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Defending my cat tips?


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This is primarily for Arena, I struggle keeping my cat alive against KFMs and BMs primarily, I keep my cat in the defense stance a lot but they always find a way to stun me or catch me and then my cat and just annihilate it. the whole match now i'm focused on keeping my cat away from being killed in 2 seconds. Summoner is not an easy class to play in arena right now i'll tell you that much, but i'm open to tips on keeping my cat alive.

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Well if BMs and KFMs already know how to kill the cat in seconds then the only thing I can tell you is to give up, because if you're defending it most of the time and it still dies that means that they know what all of your cds are and know what to do.


My guess is that your playing with gold rank players of 1700-1800+

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Umm, if they are attacking your cat, why aren't you taking the chance to cc them?
If they used an i frame to block cc from the back most likely its their 5s vs 5 resist. might be a good time to use yours since it applies to the cat too.

summoner still seems pretty easy just a matter of knowing the classes and what they do more.
Not sure why you cant use beckon then set it and heal it but w/e.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
On 11/24/2016 at 9:35 AM, htdexhdfg said:

Umm, if they are attacking your cat, why aren't you taking the chance to cc them?
If they used an i frame to block cc from the back most likely its their 5s vs 5 resist. might be a good time to use yours since it applies to the cat too.

summoner still seems pretty easy just a matter of knowing the classes and what they do more.
Not sure why you cant use beckon then set it and heal it but w/e.

Beckon doesn't work if the cat is cc'd. I think BnS is thinking of changing that because these unbalanced OP classes can nuke our cat down faster than many of us can react. Landing a thorn daze is sometimes all you can do, but if it is down, the cat is gone. KFM and BM do so much stupid damage that they will kill a cat even if you are casting Huzzah. They either need to seriously tone down their damage, increase an arena cat's tankiness, or allow us to beckon the cat even if it is cc'd. Maybe all three...

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How about you use your own daze, or party dendalion?

I think giving the cat a cc break with basic backon is a horrible idea and giving it a cc break with the 1min cooldown tree. Sure idc. But it wont help you much. A lot of the time it might actually be worse as you then voluntarely give up one of your escapes to have the cat escape something everytime you use it for that purpose. Also you might press it on accident, much like spin classes sometimes tab escape random stuff.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You have six ways of defending your cat.

1: Keep its health up with Huzzah. This one is obvious.
2: Using SS gives your Cat an Iframe too. This is very situational but can help in some cases.
3: Party Dandelion also protects your Cat.
4: Crouch. This one is obvious too.
5: Beckon it when it is not CCd. (It also resets Crouching Tiger.)
6: Thorn Strike CC

Every single one of these options has counterplay on your opponents part, but this is pretty much what you can work with.

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Actually the cat is hard to be kept alive in this patch.Because the Beckon is bugged and the SS iframe sometimes is just an animation,even doesn't work correctly for the summoner himself.True friends won't work also if your cat is not in your line of sight or find its right position near you.People are hard abusing this stuff in the arena right now and your half skills of the cat are actually bugged ,that's why you can't do much for it -you can try crouch it ,keep beckon or party stealth -try be setting your cat in crouch away while running away from opponent then use Team tag (try use ur cat as sins use their flower -it works awesome as strategy in arena).Heal it when possible and just try chain cc ur opponent.We had to play this class nerfed AND bugged and while the KR had a fast fix for those problems ,we still have to play 2 patches like this .We are waiting for fixes (still).We do have promises those problems will be fixed next patch.(from Babbletron answers on my tweets).Try keep up,either you still choose to play arena -either do just pve part of this game for now .Is unfair to play a class which have its iframes messed and skills working like RNG.Summoners that play the class know it already-some of them left the class rerolling,some of them just hang on for better times.

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