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you may have guessed: bonus downtime


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What's the point of torturing NCWest and us if every patch since UE4 has been broken in one way or another. If you can't organize our region/don't want to invest anything in it then maybe just don't bother? I'm surprised there are still people working at NCWest after receiving so many turds instead of proper patches. The temper and resilience these guys have...


To add icing to this shitcake, I like how the patch notes still don't have any information on the skill changes. "Full details will be available later". Let me guess, KR did not even tell them what the changes are? 


I guess they'd rather invest in BnS 3 for your toaster and calculator.

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3 minutes ago, LynMasterRace said:

At this point it is beyond clear NCSoft intends to shut down our region sometime within the next four to five months.

what is beyond clear btw? literally clear?

And why should the do? A few millions of income is still an income and now don't tell me they got to pay a load of staff or a super high end AWS, lol

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Way too many issues these days upon release, this is probs what happens when you dont have enough staff to troubleshoot problems before the patches are copied from KR and fixed. instead their jst copied with the same emphasis on COPIED

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5 minutes ago, lillvargen said:

anyones guess as in when and how long the servers will be down today? probably EU get screwed again with servers offline during peak play hours

they can't troubleshoot patches before hand cause they get them so late theres no time for it

Probably won't go down at all, we'll see a update at the usual time on Feb 2nd.

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