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Gameplay got way easier?


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Hello all!


I´m a returned player and decided to start a new character. While running through the main quests I noticed that you get pretty much gifted everything you had to work for before (weapons, cause no upgrades available below 50), complete soul shield (before you had to hunt it down on your own). Will this trend continue after lv 50/55? Or is it just for the lower levels to make them catch up to the real content?



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On 12/30/2017 at 6:31 PM, mankodana said:

just to catch up but you will hit a wall (if you are f2p) not that big though, after you have your weapon upgraded to bale/seraph 9, and soul stage 6  

Idk if this was in the context of f2p and subscription, or f2p and the debit card gear upgrade route.

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The items you get gifted now are from outdated content (mostly, except for the few BT shields you get). Basically the trend continues since you have to farm the rest of your BT/VT soulshield set and materials for upgrades like you had to do before for BSH shields and weapon/acc upgrades. They just made it easier for new players to catch up by giving them some free goodies. 

If the upgrade costs remained unaltered since the start of the game (you had to go all the way from lv. 1 Hongmoon to Aransu now with no cost reduction), that would be insane and newer players would be stuck in really old content for very long. That also includes everyone's alts. 

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Essentially, you get some nice starter gear and figure out how to upgrade some of it. By the end of the current storyline, you should have:

-Baleful/Seraph weapon (and a few items to upgrade it a little bit)

-A set of decent accessories (although if you get to the end of the story, you can buy a slightly better set in the town you end in)

-A pet aura which is essentially upgraded a couple times by default

-A soul which is essentially upgraded a couple timed by default (which can be upgraded now to the normal path)

-Full MSP soul shield

-Some hongmoon gems for your weapon slots.


Now, to be fair, the 55 content also did adjust some of the content to scale with it, so you do need some of these boosts, but for the most part, they give you what you need to move on from there.

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