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Game won't start


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  • 3 weeks later...

My friend is having the exact same issue, he made a support ticket but nothing has helped. We've tried every "fix" new and old to get it to start but alas never does. We just want to play the game.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/19/2017 at 11:40 AM, Jiaku said:

I found a fix by going into the game folder /bin64/Client.exe <--backup then delete this file. Then go ahead and launch the game via the Launcher how you would normally launch it.

Tried this just now: it DOES WORK. The launcher will see that the file is missing and redownload the file, then it works.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/19/2017 at 11:40 AM, Jiaku said:

I found a fix by going into the game folder /bin64/Client.exe <--backup then delete this file. Then go ahead and launch the game via the Launcher how you would normally launch it.

While i did try this and it did redownload the file, game still doesnt show up for me. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

For those who that first fix mentioned did not work here is a solution i found.

There are 2 bin folders so i deleted the Client.exe in both of them.

if doing that doesn't work i also deleted Xigncode in both folders and replaced them both with this one (https://codeclosers.to/forums/index.php?/topic/2557-updatedwindows-10-solution-cwexe-has-stopped-working/ -- a fix for another game that uses Xigncode) The xigncode file mentioned in the thread (the dropbox version) i don't know if this did anything because i did both solutions at once and it worked, you just have to wait a bit before it launches.

i hope this helps!

if not i have no clue how to help you.

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this game is a joke. I stopped playing this game about half year ago cause of all bugs and main issue I get with x64 client is that after every update my fps would be locked at 15-20. No matter what you do you won't get it back. Support is useless making you do all kinda things that are not even related to the game. Not even talking about casual driver updates but disabling services and what not just to get nowhere.

Today's update broke my game again. I had to start up 6 times before game actually would lunch and then fps lock AGAIN. You don't even wanna know how many times in past I reinstalled this slow poke download game. This is still in terrible shape. I think it's safe to say that for me this is lost cause. I never in my life had so bad experience with games.


Every day I get friend requests from goldsellers.. This game can't even be properly uninstalled because after uninstalling game folder with all it heavy content still is on your ssd... You have to manually delete folder. What year is this? I feel so mad that I spent so much money in past into this  half broken thing..

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  • 6 months later...
On ‎8‎.‎10‎.‎2017 at 2:30 AM, OkamiKiga said:

For those who that first fix mentioned did not work here is a solution i found.

There are 2 bin folders so i deleted the Client.exe in both of them.

if doing that doesn't work i also deleted Xigncode in both folders and replaced them both with this one (https://codeclosers.to/forums/index.php?/topic/2557-updatedwindows-10-solution-cwexe-has-stopped-working/ -- a fix for another game that uses Xigncode) The xigncode file mentioned in the thread (the dropbox version) i don't know if this did anything because i did both solutions at once and it worked, you just have to wait a bit before it launches.

i hope this helps!

if not i have no clue how to help you.

In my case i did this delete client.exe thingies but didnt work. Then when we launch the game an option pop-up appears. In that pop-up i changed the game starting setting from 64 bit to 32 bit, then started the launcher again and i was able to log in to the game. Good luck to ppl WHO tries to join.

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  • 3 months later...

Hi, if anyone is still having trouble with 64bit version, I fixed mine by allowing exceptions and all internet access to the 2 launcher sections and the XIGNCODE (wellbia.com) and of course the game itself in avast firewall :) Hope that helps!

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  • 5 months later...

Been locked out on my computer by welbia for 6 weeks now.  Note -- I can login on my housemate's computer on my account --

and their computer goes out the same net-modem as mine.  Why their computer works and mine does not -- no clue.


Wellbia will NOT return requests for contact


Support cannot debug any wellbia or game technical issues.  They can only do general PC debugging -- I have over 90 pages

of logs talking with them for over 3 weeks.


I was told by support that there was nothing more they could do ... they can't debug xign/welbia problems or client-server

problems.  I even reinstalled Win7 to no effect.


Also am wondering why the xign file needs a 5MB hidden data stream attached to it?  Seems to keep recreating it.  I wouldn't

care if it worked, I wouldn't even be poking around if it worked.    Does everyone have such a file attached as hidden

or alternate-stream data.


Looks like it reappeared again:

> streams -s 'C:\prog\ncsoft'

Streams v1.56 - Enumerate alternate NTFS data streams


   :{4A705BBE-C39C-4059-9658-2F0F8F0A4F12}:$DATA        28
   :{B6B3D3B5-E6DA-4ac3-B20B-7AD145E0AF58}:$DATA        5185536


Anyone who knows my PvP record would know I've never cheated....  This is what playing by the rules

gets me?


This has been very hurtful...as my mood keeps heading downhill.  I keep hoping some patch

will fix it, cuz reinstalling Win7 seem more than a little excessive.




I want a solution to this even if it involves a no-xign solution.  Yes -- it would be more than fair, since

without Xign, I might be able to play, but w/or w/o, I'l never be on a top anything list on this game.





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