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Shackled isle team review after testing

Miggy Miggs

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It's been a long week ...this new event made shacked isle so popular ..wish you guys promote it more after this event ends just to keep it active .



My feedback


Reduce the amount of instant kill power ups ..it's a team fight and some people lose team members already and it's already a stuggle ... it should be more about fighting than 3 people throwing instant team wipe power ups sucks the fun out of it as being a team means people will be close to each other.


Add a debuff thing where people can't be affected by cat pull for 10 second if they already been pull .


That summon team power up thing what does it actually do ??? It says pull to 60m or something I did it when people within and over 60 m nothing ..can some one tell me I might have interpreted it wrong  .


Add markers to team mates I notice people add markers on people in numerous runs to see them from a far etc  ....I personally use it too



This one is most important ... plz add a sound feature to tell you when someone in trouble a heart beat one time or two and show the char in combat red ..I see alot of ppl die silently .... cause if your not looking closely on they name o see hp drop you won't know .



u guys should consider it's 3 ppl with same amount of slots to grab the same thing imagine get spam pull 3 times I did most cancer thing ever ...or add a universal cooldown between team with cat pull and sapper or what ever it's called that would be better

Edited by Miggy Miggs
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  • I don't like the personal death blow points.  One player on the team can snatch all the deathblows, not a fun team experience.  I feel making the deathblows 1pt, and shared across the trio, would be reasonable.
  • A recourse on catclaw would be nice, even a 4s immunity would liven things up.
  • Sapper- Oneshotting a person, or even several people at once, with a single powerup I feel is overkill.  I'd make the sapper item an unresistable debuff, no direct damage.
  • I'd like to see the Royale rankings separated into class.  Give out less rewards per class if you need to, feels like some classes have a strong advantage in Royale (summoner?)
  • I'd like an option to return to lobby with my trio, and bonus for  partners who stay until the whole trio is eliminated.

@Miggy Miggs Red Group summon- I believe you  need line of sight. I've successfully pulled trio members, but only within  60m, and with good line of sight (no buildings/etc in the way).  Mostly when they were low on hp nearby, or were fighting near an encroaching spirit wall.  I feel a long radius and working without LoS would be okay considering the strenght of the other red powerups (if technically possibly).

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The Line of Sight requirement could be an attempt to keep it balanced against ambushes (especially if you combo'd it with stealth, being able to pull your team from anywhere on the map on top of enemies could cause alot of complaints).


@Miggy Miggs I haven't checked myself, but you can do ctrl + 0 to toggle party numbers above party members. It should also work in shackled isles.

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