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Help ;.; everything right now is so inhumanly expensive in the market


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vor 15 Stunden schrieb Fortunaea:

Prices have become monstrous ;.; what's going on???

NCWe$t / NC$oft dont care about good availabilities ingame. Wait for trove and you will see where are the good things come from.


For example: The main income of gem powder in this game is the SHOP, the trove and the RNG boxes. Gem powder is nearly non existent in the game.


You can get everything ingame... BUT.... very very very hard. HM scrolls for example.. or high unity stones etc. Thats the excuse why they still say "the game is not p2w". Imagine how the game would be without trove/shop/rng boxes. No one would be max geared because the ingame availability of the most items is trash. 

And this is intended to boost the sell of trove keys, rng boxes and other things from the shop.


Thats how the game works since years.

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people don't understand this problem have been always the same, its because of whale people on this game, if whale people still using their credit cards to get gear fast with "Hongmoong Store and events for whales", materials and others wont be lowers, for example gems on hongmoonstore, i saw people whale with gilged gems with pentagonal gems in one day you know how much you has to spend to get just 1 pentagonal????, and that's one of the example. f2p people get punished by the costs either, whales don't care if materials cost more if they still paying, people f2p will farm for them and they just buy for the price on F5, they just need swipe to gear, that's why all its expensive, included new soul tier path. the problem with this it's when this industry  look how many people will play this game later, will be only people who spend $$$$$$ like crazy, i mean everyone do what they want with their money, don't care, at last everyone in the game people will knows each other because will be that few people, and for the new ones who want to reach them have to pay or play 24/7 all days, like its literally impossible, and that's why people quit.

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vor 14 Stunden schrieb Trust Gaming:

and that's why people quit.

Most people i know quit either cause PVP got boring and unbalanced af or the FPS is to low to enjoy the game.


I mean "I7 9700K, RTX 2070, 32 GB ram, NVME SSD" and still lagging like crazy. You should have atleast 60 FPS even if 12 third spec BM attack each other in Beluga but you get FPS in the single digits. Thats the biggest reason people quit in my experience.


There is still no problem reaching good gear as F2P even if you are new you just have to know how to earn gold which is pretty easy nowdays and if you want something from F10 there are enough people who buy it for you if you give them gold.

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Am 18.2.2020 um 11:17 schrieb ImoutoMaster:

I mean "I7 9700K, RTX 2070, 32 GB ram, NVME SSD" and still lagging like crazy. You should have atleast 60 FPS even if 12 third spec BM attack each other in Beluga but you get FPS in the single digits. Thats the biggest reason people quit in my experience.

It seems some people have 70+ FPS with this kind of setup with all maxed -> https://www.twitch.tv/videos/554290859?t=0h13m42s


without your "lagging like crazy". i dont know how but... idk :/

Edited by CrazyDude90
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vor 20 Stunden schrieb CrazyDude90:

It seems some people have 70+ FPS with this kind of setup with all maxed -> https://www.twitch.tv/videos/554290859?t=0h13m42s


without your "lagging like crazy". i dont know how but... idk :/

Well i cant watch this vid right now but i can assure you something is wrong for him then. Ive tweaked my Nvidia Settings, unlocked FPS etc. only thing i am not doing is turning of Animations since i need to know what my enemy is doing.


If he gets 70 FPS in raids and 6v6 without removing animations then its sorcery. It shouldnt be needed to tweak the game in the first place thou. .

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