mounts 😄

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7 minutes ago, Green Storm said:

Let's go back to Mounts...


Yes, who thought that would be a good idea after killing open world?


I don't mean to be mean buuuut... really doesn't feel like it fits where the game's at. I'd rather have unlimited stamina instead of this, since we spend 99% of the time in some form of a dungeon, unless AFKing.

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10 minutes ago, Rhiakath said:


Yes, who thought that would be a good idea after killing open world?


They're in TROVE for a reason, and I know that there's plenty of people that only want it for visual stuff (just the same way as other cosmetics).

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On 9/30/2022 at 3:50 AM, Dark Fenril said:

We run better,faster,stronger...or teleport...that all in this game. This is for other game. stop insane business ... infinity sprint that's all. there is other workstuff. graphic vibe, broken texture, bug, game pad restore...etc or other think sit place (in tavern or street chair), more social emote (yes/no/sleep/stand me/...), custom weapon color, transfer weapon skin (weapon box=outfit stamp), hairdresser in game, clan sanctuary, more clan outfit.. more dynamic aerial/ground combo ( multi player ,no just one). new world boss and his wheel of Fortune outfit/weapon skin. simple free dual, new pvp land...                                                                                                                                                                         sorry for my bad english. fr forum dead. Kiss

I would agree with you but mounts have been around for a while on the CN server so it's basically not really much effort to put them in the game at this point. But yea we need more end game coop content then just dungeons

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Well, as i say in my original title of this topic, where did you see any horse or rider pnj in the world of bns? i don't care about CN  server and any effort that make to put in game 😛 i'am also agree with Zombie King : tired of all the "joke" and "immersion breaking" outfits and put the lost outfit/kr outfit ( search too Ninja outfit... still yet in game database... but never implant in game and many other as Chronolixius say in the other topic...) and outfit more approachable and friendly as little blue Dj ( dokumo etc...) and why not the forgotten old sacrifice skin weapons or the hongmoon weapon what Dochun give us at the begining or complete the weapon skin of the new class since Warden/Archer etc... astro and twin blade are poor... very poor... no? and for CN server i play i few at the begining and for exemple ; lunar eclips and solar eclips was the equivalente feminin to white sun and black sun in labyrinth of Naryu treasure ... logical but not for us....  or the skin of the undress... or the flying animation, walk of the yun etc ... 

Edited by Dark Fenril
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Even if mounts provided +1000% speed, we don't care, we don't have any content to use it, 99% of the game are DUNGEONS where you CAN'T use them.


Celestial Basin? Useless.

Moon Refuge? Useless.
Primeweald? Useless.

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On 10/6/2022 at 10:05 AM, Walex said:

Even if mounts provided +1000% speed, we don't care, we don't have any content to use it, 99% of the game are DUNGEONS where you CAN'T use them.


Celestial Basin? Useless.

Moon Refuge? Useless.
Primeweald? Useless.

This. If they worked in older dungeons that alone would be so useful and save so much time for the daily train.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, after one week, this Maj is good. thanks for the work, event some error persist and new error come... the game experience was more friendly ( not for all unfortunatly :s ). But back to the mount... it's very bad on this land...realy... fortunatly not a lot. And the some people who take it, realize thats it a little joke.(no use on map story/Dj/raid...0 tuto control/0 utility...in short)  i remind the G-star trailer bns 2009 and we can see some mount at 4:20 . Not a horse but mount ( stag and turtle ) so it's on the work table since the begining.

i think mount it's possible on bns but first open one more the world and adapt the concept on the base world of bns or more less than martial world. some idea of mount bns

- Magic cloud (dbz/aion/...)

-Surf sword/spear/etc... (jap fantasy movies/some game)

-The powerfull lycan/lycan 😛  (bns)

-Devourer (bns)

-Kaari why not??!! or hogdonny xD (bns)

-be ido mecha 😛

-Black wyrm xD

-turtle :s longgui 😄

-poharan tiger (for lyn 😄

-Frog ( saphir bassin/naruto/etc...😛 )


-giganaura xD

-stag (veridian land)

and other i can't remind but...

it's a little abuse but less than horse i think. what do you think of that? 

we have possibility to be original at least

Ps : my apologize to the musician weapon graveyard.. peace and kiss you



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vor 4 Stunden schrieb Dark Fenril:

Well, after one week, this Maj is good. thanks for the work, event some error persist and new error come... the game experience was more friendly ( not for all unfortunatly :s ). But back to the mount... it's very bad on this land...realy... fortunatly not a lot. And the some people who take it, realize thats it a little joke.(no use on map story/Dj/raid...0 tuto control/0 utility...in short)  i remind the G-star trailer bns 2009 and we can see some mount at 4:20 . Not a horse but mount ( stag and turtle ) so it's on the work table since the begining.

i think mount it's possible on bns but first open one more the world and adapt the concept on the base world of bns or more less than martial world. some idea of mount bns

- Magic cloud (dbz/aion/...)

-Surf sword/spear/etc... (jap fantasy movies/some game)

-The powerfull lycan/lycan 😛  (bns)

-Devourer (bns)

-Kaari why not??!! or hogdonny xD (bns)

-be ido mecha 😛

-Black wyrm xD

-turtle :s longgui 😄

-poharan tiger (for lyn 😄

-Frog ( saphir bassin/naruto/etc...😛 )


-giganaura xD

-stag (veridian land)

and other i can't remind but...

it's a little abuse but less than horse i think. what do you think of that? 

we have possibility to be original at least

Ps : my apologize to the musician weapon graveyard.. peace and kiss you



This is so true. There would have been far more fitting creatures for mounts. Instead we got horses, which is lame and stupid in the context of this game.

But so far it still remains that mounts offer no value or QoL in this game.

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