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The game needs a new Dungeon Mode...


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As the title, we need something "new" and refreshing for endgame content instead of only a few dungeons being worth it.

The Problem:
Right now we have only one source of Elder Scales, Cathedra Cliff, we have to spam this dungeons HUNDREDs of times in order to get enough materials that we need, at the moment we need

  • 45 for Bracelet (21 + 24 for awakening)
  • 119 for Talisman
  • 99 coming for new Heart

263 total and more coming, but then we will have 2 dungeons instead of one(not much difference).
I feel that this is too much, is too boring to do the same dungeon over and over again, and I know anyone can go at their own pace but still feel like there is no incentive to play.

The Idea:
Why don't we get a new Dungeon Mode in which ALL dungeons (or most of them) get updated, meaning updated Boss HP and rewards. So the idea is to update all dungeons in this mode to have the same "difficulty" as the latest dungeon EZ mode (Cathedra Cliff) and when a new dungeon comes, all dungeons will be updated again accordingly.

For example: Something as simple as Avalanche Den (Yeti), in this mode, the Yeti will have his HP updated to 1.5B or something like that, but will drop Elder Scale Fragments, also his cosmetics and even Onyx/Sylver Scales too. Obviously Dynamic rewards and drops must be balanced according to the time you need to complete the dungeon. 

We also can get a completly new Daily quest for each dungeon in it's new mode, giving more incentive to play them. Actually dynamic rewards can be removed and give better rewards on the daily, so we can avoid people spamming just the "easiest" dungeon, because the idea is to have more variety in the game

The main idea is that you don't need to spam the same dungeon 30 times in one day if you need to farm Elder Scales for example, but instead do 30 different dungeons and end up with similar or even better rewards, making the game a better experience overall, with more variety. 

Would be nice to see old content coming back, having the change to get phased out achievements or cosmetics. Having more things to do. Honestly this shouldn't be hard to implement, is just update a bunch stats and drops.

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vor 7 Stunden schrieb Xzard:

The Idea:


Why don't we get a new Dungeon Mode in which ALL dungeons (or most of them) get updated, meaning updated Boss HP and rewards. So the idea is to update all dungeons in this mode to have the same "difficulty" as the latest dungeon EZ mode (Cathedra Cliff) and when a new dungeon comes, all dungeons will be updated again accordingly.

To much work maybe ? if you play active you should have seen the updates since awakening. They put in minimal effort the only part of the game they work hard for is F10.

Still would love such a system.


this shouldn't be hard to implement

Alot of stuff is not hard to implement: Giving good sources to farm stuff, removing restriction times in PVP, giving 2 kinds of mats one for pvp and one for pve, anti cheat system, giving bosses more health and dmg, balancing the crafting cost with the ammount of stuff you get out of the crafting and many more..........


Thoose are all changes a def which is actully interested in wouldnt need more than 1 week to make but they dont care about EU/NA Community like i always write. Have you seen what stuff KR got ? even RU is better than EU/NA.


There are some red flags we have to consider otherwise there is not even a lil chance for us getting the update we want:

1. Does it hurt F10 in any kind of way ? If you can answer this with yes this update will probably not come !

2. Will it increase the ammount of players which are not paying money in this game ? (PVP Players for example) if you answer with yes the update will probably never come.

3. Is there a possibility people will quit cause of this update. (hahahaha as if they would look at this just a joke of course) hahahahahahahahaha

4. How much programming work does it need ? If you answer with more than one simple line its very unlikely it will come


If anyone wants to prove me wrong give me any update in 2019 which hurt F10 alot or helps pvp to grow back.

Edited by ImoutoMaster
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They don't care about your feedback because what people require is just stupid.


@Xzard You complain there to many scales required but i have few questions for you :Do you have a clan ?Do you have a ET raid ?Do you have friends in game ? Is BNS your second job in life ?


