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How many didn't get items from the Antique Lamps!?


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How many didn't get items from the Antique Lamps!?

i am asking, because i didn't get anything from those. Because i didn't know those going to vanished IMMEDIATELY after the new patch..




I personally think this is very ##### move to do. Because many of the players is doing same like i do.

They will HARVEST everything during the EVENT period.. and when the event stops ( you can't get anymore the event items ).

That's the wisest time to convert the event items is after the EVENT! Not during the event.


So on this LAMP event i didn't get anything, because of this NEW #### MOVE!

For my this is very huge loss, because i am FREE player and i would bought new chest, belt, necklace, earring and etc.

Using those event tokens... Right know i can't get AP (damage) higher because of this.


SO next time, Don't do this kind of event items, that they expire IMMEDIATELY after the new patch!!


Thank you very much for shitting this up for my and i think for those many others...



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It was literally announced i think even a week upfront that the lamps will be antiqued with wednesdays maintenance. Also what you are saying is true for events that have a currency obtained from dailies. This event was different as the currency is obtained from the lamps, and since the event ended the lamps because antiqued just like with every other event.

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16 minutes ago, Grimoir said:

It was literally announced i think even a week upfront that the lamps will be antiqued with wednesdays maintenance. Also what you are saying is true for events that have a currency obtained from dailies. This event was different as the currency is obtained from the lamps, and since the event ended the lamps because antiqued just like with every other event.

Still a stupid move to reduce the event currency you can get further, now you can not get event currency on more than one character with this system.

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You have 60 lamps in your inventory..that means you havent opened 1. With a 5 hour cooldown period you should have started at the beginning of the event. I used the last one 2 days before end of event period...why would you wanna wait untill event is over???

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It literally said in the description of lamps that they expire on 19th. It also literally said that they have a 5h cooldown, and you didn't open any. Item description doesn't even require you to read forum. It only requires you to read.

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well on my main account I used up all lamps fully upgraded like 2 weeks ago... on alt accounts I slacked and had like 6 left at the end.


PS: reading the item description was available from very beginning 

Edited by Belido
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i didn't read it because i automatically thought that i can use them after the event. Like i have done in the previous event's.

I don't check forums or reddits or anything like that considering the game. So i don't know what is the best strategy and time to use what and when.


If event starts, i harvest everything i can.. when event stops i use them to update my character.

I see this is the best way to for FREE players for updating their characters. In the same time when free player is doing dailys and weeklys he will get other staff/material.. and after the event stops the free player has material to update the equipment and this way event materials comes to help.

But right know i can't update anything.


yes, it's my mistake too, but it should not by my mistake only! I hope people understand what i am trying to say and see my point of view in this.


Like i said, NCSOFT should not change the feature this way. Very bad move and i think this kind of company should avoid negative response.

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2 hours ago, Njemac said:

Like i said, NCSOFT should not change the feature this way.

But they didnt. Once an event ends you can no longer obtain the event currency and you know that since you said yourself:

On 8/20/2020 at 7:48 PM, Njemac said:

and when the event stops ( you can't get anymore the event items ).

The source of the event currency are the lamps, they give you the wishing charms and scrubbing charms which are the event currency, so since event ended, lamps get antiqued because you should no longer get event currency. so this works like it should.

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I realized this "feature" two days after the event start and lost 5 wishing lamps in the end. It is nice to know about all the stuff to loot on the website, but it also would have been great read something like "Opening an antique lamp has cooldown time of 5 hours, so don't forget them to open while you can!".


However I wonder why there is a cooldown to this lamps anyways. As you want to maximize the gain of the event you won't open them all on day one with no cd. Farming the clothes nearly every day to transmute the good version of the lamp brings the player back to the game. So why on earth do I have to be logged in for 5 hours or log in twice/thrice a day to fully participate in an event? Who invented that 5 hours? Why not 2 hours, 30 minutes, or instant? I can't understand the devs decision, please explain it to me (and yes I know, that will sadly never happen).


ps: The event itself had great rewards and gathering clothes was a doable task. This is just about the lamps cd.

Edited by Nemises
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