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black fridays deal, arena/bg changes that we need MY FEEDBACK


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black Friday deal


why they didn't reduce training ticket cost , i would legit buy it if it wasnt so expensive for something that should have been implemented in the game for free.

guess ill manually change skills now.



todays specials aint special again


need some more surprises and weapon skins , its also nice to see some services item in today's special .








match making


i was literally 1490 in 1v1 and i got a gold kfm , like how is this even possible i was dueling early in the morning she was literally 100 rating over me loli dont if she was the only one qing but i afked lol the shock was real but the point is what if i wont that fight would i get gold ???? not rewarding fighting a gold player tbh if u gold and u lose to a silver you should get gold regardless make gold vs silver a range between 1550 - 1600 and set it so gold player lose more to low rank period. they literally get b feed from silver to get up the ladder 



-load on field screen

for a game that always talk about fair play , the fact that a gunner can slap half your hp before u load in then tech chase after roll , right as you load is just  unfair and not even considered among them to fix , why cant they do a count down on the field and unlock our skills then, rather than coming off a black screen to find your self airbourne.i never see them try that cheese move in tournaments  so why allow it to happen when there can be a fix. its not complaining about gunners but the advantage of high end pc over normal pc people everyone needs a chance to react.


arena out of combat


i sent a compliant the other day , this sin literally hit you air u with web dash to next side of field wait for out of combat , the out of combat should be a max of 45 sec of inactivity



gunner in battleground


its so annoying for gunner to fight fms and  summoner  in bg with literally all your skills projectile yes korea made changes to skill but our 8 piece ss pvp  is so trash why not make 8 piece  let unload pierce projectile resist during firefall so annoying when a fm bubble right beside the base and you stuck unable to help your team anything you do heals them even summoners and fm have non projectile skills that does good damage , fire fall has a long cd so its not always up .


lower the time to re enter  battleground if you dc, i got dc twice in a row an d had to wait so long to re enter and it wasn't even my fault  the internet was so acting up like at least plus 10 minutes each time u dc.


when u die in bg and dc you wake up alive , one of the reason no one makes it back in time to continue , u dc in bg and they killed u , u log on message comes up to re enter u have to revive first lol





-point of win streaks


i was doing bg last night  i was literally on  8  win streak from 1400 to 1570 something all i got was 19 points EACH,tops, and when i finally lost a match i lost a whopping 30 plus points lol so i need to know why show win streaks when we aint getting anything bonus from consecutive wins no increase points  rewarded, battle exp or rating  or am missing something.i really need to know .


-cosmic pearl 


lower the cost to 2k at least so hard to farm that points while farming bg boxes, and dragon fragments , altho you guys have another weapon in store.


-arena keys

make it possible to buy the arena keys with zen beans, with a max of 5- 10 keys per day.if it cost 2k beans to buy ill glady accept that


-tag match search for party button

remove the auto lfp button for tag noobs sometime hit that button and be in q for 30 plus minutes bad experience cause then they think the game is dead , instead let clicking it advertise a link in chat when gather x amount the ready button be available. also show how much tag teams are qing and how much are currently in a match .



-nerf wardern

big damage

million iframe

2 hp bars



damage reduction bubble ,reduce damage by a whopping 40 pecent   ( 30 SEC CD THAT stays on field for half the time so its literally 15 sec or so idk

high mobilty

9 sec guard break that affects ground def skills also inflicts stun

a  5 second block

no focus damage from weapon effect such as asc or dragon forg

alot of ways to heal up

an a 100- 0 skill

i know kr nerf them so whats up ????

















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1 hour ago, qqqq1 said:

i was literally 1490 in 1v1 and i got a gold kfm , like how is this even possible i was dueling early in the morning she was literally 100 rating over me loli dont if she was the only one qing but i afked lol the shock was real but the point is what if i wont that fight would i get gold ???? not rewarding fighting a gold player tbh if u gold and u lose to a silver you should get gold regardless make gold vs silver a range between 1550 - 1600 and set it so gold player lose more to low rank period. they literally get b feed from silver to get up the ladder 

If there are no players in the rank range you are in, the system will match you to the next runner up thats higher (not lower) ranked. This is logic, works the same in all other games.


1 hour ago, qqqq1 said:

for a game that always talk about fair play , the fact that a gunner can slap half your hp before u load in then tech chase after roll , right as you load is just  unfair and not even considered among them to fix , why cant they do a count down on the field and unlock our skills then, rather than coming off a black screen to find your self airbourne.i never see them try that cheese move in tournaments  so why allow it to happen when there can be a fix. its not complaining about gunners but the advantage of high end pc over normal pc people everyone needs a chance to react.

