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Trust Gaming

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  1. those whales enjoyed to bought all of that stuff for 2 days, mostly hmg master scroll x10 OwO...
  2. @ImoutoMaster 6k , 7k per week the only way to that its selling raids, new people cant earn that gold even doing all of stuff dailys, pvps, msp, and weeklys, maximum 2k per week. Do the math for new people not for whales or people with several years in game
  3. Its all about this F2P = Must play 24/7 with Main and alternative characters, like literally other job. P2W = Getting all they need with real money to progression and other stuff they need forcing F2P trying to pay something to get their lvl (Mostly cant if they dont do "F2P" & "P2W") Thats how "F2P" games markets works Nothing to discuss it's the reallity. Regards.
  4. people don't understand this problem have been always the same, its because of whale people on this game, if whale people still using their credit cards to get gear fast with "Hongmoong Store and events for whales", materials and others wont be lowers, for example gems on hongmoonstore, i saw people whale with gilged gems with pentagonal gems in one day you know how much you has to spend to get just 1 pentagonal????, and that's one of the example. f2p people get punished by the costs either, whales don't care if materials cost more if they still paying, people f2p will farm for them and they just buy for the price on F5, they just need swipe to gear, that's why all its expensive, included new soul tier path. the problem with this it's when this industry look how many people will play this game later, will be only people who spend $$$$$$ like crazy, i mean everyone do what they want with their money, don't care, at last everyone in the game people will knows each other because will be that few people, and for the new ones who want to reach them have to pay or play 24/7 all days, like its literally impossible, and that's why people quit.
  5. its a legend that merchant of wonders think they really put 0,000000000000001% to show.
  6. some people don't even know what is HR.............
  7. Bounds wont be removed, since people will do the same raid a lot of time per day/week with others. Thats why (Reset Raids,Dungeons exists), You can use those resets to start over again, suggest to you, to take a look first in which party are you join in and check gears. Regards.
  8. who the hell buy those ** for 2k, 3k gold, people whale its getting crazy for having an end gear, nobody cares if people its end gear or not, only the same whales care, its like when people whale spending that gold before like idiots on VT and now its a what ever, its the same, when ncsoft nerf the raids you just lose your real money and gold time playing, you just guys are throwing gold like ***..
  9. Please can you fix this 6v6 BG game, i got crashed 2 times during freenzy time, and cannot play anymore on 60 minutes, during this time i saw many players crashed on both teams, now i got This message: "If you leave During the matching process you cannot enter the battleground lobby. If you leave again after certain time you wont be able to enter for 60 minutes you will be able to enter again after", i'am not quit but can't do anything: 1.- Because launcher take time to log in the game, plus loading page... 2.- You Respawn dead after this, and have to ress, plus loading page again, 3.- You try to comeback to the BG match with the message Y/N, Loading again to the F8 map, 4.- Loading again to enter to BG and finally the BG finish if you comeback or its nearly to end. This was posted "By Bronn, on March 7 in Arena and Battlegrounds" Not possible on 7 months you literally doing anything to fix this, just making more hard to play with those alerts. Try to even answer people, Thank you...
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