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y noone spam ec hm?


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I'm aware that they merged all of the HM rewards into the NM rewards so that HM is obsolete, but if I'm not mistaken, I THINK you can still play HM in EC by toggling the option for it. That said, and if it's true, EC HM does still exist, but not really worth doing anymore, except for the challenge itself and a little more exp.

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Like @JoannaRamira stated, you need to access it via that or F7 server side dungeon searcher. You can not use F8/Cross server to get HMs for EC/NF/DT anymore. 


And no one spams it because most people just want to finish the daily and get the event token reward as fast as they can. And since they can clear if fast via F8 why spam server side. If you're on Yura, you might find a few doing it. But on Zulia you definitely won't at least not since the change, I've seen no one doing HMs for those three dungeons since. 

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