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  1. The login rewards were pretty helpful for me just returning. It would be nice if compensation was given for the missing rewards. Thanks.
  2. I created some new characters for soul boost. I sat in queue for 30 minutes with no matches. It was never like that before. I guess pvp is pretty much dead.
  3. The cost is pretty ridiculous, but oh well I just salvage them and move on to something else.
  4. I just returned. I think making "Designer Thread" obtainable is some form would help get a few more outfits to new/returning players. Tons of great outfits that are not obtainable currently. It would be great to put out a few of those instead of the same old reruns.
  5. Deleting over hundred outfits between all those rng boxes I had purchased is a complete joke. I won't even bother with a support ticket. Total fraud.
  6. This is just sad to see no compensation is offered. It makes it hard to support the game when players are treated this way.
  7. Another 60 boxes no outfit on top of the 200 + before. Please help.
  8. I am not sure about that. I just know that once I entered the code it did not show up in the apply list so it seems to have activated it immdiately.
  9. The code shows as being used in the history but previous codes showed up in a list that I could apply later.
  10. Mine applied automatically. It didn'thave the option to apply later like previous codes.
  11. It would be nice to see older content receive a boost to drop rates of cosmetics. Every time I think of getting an outfit on my alt characters I just remember the horrible rng grind I had to go through to get it initially and then decide it isn't worth it.
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