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Bots = increased rewards = more people = more mats = Deflation1 - value of Soulstone drops = PVP less rewarding again
=> less real people play again = less real player rank top 200 = Deflation2 - bots buy other mats with income(MS, Sacred Orb, PSTS)
=> Shortage of Mats(MS, Sacred, Orbs) to craft/upgrade = Inflation1 - gold value drops/Mats prices skyrocket = people leave game
=> PVP dies again

Since arena is not gear based and every character, as long as he reaches lvl55, can participate, this will be the outcome, unless NCSoft instead rewards people with account bound mats, which would make PVP just an extension of PVE, though.
In Asia people, who rank top10, get unlike us, useless items, like Xanos Discs. The sentiment to pvp is more about fun/taking pride in your rank, than in the West.
The rewards for PVP atm are outdated anyways, so I would welcome any changes that would liven up PVP again.
If mats like MS, Sacred Orb would be implemented, which could be sold, you would see all kinds of people wintrade all day. Making the game too easy to upgrade, make people attain a rush attitude in PVP and the gameplay boring, since get max gear in no time, while BnS can´t keep up with the updates to keep u occupied.

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my point is 3v3 tag is dead

ppl dont play it anymore

we need to fix that or theres no point in making quests that require us to do 3v3 tag matches

i agree with u completly. i idc for the rewards i just dont want to waste hrs trying to get 1 3v3 match

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Il y a 3 heures, Ren36 a dit :

Bots = increased rewards = more people = more mats = Deflation1 - value of Soulstone drops = PVP less rewarding again
=> less real people play again = less real player rank top 200 = Deflation2 - bots buy other mats with income(MS, Sacred Orb, PSTS)
=> Shortage of Mats(MS, Sacred, Orbs) to craft/upgrade = Inflation1 - gold value drops/Mats prices skyrocket = people leave game
=> PVP dies again....

Dunno where have you been those past 2 years but game was more alive with bots first months when it first launched we could tag 24/7 with instant match, different rank were able to be reached, now diamond rank dream is gone, unless you wintrade/camp whole month the company itself too lazy to fix rank/rating to allow people to reach the rank they deserve.... a game without bot is better for sure, but deep Inside me i regret the time when bots were around and arena was alive...now even bots don't give a *cricket* about this game...

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21 hours ago, ombremq said:

Dunno where have you been those past 2 years but game was more alive with bots first months when it first launched we could tag 24/7 with instant match, different rank were able to be reached, now diamond rank dream is gone, unless you wintrade/camp whole month the company itself too lazy to fix rank/rating to allow people to reach the rank they deserve.... a game without bot is better for sure, but deep Inside me i regret the time when bots were around and arena was alive...now even bots don't give a *cricket* about this game...

funny that you only talk about the "first months"
it´s always like this at the beginning, but it doesnt change the reason why NCSoft nerfed the rewards for pvp. It was bc of the bots. Prices really got pushed, bc the market was flooded with gold in heaps.

But I understand the sentiment to be able to participate in 3v3. It´s just that pvp become just too unrewarding in that regard.
Smurfs, Wintrade and Bronze abuse(1 member in the party is bronze, so you get higher score/less score deducted when you lose), all while being unrewarding for the fair players are the reasons, next to none does pvp anymore. The current state of PVP is not even an extension of PVE atm, it´s just that less rewarding.

On Topic:

On 1/9/2018 at 9:13 AM, Shomik said:

my point is 3v3 tag is dead

ppl dont play it anymore

we need to fix that or theres no point in making quests that require us to do 3v3 tag matches

i agree with u completly. i idc for the rewards i just dont want to waste hrs trying to get 1 3v3 match

It´s like you said. Queue is really dead. I can only suggest that you hit up lobby around 19-21pm CEST, which is usually high time for most gamers. If possible with a pre-made team of your clannies or friends to increase your chances. I usually just read, with one side of the monitor covered, while waiting for opponents. It´s sad, but sadly can´t be helped atm. I hope the new "3v3 changes" help a bit.
And I am all for changes, so hope some people see this thread.

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