My answers for the question:

1- Having a clan is good, you can farm easily every day btoh dungeons aka having fun with them, talk,enjoying game etc 

2-Having an ET raid you know already you can't push the weapon aka need scales for stage 6 7 8 9,the time you get enough blood rose for 1 stage ( around 5-7 weeks ) you can have 50+scales 

3- Friends in game are nice to stack out from game, log in talk with them,have a chat ,don't make the game your 2nd job( probably repeat 1st question) 

4- Are you the person type that play 10h every day ,farming 12 alts everyday ,doing 12x bt,12x vt,12x dc,12x who know , and you complain the game is hard ?


EVERY GAME IN WORLD  are not made to get every single upgrade that come new in game to have it next day. 


Games are made to have fun,to enjoy it , to find friends,talk with them ,play together and so on. 


STOP COMPLAINING for things are hard in this game and take 2 life to get an item. Now since all dungeons are face tank pew pew pew mode why complain ?go farm solo,duo,take your friends ,make turns for scales ? Everything is damn easy .

And btw the time you get your bracelet (aka 100 runs if bns is 2nd job of ur, should take you 4-6days even less to make 100runs) so by the time you have 100 runs you make 4 fragments x100 =400 fragments aka 20 scales ,guess what ? Exactly enough to have for stage 10 ? Right ? Damn 

This only from dynamic, so guessing you do in F8 you make a lot of gold as well from others bidding  4-6g per run ,in 100 runs you make free 400-600g 

If you do with friends and make turns ,guessing in 6 man you will take around 16x time the loot aka let's say an average of 10 fragments  so 160 fragments aka 8x full scales +20 from 100 runs = 28 scales 



This are minimum that you get but proly you get more scales and you need more than 100 runs for the 250 tokens to buy from npc 


ABOUT TALISMAN nobody have already ready all the materials to upgrade full in 1 day.For heart as well , maybe 5% of players have already ready all the materials for talisman,heart and etc


NOT SAYING that all these upgrades you mentioned above are ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ USELESS to rush it or even maybe doing it. All these upgrade probably will be 50-100k dps increase. Why you need 50k-100k dps increase in 1 day ? The content in game is super easy ?Even ET can be done with full GC9 alliance befor enrage ? 


Me personally i have talisman wyvern stage 2 and i will  not upgrading anymore because the materials that you need to upgrade and what dps you gain is useless .( i'm FM )


So where is the problem in upgrades taking a little more time ? 


Reading forum and see this kind of topics i wonder if people really have anyhing else to do in life beside the complaining for a game.


REMEMBER  nobody force you to upgrade everything , even if is 1 day or 10 years. 


Edited by Zuzuzuzuzu
Miss spelling
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4 hours ago, Zuzuzuzuzu said:

You complain there to many scales required

The OP does not. Maybe that's what you wanted to read, but you are completey missunderstanding the original intension of this topic. You made some reasonable thoughts but they aren't fitting in here.

4 hours ago, Zuzuzuzuzu said:

EVERY GAME IN WORLD  are not made to get every single upgrade that come new in game to have it next day. 

Where is it written "I want to upgrade everything faster, it's to slow"? Nowhere, as it is not the problem of the OP.

4 hours ago, Zuzuzuzuzu said:

Reading forum and see this kind of topics i wonder if people really have anyhing else to do in life beside the complaining for a game.

Reading this forum I wonder why most people don't understand what others matter of concern is. Do they just read half of the stuff? Are they missunderstanding others because they aren't familiar with the english language? Or are they just looking for a possibility to mock others?

4 hours ago, Zuzuzuzuzu said:

what people require is just stupid

What people need (require) is stupid? Or did you want to say what they request (ask for) is stupid?



The OP asked for diversity for the endgame, which is a good idea. More dungeons to farm an items doesn't have to mean automatically a faster progress, as you still have to run a dungeon and spend time to get the same amount of items you get when you are running CC now. 



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vor 5 Stunden schrieb Zuzuzuzuzu:

EVERY GAME IN WORLD  are not made to get every single upgrade that come new in game to have it next day. 

Games are made to have fun,to enjoy it , to find friends,talk with them ,play together and so on. 

