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Toxic Players

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I think that the reason because people get mad and toxic is low geared people trying in sogun's lament, gloom, nexus or dungeons like that even i saw people with 500ap in desolate tomb... and well, i haven't problem with only low ap, but if you even don't know the mech, remember, people with decent gear are doing that dungeons over and over again, and just want to complete that dungeon more faster, if you want to learn about the mech, watch a video, ask for help in your guild, or something like that, don't try to learn in dungeon with random people because they're not going for teach you, they are just trying to finish the dailys fast. So i'm sure toxic people can be hard to deal, but remember, they maybe are toxic because of you, not because they are assholes. (and i'm sorry for that last word)

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I don't know if i qualify as 'high ap'  with 3 characters between 575~660 AP i'm in the average i think. However I see both sides of this problem. I personally think there's a very small part of the community who are true elitists. A lot of players who lfp do know the risks. Most will be willing to give you a brief description of boss mechanics if you SPEAK UP.

I know my biggest peeve when i LFP is when lower levels don't say a word about not knowing mechanics, specially when i ask. One time in Asura i queued into 5 players with aps all in the 400~450AP range. I had time on my hands and thought maybe we can do it. I ask who hasnt been here before and i think four out of five hadn't. I attempted to teach them ken/gen. We failed multiple times befor i concluded we just couldnt do it at that point. I explain this to them, they understood and thanked me. This. This is the type of behavior that makes me want to lfp and get lower ap groups to teach. You listen to me? You're respectful? Congratz you earned my attention and i will gladly try to help you.

The problem i run into a lot in lfp are people who DONT listen. And they can be any AP. Today ive spent 4 hours trying to clear Asura. I've lfp'd, where the group had two players at 400 AP. I thought since the other players had around 500+ we could maybe do it. You know when you lfp after a minute into any boss you can tell who knows the mechs and who doesn't. Asura goes into his flame phase and the melee players with lower ap are hitting him and dying fast due to the aoe. One of them managed to survive but had the swords on him. He dies after the first sword lands right in the middle and wipes 2~3 of the other melee players. At this point four of six players are dead and we don't have the dps to kill him. That's fine, i get it. Not everyone has time to learn mechs. 

What i don't understand is and what bothers me is when you dont learn from your mistake and continue doing it and wipe the party multiple times. Why don't most players no matter of AP if they don't know the bosses mechs do the easiest thing: Follow the higher levels. Its blatantly  obvious youre doing something wrong when youre attacking the boss when ALL the other players are huddled in one spot. That is a giant sign to go to them. Examples being asura's stance changes and taikhan's water. Ive seen so many lower levels/lower ap just try to brute force through these bosses and die multiple times it's ridiculous. Granted taikhans mechs you can't mess up enough to wipe the whole party so im not as salty about it. 

I could really go on however, i think most people are just tired of the bad runs. Not everyone has a lot of time to wipe. I've had to use over 50 asura antis today. Thats close to 10g, I could have made from selling them. And i'm still not even done with the daily i have to go into another room. Again. I've joined 550+,500+ rooms as well and as soon as someone dcs and we have to recruit it's a 90% chance it's going to be someone who doesnt know mechs. Who won't speak up. And who wont listen. And it's people like that that have me personally worn down that i just want to go into the highest ap room/make a high ap room so i can get done with the bad annoying dungeons and move on. It's easy for most people to only remember the bad runs, i personally don't remember how many good smooth and easy dungeon runs ive had because the bad ones stick out far above them but i know that they are there and they were indeed fun. 

When i made my bd a while ago sf was out and gearing is relatively easy now. I didn't step foot into asura before i had 500AP, which i got by just doing Silverfrost map dailies for 1~2 weeks and mushins tower. It nets you anywhere between 13~20g with maybe the addition of a Hon. orn. thrown in as a drop from mushins. 

The problem i see now though is because ncsoft changed the dcs to most of the end game dungeons and have the same ones coming up multiple times a week is they can't complete the DC without trying to pug in. With the DC being a source of a chance of big gold i can see how many want to try and do it. The dungeon requirements that are set are also a problem. If a lower level sees they can do the dungeon, well why not? It's unlocked. It says i can enter. I can see the mindset some players have for it. A slight tweak to the requirements and maybe a reminder for SF antis for asura could fix some of the problems here. I do feel bad to the lower AP players who have trouble finding rooms for the DC or run into salty or mean players, just know that not all of us are like that, if you speak up some will try to help. However if you don't speak up, or don't listen even the best and nicest of people are going to get tilted. 

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On 11/21/2016 at 5:00 AM, Arktic said:

What i don't understand is and what bothers me is when you don't learn from your mistake and continue doing it and wipe the party multiple times.

Yes, yes, yes. This. What's even more bothersome is when they can speak English, but just seriously refuse to help the team out cause they want to do it the way that they want to do it. Went to Gloom on my BM, no one wanted to mark, no one would stun. Ended up having to tank, stun and eventually, just giving up on stunning and using HM block to take jump aggro. 

You really only have the people who refuse to learn dungeons to blame for some negativity towards lower AP players. I've been to Sogun, Yeti, Gloom, etc. while being around 470 and below AP, even had around 360 for Yeti (did semi work on accuracy to be able to do Sogun), but I could successfully solo Gen so the party can 5-1. The thing is, people will be more lenient towards lower AP people if they didn't have such a bad time with one stubborn 550 who just wants to be carried, causing them to fail multiple times.


