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If a player does not hit the boss, they should not receive the quest reward or dynamic boxes. Only problem is cold storage & impatient people not waiting for others leechers are a bigger problem. Can't see why this is hard to implement. 

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17 hours ago, kyochon said:

If a player does not hit the boss, they should not receive the quest reward or dynamic boxes. Only problem is cold storage & impatient people not waiting for others leechers are a bigger problem. Can't see why this is hard to implement. 

This is a problem especially if there are portals in the dungeon. Some players with potato computers take longer to go through the portal, so that they may miss on hitting the boss if their teammates started on the boss (Usually there is a firewall). So, your suggestion only works if they remove all firewalls in this game, but I don't really think so.


11 hours ago, Miss Twinkle said:

or if they dont do like 500k damage or more doing the dungeon

For the players who can only do max 20k/sec dps, it means that they have to hit the boss 25 seconds at 20k/sec dps non-stop to get the drop. If there are multiple whales in the party, then it is GG for these under-geared players. Also, people will just keep hitting the boss and ignore/fail all the mechanics.

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4 hours ago, FrozenB said:

This is a problem especially if there are portals in the dungeon. Some players with potato computers take longer to go through the portal, so that they may miss on hitting the boss if their teammates started on the boss (Usually there is a firewall). So, your suggestion only works if they remove all firewalls in this game, but I don't really think so.


For the players who can only do max 20k/sec dps, it means that they have to hit the boss 25 seconds at 20k/sec dps non-stop to get the drop. If there are multiple whales in the party, then it is GG for these under-geared players. Also, people will just keep hitting the boss and ignore/fail all the mechanics.

Its kind of chicken and egg, if we didn't have so many AFKers people would not be so impatient. I do agree that the circumstance of the fire lockout preventing player from hitting box but that is lower chance as if you have been partcipating for the majority of the dungeon, chances are people will wait. You could also just requeue and join again. The problem of leeching and AFK needs to be solved first and foremost.

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On 31. 8. 2017 at 4:52 AM, kyochon said:

Its kind of chicken and egg, if we didn't have so many AFKers people would not be so impatient. I do agree that the circumstance of the fire lockout preventing player from hitting box but that is lower chance as if you have been partcipating for the majority of the dungeon, chances are people will wait. You could also just requeue and join again. The problem of leeching and AFK needs to be solved first and foremost.

You can't solve problem by creating another one. You need to look for solution that wouldn't cause similar problems.


The question is if the ncsoft actually want to do something with afkers. They are able to find and ban afkers in pvp arena so why they can't find and ban them in dungeons? Why there is still no report system to report afkers which  would allow to check players who would get reported in multiple dungeon runs?

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On 30/8/2017 at 11:56 PM, FrozenB said:

This is a problem especially if there are portals in the dungeon. Some players with potato computers take longer to go through the portal, so that they may miss on hitting the boss if their teammates started on the boss (Usually there is a firewall). So, your suggestion only works if they remove all firewalls in this game, but I don't really think so.


For the players who can only do max 20k/sec dps, it means that they have to hit the boss 25 seconds at 20k/sec dps non-stop to get the drop. If there are multiple whales in the party, then it is GG for these under-geared players. Also, people will just keep hitting the boss and ignore/fail all the mechanics.

I dont mean the boss, I mean in total of the dungeon 500k, mobs, all bosses and such

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37 minutes ago, Miss Twinkle said:

I dont mean the boss, I mean in total of the dungeon 500k, mobs, all bosses and such

like @FrozenB said...if got multiple whale in one party the under gear player cant reach the 500k dmg...and if u said the total dungeon...some dungeon doesnt have mob or a lots mob...aka heaven mandate,cold storage,ec and etc...i see a lots suggestion about those freakin afk/leecher but pretty much no action has been taken that why some leecher even dare to those ppl that trying to report them say like this "go ahead and report...etc2 (some harsh words)...for me i like the system party kick that need others party members to voted aka like we vote for offline party members but some said it will get abused...so i hope we can try like @Dlacik suggestion this *why they can't find and ban them in dungeons? Why there is still no report system to report afkers which  would allow to check players who would get reported in multiple dungeon runs?*

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  • 3 weeks later...

The only suggestion would be taking advantage from this trove and gear up your main character ASAP. Then, you can basically solo all the lower level heroic dungeon (from lair to sogun). Basically you just need some raven gears to do so. 


There are few advantages of soloing dungeons. One is that you don't have to get into bid war between players and you can take all the loots. Second is that you don't have to wait for other players or deal with afkers/leechers. To be honest, it just takes couple more minutes per dungeon if you are gear enough to solo them.

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4 hours ago, FrozenB said:

The only suggestion would be taking advantage from this trove and gear up your main character ASAP. Then, you can basically solo all the lower level heroic dungeon (from lair to sogun). Basically you just need some raven gears to do so. 


There are few advantages of soloing dungeons. One is that you don't have to get into bid war between players and you can take all the loots. Second is that you don't have to wait for other players or deal with afkers/leechers. To be honest, it just takes couple more minutes per dungeon if you are gear enough to solo them.

basically go whale or go home epic suggestion n those who go whale goes without encouragement lol

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On 9/19/2017 at 4:54 PM, Serversdownohohoho said:

basically go whale or go home epic suggestion n those who go whale goes without encouragement lol

Getting basic raven gear is whale?


Now with new VT raid, BT raid is an old content with more than 60% of population (maybe more now due to trove) have raven gears. Of course, I don't mean to get all raven gears to max stages. Stage 3 or 6 is more than enough to solo the dungeons because there is big gap of dps between stage 1 raven gear and stage 12 seraph/baleful weapon. If you can't go raven, just go void weapon path.


It is just a way to deal with afkers. When people only solo or run dungeons with clanmates or friends, these afkers won't be in a fast carry party for the dungeons. Probably afkers sitting along with another afkers in the dungeon.

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