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new scales for Heart ;;Nocturnal Scale


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hey any question where i got this Nocturnal Scale s for new Heart tear upgrade


y find here https://www.bladeandsoul.com/en/news/midnight-reborn-items-and-systems-preview/


all scales y got in DG _Raids or chest


but i dont find any infos about new item in coming ! 


next new scales comes with New instance this is far  away.  i want hope thats is not a cash item or pay too win more !!

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In Kr, the scales are from the new revamped naryu sanctum. So maybe we'll get a new dungeon with the upcoming patch? Otherwise it makes no sense to release a new heart tier. The NS dungeon was released not to long after they got Halcyon Hills.

Edited by CookiesNmilk
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2 hours ago, Rhiakath said:

Don't worry, we'll get them in F10 probably. Or in trove. Probably both. They got our backs, no worries!

I sure hope so, The lack of elder scales in Trove and F10 has always bothered me, so would be good to have a buy option for this next scale.

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You'll be able to earn Nocturnal Scale Fragments in the revamped MSP from the two Stage dailies there (Stage 3 and Stage 6) and it could possibly also be a rare drop there.

Edited by Manaci
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