This isnt a game issue its either a potato pc or network xD


1 hour ago, qqqq1 said:

its so annoying for gunner to fight fms and  summoner  in bg with literally all your skills projectile yes korea made changes to skill but our 8 piece ss pvp  is so trash why not make 8 piece  let unload pierce projectile resist during firefall so annoying when a fm bubble right beside the base and you stuck unable to help your team anything you do heals them even summoners and fm have non projectile skills that does good damage , fire fall has a long cd so its not always up .

ower the time to re enter  battleground if you dc, i got dc twice in a row an d had to wait so long to re enter and it wasn't even my fault  the internet was so acting up like at least plus 10 minutes each time u dc.

when u die in bg and dc you wake up alive , one of the reason no one makes it back in time to continue , u dc in bg and they killed u , u log on message comes up to re enter u have to revive first lol

because the whole issue with gunners was their hits going through projectile blocking skills, thats what made gunners broken in PVP, they changed that and now gunners need to actully puit some skill into PVP rather then run in, resist, unload and kill people. Learn how to PVP or dont PVP at all.


the bg dcing issue is an old problem which they are still working on to fix.

1 hour ago, qqqq1 said:

i was doing bg last night  i was literally on  8  win streak from 1400 to 1570 something all i got was 19 points EACH,tops, and when i finally lost a match i lost a whopping 30 plus points lol so i need to know why show win streaks when we aint getting anything bonus from consecutive wins no increase points  rewarded, battle exp or rating  or am missing something.i really need to know .

Cause that would be stupid, especially in a state the pvp is at now. if it was an equalized bg with equalized gear like arena then win streak bonuses would actually make sense as then everyone has the same chance of winning and not just the ones with whale gear. And the points for win/loss were changed to combat botting and de-ranking on pourpose, so if someone chose to de-rank, he would have it harder to get back to the rank he originally was at. (this was a huge issue befoire they changed the points)


1 hour ago, qqqq1 said:

-cosmic pearl 

lower the cost to 2k at least so hard to farm that points while farming bg boxes, and dragon fragments , altho you guys have another weapon in store.

arena keys

make it possible to buy the arena keys with zen beans, with a max of 5- 10 keys per day.if it cost 2k beans to buy ill glady accept that

No. these are fine as they are co0nsidering current PVP gear is the highest you can get. when new pvp gear comes out the costs will be reduced like they always are.


1 hour ago, qqqq1 said:

-tag match search for party button

remove the auto lfp button for tag noobs sometime hit that button and be in q for 30 plus minutes bad experience cause then they think the game is dead , instead let clicking it advertise a link in chat when gather x amount the ready button be available. also show how much tag teams are qing and how much are currently in a match .

Tag match is dead, people dont do it because its stupid.


1 hour ago, qqqq1 said:

-nerf wardern

big damage

million iframe

2 hp bars



damage reduction bubble ,reduce damage by a whopping 40 pecent   ( 30 SEC CD THAT stays on field for half the time so its literally 15 sec or so idk

high mobilty

9 sec guard break that affects ground def skills also inflicts stun

a  5 second block

no focus damage from weapon effect such as asc or dragon forg

alot of ways to heal up

an a 100- 0 skill

i know kr nerf them so whats up ????

they can still be killed easily if you knkow what oyu are doing. And...fyi, doesnt matter if KR nerfed them or not. we are at least 5-6 months behind KR, and KR has the awakening patch which for us is delayed until 2019 because of the shitty way classes are there now.

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vor 2 Stunden schrieb Grimoir:

If there are no players in the rank range you are in, the system will match you to the next runner up thats higher (not lower) ranked. This is logic, works the same in all other games.

Hmm please explain that logic, how can you tell about lower/higher match? On your example, if you - as lower rank -  match to someone with higher rank, at the very same moment you are  the lower ranked match to that higher ranked person. For me this means also a lower rank match must be there... :HongWhat:

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9 minutes ago, Belido said:

Hmm please explain that logic, how can you tell about lower/higher match? On your example, if you - as lower rank -  match to someone with higher rank, at the very same moment you are  the lower ranked match to that higher ranked person. For me this means also a lower rank match must be there... :HongWhat:

its simple, say u are bronze, you LFP...system checks, hey is there a bronze person with rank close to yours?  OMG! there is, lets watch them beat eachother up!