STOP COMPLAINING for things are hard in this game and take 2 life to get an item. Now since all dungeons are face tank pew pew pew mode why complain ?go farm solo,duo,take your friends ,make turns for scales ? Everything is damn easy .

 STOP DEFENDING NC-Soft for crappy dessisions they made.
OP didnt mentioned with a single word that is is to hard to get stuff. So stop talking bullshit about people complaining thinks are to hard.
People complaining about way to less valuable and varied spots to farm their stuff. CC is the only dungeon where you can get Elder Scales. And even farming this dungeon with friends getting booring quite fast.

Im have played since release and i loved BnS, but a few week ago i quit, at least partial. I only do my TT / ET raid and thats all and when my raidgroup will find a good replacement i will quite completly.
Im so sick of this "We add one dungeon but therefore reduce materials / gold in 2,3,4 older dungeons", Im so sick of these redicolous low droprates like 200+ BC runs (more than half of them in HM) and not a single glove, 120+ WC runs and no belt, 120+ CC runs and no bracelet oh and to make it even more worse, these 120 CC runs got me exactly 120 Orbs and i have way less than no motivation to do another 130 runs to get 250 orbs to buy it.

BnS just got plain booring and even doing stuff with friends dont change much of it. There are only a 4 dungeons worth the effort to run them.

Back in time, we had so many dungeons we need to run and it was fun, we had fieldbosses worth to farm, like lycan, the jiangshis, Kaari and so on, and today?
4 freaking Dungeons, Basin, MSP and refuge, everything else is not even worth thinking about to do it.

And i wouldnt mention the freaking redicolus low droprates of the gloves, belt, bracelet or the RNG oth the orbs you need to buy the bracelet.
I have 120 runs CC and exactly 120 orbs and i for sure wont do another 130 runs to get the 250 orbs you need, screew it. Im looking for a game with more variety and more fun to play even i loved BnS for nearly 4 years...



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All that story that i write it was right on subject,  he said that we have only 1 dungeon to farm elder scale ( new currency for end gear upgrade ) and also he said when new dungeon arrive ( new currency) all the old dungeons should change to that currency aka " yeti need remastered and drop elder scale etc ) " 

If you remember well we had always this rotation with scales , Onyx scale - DST only ,after some months ,BC arrive and WC again after few months ,it is always same rotation  why nobody complain about Onyx scale before ? We had soul upgrade back then as well ? Or maybe nobody complain because DST was 3-4 per run ?? 

And if you change all dungeons to new currency ( scale) how people that are behind with gear upgrade if the old scales are not anymore ? Making a dungeon to drop all 3 types of scale even more in future is stupid. 


And I'm the last guy to think that i defend NCsoft ,where i almost insulted them in tickets with the oblivion bracelet reduce cost after 1 month and kick me right in the ass when they made me to buy oblivion reset wih ncoins and give back nothing. 


For that "intended" mistake i delete my 7 alts ( aransu ++,soul,items stage 10 )  ,stop buying premium 2months without already , 0 ncoins,no trove,rng,or the new ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ lotto stupid thing . Now i focus only my main FM and my 2nd main DES . 2 characters easy life. I log for only raids as well and sometimes i do daily with friends in discord. 

SO I'm not defending nobody here . 


I start hating this game the moment they decide to make easy mode no wipe mech ,just faceroll the boss and gg. That was the biggest mistake that people required in this game.


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12 hours ago, Zuzuzuzuzu said:

And if you change all dungeons to new currency ( scale) how people that are behind with gear upgrade if the old scales are not anymore ? Making a dungeon to drop all 3 types of scale even more in future is stupid.

You clearly didn't read my post, this is why I'm just suggesting a new Dungeon mode, and only on that mode stats and drops will change, not on current ez or hard modes.

I just want more places to farm the same things we already have to farm from a single place. 

I had to do 190 runs to get CC bracelet, and ended up sick of doing the same thing over and over, doesn't matter if is slow or fast, and I'm pretty sure a lot of people can agree with this.

Also, I see no reason why reviving old content is a bad thing, even if is a few dungeons should be nice to be able to run them again for current rewards.

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