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Premium transformation stones fail / success Rate


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been trying to craft them many times and they always fail so i want to know if there's new things coming that gonna change the success rate because its pain to craft them and not too easy to get them and i asked the support and they told me to use the b&s forums and see if something going to happen about them. also the items needed to craft it is really hard to gather them.

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Failed 8 in a row too...


It's easy to say that it is RNG or 50%, but when you fail that many in a row you feel pretty scammed. Now i don't have any PTS, no mats and no money from that mats and can't upgrade anything. This thing needs to be revamped somehow. I understand that they want goldsink somewhere, but this is not it. Only thing it does is make people quit the game, because they won't gather materials and money for hours just to watch it disappear in a minute.

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Well I don´t try craft this a LONG Longgg time ago .

Sucess rate in 20% 30% ....50% Where??? All BIG LUCK!


The success rate for this is approx. 7 - 8% . Tops . 


That is why always exists this stones in HM Store . With big sales and of course you can found then in Marketplace around 350 G . All ( 90% ) came from the Store .

No secret in this .


Personally i saw dozens of players just gave up from the game because of this stones man . And never NCSOFT did anything !


[ ]´s


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13 minutes ago, TheHawk said:

Well I don´t try craft this a LONG Longgg time ago .

Sucess rate in 20% 30% ....50% Where??? All BIG LUCK!


The success rate for this is approx. 7 - 8% . Tops . 


That is why always exists this stones in HM Store . With big sales and of course you can found then in Marketplace around 350 G . All ( 90% ) came from the Store .

No secret in this .


Personally i saw dozens of players just gave up from the game because of this stones man . And never NCSOFT did anything !


[ ]´s


7-8% ? LOL. Please, just because you had bad luck.

My success rate is still ~70%. Pretty sure I transmuted more than 30 stones or close to that.

If you don't want to gable, just sell materials and buy them on the market? 350g is a week of farming, even for casuals.

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To be honest, i think its sipmly the biggest shit in this game, that prem. stones can fail, even i have been lucky with only a few fails. A friend of mine had 20 tries over a few month and didnt get single one, every try she did was a fail... 

So 20 tries, 20 fails in more than 9 month. 300 Gold wasted not to mention the huge amount of lost and wasted materials.

And to make it even more worse, you need Moonstones thats only farmable in PVP, even last year NC-Soft promised to add new sources...



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