You LFP again, system checks, "hmm this bronze dude....lets see if i can find someone like him"...system checks..."EEWWW there is no bronze player queuiong....well lets watch him get beat up by this silver player with low rank"

You queue a third time...system checks "hmm...no bronze, no silver wth?"..."oh well lets watch him get mutilated by this gold ranked one, gonna grab some popcorn!".


thats how it works.

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Gerade eben schrieb Grimoir:

its simple, say u are bronze, you LFP...system checks, hey is there a bronze person with rank close to yours?  OMG! there is, lets watch them beat eachother up!

You LFP again, system checks, "hmm this bronze dude....lets see if i can find someone like him"...system checks..."EEWWW there is no bronze player queuiong....well lets watch him get beat up by this silver player with low rank"

You queue a third time...system checks "hmm...no bronze, no silver wth?"..."oh well lets watch him get mutilated by this gold ranked one, gonna grab some popcorn!".


thats how it works.

AND now take a view to the opposite, you are that mentioned gold player, waiting for a match and wooops, hey a crunchy bronze player as snack! So the matching must go in both directions and not only to higher ranked ones, that's what i meant.

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lol grimoir u amaze me, so if am qing  at 1490 and i get someone who is 110 point over me you telling me thats logic so if i get a plat person that logic too huh ...please pick sense out of non sense obviously u dont know pvp to know where the gold mark is since u say tag is stupid it proves it all,




no way in this earth you should get a gold person when u not even 1500 theres other person in 1500 region qing that goes to show what ever they did to make matching something is wrong .....what if i won i would get how much points would i get for my effort 100 while he ranks up off a free win . please



also if u dont know when u have a high eng pc theres a gunner cheese that people get by with that blows ppl before they load in i dont know what they do if they bullrush stun but what ever it is bns need to get rid of that screen and make load in on field, 


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5 minutes ago, Belido said:

AND now take a view to the opposite, you are that mentioned gold player, waiting for a match and wooops, hey a crunchy bronze player as snack! So the matching must go in both directions and not only to higher ranked ones, that's what i meant.

as snack fnny lol

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58 minutes ago, qqqq1 said:

lol grimoir u amaze me, so if am qing  at 1490 and i get someone who is 110 point over me you telling me thats logic so if i get a plat person that logic too huh ...please pick sense out of non sense obviously u dont know pvp to know where the gold mark is since u say tag is stupid it proves it all,




no way in this earth you should get a gold person when u not even 1500 theres other person in 1500 region qing that goes to show what ever they did to make matching something is wrong .....what if i won i would get how much points would i get for my effort 100 while he ranks up off a free win . please



also if u dont know when u have a high eng pc theres a gunner cheese that people get by with that blows ppl before they load in i dont know what they do if they bullrush stun but what ever it is bns need to get rid of that screen and make load in on field, 


its logic because:


if it doesnt match you to any oponent queuing, you will be stuck in queue for 30 minutes if not more.

1 hour ago, Belido said:

AND now take a view to the opposite, you are that mentioned gold player, waiting for a match and wooops, hey a crunchy bronze player as snack! So the matching must go in both directions and not only to higher ranked ones, that's what i meant.

well ofc it does. i just gave you the one example. what i mean is: if there is nothing matching the search for your rank it will match you with the first best player it finds, be it higher or lower rank. its basically: IF no player of same rank available then find any match. else people would be stuck in queues waiting for hours even.,

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12 minutes ago, RavTH said:

if you queue up against gold player just fight them, if you lose you wont lose much points, but THEY will, and if you win you get a lot of points from them so it's a win-win for you.

its not a win win, point is its unfair , i rather wait 30 minutes for a fair fight than to feed gold ops, i literally saw someone fought the same gold person 5 times in a row , like i dont how much point they getting but i know they get at least 9 point per win , and i lose like  9 point , 1490 vs someone 1600 is way too drastic no one in theyre right mind would think this acceptable to what point is this right oviously if someone gets gold they are good or decent pvp players or just lucky to get 4 wins during decoding . and i wasnt even decoding so i  looking at max 30 - 39 points from them to fight them 2 more time or 2 other ops  after to to take they thrown stupid . only way a silver should fight a gold is if the silver get gold for wining the match  simple ......if gold people wanna rank up fight other goldies simple , they getting rank up each win regardless how low the point is feeding off low rankers

