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Damage related rewards


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Just wondering why we can't get the same reward system in Koldrak's lair implemented in other dungeons. Highest tiered DPSers get more gold/XP. This will mean higher geared players will want to party with the lower geared. They get something out of it instead of always searching for highest geared players and banding together. If there are several high DPSers, they will then compete for top spot/rewards so the dungeon run can still be as fast. For AFK people who do no damage, they get their quest done but they don't get any dynamic rewards.


Something like a chest with:

1st - 100k XP &10 gold

2nd - 75k XP & 8 gold

3rd - 50k XP & 6 gold

4th - 25k XP & 4 gold

5th & 6th - 15k XP & 3 gold

No dmg - No rewards


Higher levels will more than likely do higher damage and will benefit from the extra XP. Or it could be more of an incentive to gear up, to do more damage, more XP and level faster. Lower level/geared get to run dungeons they normally get kicked from.


Less leechers also. Once saw a GC geared player doing less than 100k in Naryu Sanctum!

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i can guarantee you it wont do anything, all it will do is hurt the lesser geared players and cheat them on rewards.

Not everyone rushes through gear, not everyone spends money.


what you are suggesting simply means that a lesser geared person, who is doing everything right, doing mechanics, outputting as much damage as they can is wrorse than you because he has less gear. This is simple dividing players in the "better sort" and the "worse sort".

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I think the idea is good but it would destroy the whole reason to why you gear up at all. Its to do more dmg and get stuff done faster. Unfourtunetly if you are forced to run with Low bobs you will be slower by alot.


Depending on the dungeon i would like such a system but my oppinion stays the same i dont think we should allow everyone to run everything. Gear exist for a reason and it dosent take long to get TT Ready gear or atleast TT 1 - 2 ready gear. If you want to run any content get a group or a guild you can run with dont expect everyone to carry you !

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vor 10 Stunden schrieb Aion2BnS:

Just wondering why we can't get the same reward system in Koldrak's lair implemented in other dungeons.


This will result in an even bigger gap between good and medium / less geared players. While the rich will gerring more rich the poor get even more poor.


vor 8 Stunden schrieb Grimoir:

what you are suggesting simply means that a lesser geared person, who is doing everything right, doing mechanics, outputting as much damage as they can is wrorse than you because he has less gear. This is simple dividing players in the "better sort" and the "worse sort".

I dont aggree often with Grimoir but here i do completly. I saw many high geared who can burst down any boss, but as soon as they have to do mech, they fail hard and ragequit the party.


vor 18 Minuten schrieb ImoutoMaster:

I think the idea is good but it would destroy the whole reason to why you gear up at all. Its to do more dmg and get stuff done faster. Unfourtunetly if you are forced to run with Low bobs you will be slower by alot.

LoL, i am fully TT-Geared and up to TSM i dont feel much of a difference between running with "low bobs" or a high geared party, well ok it might take a few more seconds to kill the boss.

One thing i noticed during the last few weekends 1.6k MSP groups dont need much more time than 1.8k+ parties, the lower geared are much faster spawning each stage and most time have better teamwork xD


vor 28 Minuten schrieb ImoutoMaster:

Depending on the dungeon i would like such a system but my oppinion stays the same i dont think we should allow everyone to run everything. Gear exist for a reason

Wait what? What dungeons we are talking about?
I dont know any at the moment existing dungeon that cant be done with Aransu 3-6, at least if you have decent assessoirs.

But yeah, some people even need ET gear for VT


If you want to do something meaningfull, give rewards to those who do mech, not to those who just can dps ;)



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vor 5 Stunden schrieb Merlin DE:

Wait what? What dungeons we are talking about?

I dont know any at the moment existing dungeon that cant be done with Aransu 3-6, at least if you have decent assessoirs.

I am talking about people with Story gear joining Warped Citatadel for example. I dont wanna see thoose people be allowed in current dungeons. Its not hard to get BT Stuff at max atleast.

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3 hours ago, ImoutoMaster said:

I am talking about people with Story gear joining Warped Citatadel for example. I dont wanna see thoose people be allowed in current dungeons. Its not hard to get BT Stuff at max atleast.

Why, it doesn't require that gear to actually run it? I run it on my Earth Destroyer with just Rift 6, sure my bracelet isn't bad and I can sustain 500-600k (still working on gear) but no dungeon requires much gear in order to do when you consider your in a party of 6 players. It is almost the same as say a person with current end game gear kicking you from Heaven's Mandate because your only grand celestial or below when most can actually solo that at rift/dawn/raven 9. Hopefully you get my point.

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vor 3 Stunden schrieb Kitsune Takahashi:

Why, it doesn't require that gear to actually run it? I run it on my Earth Destroyer with just Rift 6, sure my bracelet isn't bad and I can sustain 500-600k (still working on gear)

Thats fine but like 98% of players at riftwalk will not be able to sustain 500k its more like 130 - 180K. Now calculate mechs into it and it may be like 85 - 130K. Sure you are still able to do so but 95% of thoose players have no idea about the mechs at all. 

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2 hours ago, ImoutoMaster said:

Thats fine but like 98% of players at riftwalk will not be able to sustain 500k its more like 130 - 180K. Now calculate mechs into it and it may be like 85 - 130K. Sure you are still able to do so but 95% of thoose players have no idea about the mechs at all. 

Yea but they just have to learn those like everyone else did before people were OP like they are now.

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