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Dungeon Leach

Boem Pacman

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1 hour ago, Boem Pacman said:

Greeting everyone Questen about dung when someone doing leach or not listen is there support help? warning player may not leach? is there rule dung? 

  • Report him/her
  • Add him/her in your Ignore List - avoid/leave dungeons runs, when he/she is in your group
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I think that's more cases in 6m dungeons. In 4m dungeon, they don't even bother to afk/leech because that will leave 3m to finish the dungeon, which sometimes is not possible. If they enter the dungeon and don't move for more than 2-3 min, I just quit and join a new party.


Nowadays (especially with current event), there are so many people afk intentionally when we were clearing the small mobs. They only move when we get to the bosses.

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im so agree with this...those suckers leecher and afk need some punishment...that why sometimes the party members let the leecher die by the fire before reaching the boss(pretty much they dumb enough didnt realize the fire) and i hope bns will implant the system that if the player didnt do any damage to the boss.. their quest will not completed...

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17 hours ago, newbiez said:

.that why sometimes the party members let the leecher die by the fire before reaching the boss

Sounds like the single most pathetic griefing thing to do. Someone was afk to grab a coffee, comes back and actually wants to help and then gets forced to afk through the actual boss raid because some half wit starts the firewall on him.


Honestly, block and shame for the person starting the firewall, not for the guy getting his coffee. *facepalm*


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in order to get these afkers banned, you must use video evidence.  download one of those game recording programs or stream programs that have this feature.  You can't upload the video so upload it on youtube, make sure it is unlisted and send a report with the link

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On 1/25/2017 at 1:21 AM, Shuchin said:

Sounds like the single most pathetic griefing thing to do. Someone was afk to grab a coffee, comes back and actually wants to help and then gets forced to afk through the actual boss raid because some half wit starts the firewall on him.


Honestly, block and shame for the person starting the firewall, not for the guy getting his coffee. *facepalm*


it is hard to type *brb for a while*? because usually when i need go to toilet and type that others party members will wait for me at the boss spot until im arrive at the boss spot and start attack the boss...i see those players start the boss when the player didnt respond when asked...so you want others members to wait for how long? what if the player not gonna move at all aka afk/leecher...the others should leave the party and make new? *thinking*

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On 1/25/2017 at 1:51 AM, BlinkMoth said:

in order to get these afkers banned, you must use video evidence.  download one of those game recording programs or stream programs that have this feature.  You can't upload the video so upload it on youtube, make sure it is unlisted and send a report with the link

i know this but until when? those ppl can easily make new id new char and repeat the same stuff..that why we need another way to solve this...

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