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if someone wanna get gold they fight a gold person, to get it plain and simple ..... but dont let me fighting 3 gold person and am still not gold like th .....cmon sense is sense ...oh i just close the game client before the match starts.nobody not gtting that big advantage am not saying i dont wanna fight a gold person but if am gonna get gold i put the effort in that one match like my life depends on it then never q again right .....no sense busting my self in 3 matches against goldies just to get a medal that i should have  won from a  gold person  ..why u think people get gold and never q again .....obviously cause they dont wanna fight  more goldies so why am i busting my self look into that lol

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the person who was fighting the same gld person 5 times was a bm  he was fighting a gold summ, so u know how annoying h literally had to stop qing for an entire 30 minutes just to have a fresh start. like when will that summ actually fight someone of there tier lol .


what they implement was a cut throat match making ..... oh nobody qing throw him and him hope for the best at least u got a match right lol

bronze vs gold at least u got a match right  hahaha

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If matches took 30 minutes to find a similar rated player, people high rated would have to wait even longer since there are fewer high rated players.  I think the system works well for me.  I would rather fight a known high rated player and try and get better, than staring at a timer hoping to get a fair match.  It seems a lot of the time I fight against a similar rated player, it is really a good high rated player ranking an alt, or someone that de-ranked to find quicker matches anyway.

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1 hour ago, jones6 said:

If matches took 30 minutes to find a similar rated player, people high rated would have to wait even longer since there are fewer high rated players.  I think the system works well for me.  I would rather fight a known high rated player and try and get better, than staring at a timer hoping to get a fair match.  It seems a lot of the time I fight against a similar rated player, it is really a good high rated player ranking an alt, or someone that de-ranked to find quicker matches anyway.

check this, i was 1490 i should accept a gold match up when its nothing for me to gain after busting my self out for 30 point, in which a silver could give me that amount, if i lose i lose 9 point seems small but, theres a curse that 1 derank down could put me into a match up that cause me to start deranking like crazy ,  while they are ranking up off 9 points . each win , its not fair some of us never got gold and match up like this turns ppl off like idk how i can start getting gold at 1490 ,am just waiting for that bronze vs gold match up....i get gold on some of my alts and i manage to get it out of luck of not getting a gold person until i was 1 win away .


all am saying no one should get a gold match up until they over 1550, UNLESS THEY DECODING THEN THEY GET GOLD MATCH UP FROM 1500 ,fair enough .like give ppl a chance to feel out the 1500 water because ppl in that range know pvp so its still not easy .

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16 hours ago, qqqq1 said:

-nerf wardern

big damage

million iframe

2 hp bars



damage reduction bubble ,reduce damage by a whopping 40 pecent   ( 30 SEC CD THAT stays on field for half the time so its literally 15 sec or so idk

high mobilty

9 sec guard break that affects ground def skills also inflicts stun

a  5 second block

no focus damage from weapon effect such as asc or dragon forg

alot of ways to heal up

an a 100- 0 skill

i know kr nerf them so whats up ????

inserts masterracelaughter meme


no seriously warden is not op, fm is way more broken than warden

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7 hours ago, qqqq1 said:

check this, i was 1490 i should accept a gold match up when its nothing for me to gain after busting my self out for 30 point, in which a silver could give me that amount, if i lose i lose 9 point seems small but, theres a curse that 1 derank down could put me into a match up that cause me to start deranking like crazy ,  while they are ranking up off 9 points . each win , its not fair some of us never got gold and match up like this turns ppl off like idk how i can start getting gold at 1490 ,am just waiting for that bronze vs gold match up....i get gold on some of my alts and i manage to get it out of luck of not getting a gold person until i was 1 win away .


all am saying no one should get a gold match up until they over 1550, UNLESS THEY DECODING THEN THEY GET GOLD MATCH UP FROM 1500 ,fair enough .like give ppl a chance to feel out the 1500 water because ppl in that range know pvp so its still not easy .

Then the gold ranked players will simply make alts and still beat you up because clearly you just want easy wins instead of challenging oponents so you can improve yourself.

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5 hours ago, Grimoir said:

Then the gold ranked players will simply make alts and still beat you up because clearly you just want easy wins instead of challenging oponents so you can improve yourself.

i cant challenge ping carried peeps with 90 ms, in the 1500 region the silvers are still manageable if am gonna fight a GOLD as silver i better be getting gold as a reward. its always in the gold person advantage allowing gold ppl to rank up off silver snacks for 5 games is ridiculous that dude got like a good 40 point from those match , while u lose the same amount in total , so if i was 1520 am now 1480 back down and start getting match ups with people i would never see if i had a fair chance at going to 1570, then i would challenge my self , to get hat one win , why challenge when there's nothing to gain than to win another match.

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