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Plans to Fix DPS?


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Are there any plans to either buff the DPS of classes at the lower end of the spectrum or nerf the DPS of those at the top? I don't think it would be that hard to change the damage of some skills to make them more in line with each other.

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+1. It's a little bit funny how, regardless of how good the idea of the PvP damage introduced in Storm of Arrows was, they can no longer justify the atrocious PvE class balancing. It's easier than ever for them to make sure every single class and class specialization in the game is roughly balanced. Even before Class Specializations were a thing, while there indeed was a meta for which Element to play on each class, playing the weaker spec now (see Distortion for Warlock, Spinning Storm for Blade Dancer, Dragon Fist for Kung Fu Master, ...) is most often just considered a meme. The only exception is if the opposite spec, like Shadow for Assassin, is too difficult and/or too impractical for certain users.


I'm really wondering if our publisher's even share our feedback regarding class balancing a tiny bit or make sure to go out on their own into servers like B&SAcademy to just see how the two specs are viewed by the community. Hey, maybe even ask some of the Mentors how they view the current situation and send feedback based on it. A few weeks ago I compiled a list of bugs for Blade Dancer, and while it seems like one bit of feedback was sent, the rest wasn't responded to due to the lack of knowledge from the QA team stating it was intentional. I had a good laugh at least.

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vor 15 Stunden schrieb Viblo:

+1. It's a little bit funny how, regardless of how good the idea of the PvP damage introduced in Storm of Arrows was

They changed nearly nothing so the idea may be good but they didnt change anything for most specs its still way to much dmg.

Just for example BM (strongest class ingame) can do up to 15K with one i believe the skill is called flash step and he can use it like 4 times in a row.


For PVE they will not even try such a thing i think cause its well known why this DPS Gap exists otherwise they would sell way sell sealing charms and since NC is a company only driven by $$$ nowdays they will not accept an update which would result in less $$$ which is probably not even NC Wests fault cause i am sure there are goals they have to reach.

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I just had like to see WLs having some attention... Back when i stopped playing i used to be on 1-3 dps between my friends with similar gear(near endgame gear), now that i back to play i just find out WLs are at bottom of barrel, specialy if u go Ice build(now called Distortion).

I took some time tot read previous patch notes for skill balance and what they do to warlocks if compared to others classes is totally disrespectfull, at least to me, who plays it since BnS TW release.

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