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This game needs to get a rework in next patch


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1. 20G element and jewels are needed back giving players the oprtion to buy thme for 20 g is good rather than buying ss from marketplace for a ridiculous amount silvers atm 70 silver then u need 30 sacred cyrtals plus 10g more thats robbery  if u had the ss crytals lying around its cheap but  when   your out eventually you will be crying ...its not bns fault for market but at least keep both ways to buy them either farm or buy with gold and throw them in ach merchant or something to make space lol.


2. pet pack here we go again another change that makes no sense or benefits us just makes thing difficult as usual, getting pet pod from event boxes were nice cause u could sell back or even send to an alt or main. now they came up with pet pack which makes no senseliterally its not even account bound so if u get it on a low level alt with chessy gear your stuck with it.look at sacred oil cost like 3 times more and yet account bound idk if it a bug or what but makes no sense giving us this then 3 months later u make em account bound and say your helping us.


3.what happen to the skill balance changes, new bg , new pvp weapon while gunner still 1 shottting my whole team with 2 brain dead button and think they good in pvp and run they mouth off when they aint doing any work cause 50 percent of the time they running other 50 is sneaking and blowing a whole team the base damage alone is so high with full pve ss its even more than your health.i know gunner is weak in pvp but kr changes gave them some beneficial things too to at least handle them selves better than depending on bullet storm 100 percent to the time.you cant even survive 1 bullet From a bullet storm while being a range class also.


4. crafting system , the system is sooo garbage that all am going to say there . the profit margin to craft something for resale is so slim or not even worth it . due to sacred orb cost for exp charms and now soul stone prices of the chart due to new changes named in point 1 . 


5. bg match making system ....please look into this am tired of seeing a bunch of p2w  verses f2p  even if i have decent gear for bg its the reality of it that makes me sad ...its just not fun .cant blame the f2p either if they have a key why not use it . a system where u only use gear u enter with so u can match them better would be nice.its more fun when its a competition than waiting fr time to go out cause 1 team doesnt thave the fire power to compete with 1 team. and nerfing gunner would solve this cause 80 percent of time gunner bullets storm doing all the work




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Here we go:


1. The idea for the new options is that you earn your materials, transmute and buy the elements. If everything were to be calculated back to gold and bought from the marketplace why have a game at all? just remove everything let people buy gold with real money and there is your gameplay. Not to mention its easy to farm the jewel powders.


2. The pet packs were added because they plan on making them more available in the future so its easier to upgrade your pet aura. They are character bound to make sure people dont abuse the ways to get them and make profit.


3. Its gonna come sooner or later.


4. Crafting system right now is way better than it was. ITs fairly cheap to craft items and this makes you now more self sufficient. The idea is to make the items you need and not to focus on making profit out of it. There are plenty other ways to make gold.


5. Given personally i think that if someone decided to go into a PVP match he should at least have the soulshields for it, expecially since challenger / starstone mine shields are good enough for pvp as a basic shield. Other then that what do you expect when they force a daily BG match and people expect to be carried?

I prefer someone suck at pvp but have at least some PVP gear so he can survive a bit more rather than instant die feeding points.

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3 hours ago, HateMe said:

2. The pet packs were added because they plan on making them more available in the future so its easier to upgrade your pet aura. They are character bound to make sure people dont abuse the ways to get them and make profit.

Maybe they should've added this when they added the higher availability. As things stand now, it's more of an annoyance than a benefit.

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3 hours ago, HateMe said:

2. The pet packs were added because they plan on making them more available in the future so its easier to upgrade your pet aura. They are character bound to make sure people dont abuse the ways to get them and make profit.

Any why isn't it account bound like all the other upgrade items with bound/unbound version?


3 hours ago, HateMe said:

. Given personally i think that if someone decided to go into a PVP match he should at least have the soulshields for it, expecially since challenger / starstone mine shields are good enough for pvp as a basic shield. Other then that what do you expect when they force a daily BG match and people expect to be carried?

I prefer someone suck at pvp but have at least some PVP gear so he can survive a bit more rather than instant die feeding points.

I would love to go into BG with my alts, but i just don't do it. Even a ssm pvp ss and galaxy stage 12 weapon won't save you from a good geared gunner's bullet storm, fire kfm's tremor with, fm's burning ashes or sf's frost storm, just to name some of the worst things that can happen. I don't even wanna compete with them, as i know a mistake of mine will be punished with death, the same time they can do 4-5 mistakes and they still don't die from that. That's not the way a pvp competition should be, even with gear differences. So i'm not participating in BGs with my alts, because i don't want be some kind of cannon fodder. At the same time people complain about the low participation in BGs causing long queue times. But where should the new people that are needed for a larger participation should come from, if their fun is destroyed in less than a second of a (under the aspect of gear difference) overpowered enemies?

*note that this is a drastic presentation of the current conditions in BGs. For myself every BG that ends up with a point difference more than 800 can't be called balanced, a few exepctions exist where players are just doing a horrible teamplay. 

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1. remove all the jewels and make it 10g each.

2. not needed but (example: maybe some whale got hacked in their acc and all their pet pods where gone) so maybe they made it more secrure like that? (example: so if the whale gets his acc hacked it can stil have it's ped pods?) IDK... I have a feeling it's something along those lines to not get our ped pods stolen from our accs by our friends? IDK

3. that will stay the same, because if you have 1 orca gunner and 1 whale guner on each team, it will be interesting to see which one spend more time learning the class rather than tabf?

4. the crafting system needs to be reduces in mats and more focused on achivement points.. or something that people who played the game a lot could have control over marketing or something...
5. either there are 2 options for that unbalanced content.. make it so everyone have end game gear as they enter there, or something like  a limit set where everyone have 100k hp 500ap etc... or arena stats.

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All of your points are interesting, except I do not care about PvP anyway. The pet pack system is a garbage. I need to transfer the pet packs to one ALT to reach legendary aura but support (brain dead) says it is character bound item and can only benefit the character which obtained it. 


I hope this message reach the developers early and that they act on it soon, not after a year or so as usual.


The F2 bug and thrall bug are already overdue on a fix.

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