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More sources for high tier obsidians


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So now that Garnets were finally updated at koldrak can we get more sources for obsidians? Getting a Gilded Hexa is almost impossible, and solar energy hasn't been updated in terms of obsidians in years, it still gives regular (non-gilded) PENTAGONAL.

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Since the hard mode dungeons drop octagonal obsidians and garnets at a low chance, then I'd say to at least bump the solar energy obsidian up to a hexagonal obsidian.


Even with 6-7 months of farming solar energies, then it's only enough to get one glided square obsidan when the highest obtainable obsidian is a glided hexa.


If they were willing to buff Koldrak for Garnet Farming by that much, then at least buff obsidians or leave the previous available farming methods alone.

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12 hours ago, Grimoir said:

You can get them from spectral shrine currency.

We're aware of that, but you only get 1 per month of farming hard mode and most players don't even have alts that can readily farm Spectral Shrine compared to Koldrak and a ton of players still don't have the gear or know-how to do hardmode.


It'll be 9 months by the time you get a glided penta. You're time-gated by being able to only get 3 hard mode dynamics in a day.

So farming Spectral Shrine barely solves that issue.

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