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PvP 100% dead?


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So I think it's without a doubt that PvP is totally dead. What does everyone else think? I don't see any new post on the forums asking for class help and stuff, I don't even see people complaining about other classes either in the forums to nor do I see any class PvP guides on YouTube anymore. Barely anyone seems to que up for 1v1 and 3v3 either, ques tend to always take a long time also. I mean I thought they wanted this game to be focused on PvP  but doesn't seem like it with the small amount of people that actual still do pvp let alone enjoy it.

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Still doing PvP every day and my usual queues are 20 sec (1v1) or 2-3 min (3v3 and 6v6). Longest queues ever are 6v6 post 1 am, at ~5 mins.


Check out frenzy times and daily challenges and it will be easy to get matches...

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I wouldn't say 100% ded, but it's getting nearer by the day. The problem is that there is no meaningful reward for arena pvp. The zen bean trader is also really outdated (see the 20k zen bean naryu tablet lol). The only thing worth getting from the zen bean trader is the soulstone chest and you can get soulstones easier from SSP.  This is a real shame, because you learn your class better in arena and more people would play their class optimally if they played more arena pvp. It's also a waste because of how good the combat system is in this game.

Also, when is the last time we've had an arena event? We've had battleground events and normal pve events, but not once did we have an arena event to draw more people in. NCSOFT says they want the game to be focused on pvp, but they do nothing to get more people to play 1v1 or 3v3. Battleground is not what they should be focused on, since it's a complete waste of the game's combat system because it's more of a team strategy and coordination game, rather than individual skill and mechanics (which is what we should be focusing on, if we don't want people to wipe at simple mechanics in dungeons).

All in all, arena is in desperate need for some love.

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Well championships are a sort of PvP event, much more serious and more GM work than a silly event dungeon really. :P


Best use of zen beans atm is to buy token items for HM skills or PvP items (galaxy fragments, ascendant stones). Best reward from dailies are the battlefield medals to transmute into pet stones.


Battlegrounds are a lot about individual skill, also about gear-skill interaction, team technique, and tactical awareness, in addition to the strategy aspect mentioned. They really bring out the game potential to the fullest. Even if it's at the cost of realistically being able to maintain fairness and class balance. :/


I think we are really lucky that we have Asia to finance all this immense quality which we can profit from by a much cheaper process of localization.


And cannot wait for more PvP items, like the Conqueror bracelet. =:3




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