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About future of Des/BD Grab/Grip


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From what I know, when the awakened skill patch hits, Restraint skills will no longer be available. Some of them will become a normal skill (like SF's Beam Cannon), but I doubt anyone will use it. Soul Shields that provides bonus damage to Restraint skills will shift to Ultimate skills instead.


When that time comes, than Grab/Grip of Des/BD goes back to the time where they are only used to buy more time in boss fight. Which is very rare in more recent dungeons since bosses cannot be instant-CC thanks to having too many bars. Even though the patch comes with reduced CC bar, they also removes x2 CC skills, and make all CC skills contribute to one bar only (not sure what is the point?). Or bosses just refuses to be get grabbed even CCed.


In a few rare cases, they can be used for mech, though this utility can be replaced with knockback with the right classes. No need to have BD/Des 24/7 in a raid.


So, what should NCWest develop Grab/Grip so that Des/BD becomes a more desirable class for their utility?


First, I don't think it is necessary for Grab/Grip to make Des/BD becomes unable to DPS during the time. Also, a gripped target may move around a little too much and make it hard to target. Instead, they can just simply apply a debuff that are only available when the target gets CC, allowing Des/BD to freely DPS.


What kind of benefits? Either:


-Extend CC duration: this is a HM skill version of some Grab/Grip moves that is never released. By extend CC duration on a CCed boss, it may help team member to have more time to prepare for next attack or position themselves for next mech.


-Buff Ultimate skills: 100% damage increase for Ultimate skills, and 200% damage increase if Des/BD has VT badges (scale more % to make them useful if those figures are not high enough). Ultimate skills are buffed by soul shields already, so further buffing them will make them a desirable skill to use in place of normal rotation. Every time a boss gets CCed and your raid have a Des/BD, if becomes burst time!


-Other kind of buffs: 100% focus regen, 100% critical rate, 100% critical damage... blah blah. Remember that it is very rare for a boss in recent contents get CCed, including during mech, so the buff should be powerful enough to compensate the abyssal downtime.


What about the normal grab/grip? They are still there, of course, but as pvp skills.

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53 minutes ago, Kozuki said:

From what I know, when the awakened skill patch hits, Restraint skills will no longer be available.

This is very distressing as a BD player.  One of the things that attracted me to the class was the ability to restrain.  NC has a bad habit of taking things away and not replacing them.  :tears: 

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1 hour ago, Deadly Intent said:

This is very distressing as a BD player.  One of the things that attracted me to the class was the ability to restrain.  NC has a bad habit of taking things away and not replacing them.  :tears: 

Heyyy no worries, it'll be alright

BDs will still be able to pick things up and that'll still in it's own way be beneficial sometimes-SOMETIMES depending on the boss and it's mechanics. So you can still be the little guy holding up something 5 times your size. It just won't have that extra dps boost. Well, I should say I guess, what used to be an extra dps boost. Overtime, restraining wound up being a dps loss for a lot of people so...this is why it's being dismissed.


On the bright side though, some of the awakened skills (?) are very useful for some of the classes. Not all, but some I believe! So it might not be such an awful tradeoff.

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the whole restraint should be removed because its utterly useless. It helps for players which are not that geared but once you have your raid items your regular rotation does more damage then the restraint skills. And i definetely do not agree on boosting any ultimate skills or badge modifiers because that would already ruin PVP even more since badge effects affect it aswel. PVE wise, they can buff everything to their hearts contempt, because i do not care if someone does X milion more dps than me, since that helps the entire party.


If anything in badges needs to change then they should remove them from 6v6 first before buffing anything in them,

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