Mid/lower AP + Knowledge > high AP - knowledge.  

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2 hours ago, Vinn said:

Mid/lower AP + Knowledge > high AP - knowledge.  

My question is, how will high geared people know, if these low geared players have knowledge? Without running dungeons with them its impossible to imagine it. And by deciding to run with them, its a 50/50%: either they have exp. -> succesful run. Or they havnt --> wipe many times. With high geared players you can ignore 90% of the mechanics (without DT, EC, Asura, Nexus).


mid/lower AP +/- knowledge = high AP +/- knowledge

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Having mid/lower AP + Knowledge is greater then High AP - Yes.

I love Blade and Soul but the constant high geared people only wanting to play with other high geared players is really...a pain. Running dungeons with level 50's can be a pain because they often times forget that they once were a first timer and needed some sort of help (may not always but a majority of us do). I'm a level 50 HM 5 who was trying to do MSP today but was kicked out of the group of level 50 HM 11's. I've played MSP multiple times and understand the layout, but because I didn't meet their 650+ AP they kicked me out
(Note: the leader had less than 650 AP). I don't think having a HM 5 in your group of 23 other HM 11's is going to destroy you...or maybe it will? idk

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4 hours ago, Raizou said:

My question is, how will high geared people know, if these low geared players have knowledge? Without running dungeons with them its impossible to imagine it. And by deciding to run with them, its a 50/50%: either they have exp. -> succesful run. Or they havnt --> wipe many times. With high geared players you can ignore 90% of the mechanics (without DT, EC, Asura, Nexus).


mid/lower AP +/- knowledge = high AP +/- knowledge

^I agree with Raizou.


Whether a player is a good or bad have nothing to do with their gears. It seems to me people are just biased against low AP people. Even if you group with high AP people I am sure you will meet bad player too. So why is it that people only choose to risk it by running with high AP, but when it comes to low AP they will decide "oh no, no way, this player is definitely bad" and leave party? You only choose to remember the bad runs with low AP people and those bad runs with high AP people just magically does not count?

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On 11/23/2016 at 4:22 AM, Raizou said:

My question is, how will high geared people know, if these low geared players have knowledge?

One thing I can only tell that they're experienced and have knowledge with the mechanics is they don't die easily on every phase. They know where to glide, when to attack or what to do with the next phase.

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On 23.11.2016 at 9:22 PM, Raizou said:

My question is, how will high geared people know, if these low geared players have knowledge? Without running dungeons with them its impossible to imagine it. And by deciding to run with them, its a 50/50%: either they have exp. -> succesful run. Or they havnt --> wipe many times. With high geared players you can ignore 90% of the mechanics (without DT, EC, Asura, Nexus).


mid/lower AP +/- knowledge = high AP +/- knowledge

That's exactly it. When im running F8, i search high AP groups as well. Cause skipping mechanics -> no knowledge required. I just can't bring myself to trust random people from the interwebs to know their stuff.

It's a completely different story if there are people from my clan who can join our ts3. I totally don't mind them having low AP (or maybe gearing alts etc.) since i can talk to them and know they will listen, if i have to explain mechanics, etc.

And it's a different story again, if it's a dungeon i could solo. Like Yeti for example. even if those 400 AP don't have any idea what they are doing, i might just carry them through. However, this will only work in ez dungeons, i doubt that solo asura/nexus/etc. would be possible at this point.


Just my 2cents as one of those toxic high AP players :)

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I don't know why, but I've had more successful runs with LFP groups than the premades w/ AP requirements. I've also been seeing a lot more high geared, high HM level players around in pretty much all the dungeons. Admittedly, I'm not at the point where I can do Ebon Citadel and DT which I can tell would suck due to the no room for error mechanics... But even Sogun's Lament is basically doable now. There's always going to be nightmare runs which should probably be abandoned as soon as you see the red flags... Or maybe I'm seeing F8 players like saints now that I'm getting to see my own server's toxic population while trying to do MSP during the event. T_T

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On 11/24/2016 at 9:22 AM, SoulsHunter said:

Whether a player is a good or bad have nothing to do with their gears. It seems to me people are just biased against low AP people. Even if you group with high AP people I am sure you will meet bad player too. So why is it that people only choose to risk it by running with high AP, but when it comes to low AP they will decide "oh no, no way, this player is definitely bad" and leave party? You only choose to remember the bad runs with low AP people and those bad runs with high AP people just magically does not count?

That's not it. People don't forget their bad runs, for example, I remember a majority of people who are terrible or rude in a dungeon. I usually block them as well if they are the rude-type. The reason why there is a bias towards low AP runs is because a 450 run in Sogun is doable if you have a WL and a Sin, but there is very little margin for error in terms of DPS, now given a 600 AP party and a 400 AP party, both with little knowledge of the dungeon, there is a 80-20% chance that you will clear Asura with the 600 AP party even if the party members have half the brain of the 400 AP. They will simply carry the lack of mechanics with their OP AP for that particular dungeon.


Regarding how you know if the player is knowledgeable. I ask, honestly. People will sometimes say that it's their 1st time and I do respect this and let them join out of respect for their honesty, 80% of the time it bites me in the ass and we fail the last boss. Now let me point this out; the problem comes from when people with no experience and low AP (500+ for DT, EC, etc) say that they do know. You let them in and they wipe you every. single. time. If there is ever anyone to blame for this AP toxicity, while probably not 100%, but the majority of it would be these players who lie so they can practice or leech off of mechanic intense dungeons.

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