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What I love and hate about BNS (heard)


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I just thought I would share my thoughts on the subject since I've been playing quite awhile now.




1. I really love the speed run and jumping in this game it's one of the best

2. I also think the general combat and bosses are some of the most fun I've had

3. Getting around easily through the map

4. How smooth the level progression is from zone to zone

5. Easily getting into a party with the cross server dungeon with so many dungeons to choose from

6. Character design and the beautiful world

7. Weapon and accessory progression up to pirate

8. The raids are also a lot of fun and I like how they are triggered

9. Party bidding




1. RNG- I can handle it up to a point, but as a subscriber and someone that uses the cash shop too. I feel like the benefits should include not needing a rare key to get my weapon from a chest.


2.  Pets are awesome and I love collecting them, but the petnip is a pain. I don't see many people running around with their pets and I think this is the reason. Again, I think since I have a subscription the pet should not break or cut it down dramatically.  Petnip totally ruins the one extra thing we get in this game since there isn't any mounts or different gear.


3.  The next thing is weapon and acc progression I really love this idea, but in the game it was great up to a point.  The progression is smooth and easily understandable, I really loved how the pirate and siren raids were incorporated into the gathering. Seeing those upgrades gave me a goal when going there and those raids are really fun.


I thought it would be like that continuously, but after pirate it  becomes burdensome it's not smooth or easy going from there. The raids no longer give you that special item so there is no need to even do the raids now (which is sort of my fave thing to do),  without this those raids are really getting quiet.


It is much better to have a combination of Raid, Tower, Dungeon and PVP. I think moonstones should be added to the raids or something like the siren/pirate emblems, and always keep the SS to pvp; I understand there needs to be some lure for the pvp. Now with the new tormented weapons it is still very hard to get it, and again not easily understandable plus the RNG kicks in and makes me frustrated.  I read in the notes that they are thinking of new places to add the moonstones and I really hope raids are one of them!


4. Not having more account bound cosmetic items such as clothing and pets.


That's really my biggest complaints I would play this game for a very long time if these things got implemented. I think these are things that wouldn't hurt, but really help grow the player base.


Thanks for reading! :)


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What I liked :


- Good character creation, visuals and environments...assuming you have a computer that can handle it.

- Combat is neat and each class feels different from the others to an extent.

- Nice outfits.

- Story is presented rather well for the most part.

- Passable music (though some made me mute it after some time, the music tends to fit the setting where you go, and there are some very nice soundtracks in the game at certain points.)


What I hated :


- The story, while presented rather well, gets rather stupid partway into Act 2 (and tedious when it isn't being stupid) onwards, and never fully recovers. This is made worse by the fact that you have to do the story quests to unlock the side-daily quests for the areas you're in, and as such, you are forced to do the story if you want to make progression.


- The upgrade path, while simple enough at first, becomes very stupid when it starts forcing you into party dungeons and things like faction PvP for specific components you need, with no other ways to get them, and no alternative paths from the "Hongmoon weapon" path. The gold costs also get ridiculous later, and they don't make sense anyways since you're upgrading the weapon yourself, not getting an NPC to do it for you. (Do we literally fuse the gold itself into the weapon or what?)


- In a combat system chock full of stuns and other CCs, if makes little sense to have only one proper stunbreak on a 36 second cooldown, when some classes/enemies have anywhere from 2 to 5 CCs at a moment's notice, some with half the cooldown or less. In the case of PvE enemies/bosses, they have NO cooldowns, meaning that they can sometime kill you easily in certain scenarios by just spamming a really cheap attack or CC.


- The loot system and the bidding method of distributing rarer items is by far the worst I've seen. As such, you don't really party unless you want to, or have to. Partying is not encouraged in the slightest, and is actually discouraged. Which is not a good thing for an MMO, ever.


- The Faction (Open World PvP) system. At first, it seems okay. You just wear the uniform if you want to do any of those quests, keep it off otherwise and you don't have to deal with that garbage...but of course NCSoft found a way to mess it up. From Moonwater Plains onward, you need Soulstones to do anything significant, crafting, upgrading. And they gated these pretty much behind faction quests. (And no, that piddling 2 soulstones you get from the Tomb of Exiles daily is not a suitable alternative, so anyone about to say that can shut up.) While the majority of them are simple to do and don't involve fighting other players, the point is that you're forced to don the faction uniform, and thus red flag yourself for anyone from the opposing faction who feels like being an *cricket* for any reason (or none at all.)


- Through a combination of the things above, and the inability to trade/mail certain things between your characters no matter what, the game is by far the most alt-unfriendly I've seen. Another one of those things MMOs should never do.


I'm sure there's more, but those things are what come to mind right now.


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Here is what i dislike in the game:


- Drop rates of certain items - Mainly some of the crafting materials. Drop rates are abysmal for some, while i do not mind a grind, sometimes it gets ridiculous.


- Amount of channels available at SSP - I like ssp, i dont mind doing it, but when its 2 channels and everyone and their mother farms there....gets tooo crowded.


- Weapon Skins - The way they work is just retarded....for the ones you can use from drops or crafting, ok that can work but cash shop skins? Nope, or the founder pack weapon skin...cant get it back now sadly.


- community - Only the greedy, spoiled and toxic ones.


- The long time of windstriding (the animation is annoying)


- Costume drops - Now let me elaborate on this one: If there is a single costume from a dungeon then its fine, but for the ones where you have 3-4 pieces of a costume it should drop a ticket that you can trade in for that costume piece that you would like. Example, you run Naryu Lab, you get a ticket, you win the bid, then you can exchange it for either wind / thundergod, or one of the auras, or horns, depending which you miss still.


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9 hours ago, KlausFlouride said:

These kinds of threads contribute to the toxicity in the community.

Nope, sorry they do not. Poeple can share their point view/opinion. While in the other hand i wonder who is the toxic one in this thread? Mmmm interesting.....


What i like:


Only one---> Femala character desing. (Boobs and Asses)


What i dont like----> Progression path is extreamly tedious and unrewarding. Lack of weapon sets/skins, Bad crafting system, wardrove is a "premium" feature in this version, P2Win Mechanics, RNG heavy, Lag, Disconeects, Server Delays, Skill Delays, Game Guard, E-sport dream is dead,  Low population, Cant find people in cross server after 11 pm PST for non daily challenge dungeons, As any other MMO it lacks class balance accross multiple game modes,PvP/ Pve/ Open Pvp. Old MMO desing, We cant change stances or chracter poses, That stupid inventory bug where you need to leave at least 5 slots open since the game cant recognize it only needs 1 for that SS, etc. Dungeon Flames when the boss was engaged,  Missing party dungeon kick option, Cant report Unidentified faction players, SSP dps mechanics, Bots and Gold sellers make up half of the population, Cross server combat mode bug, Lack of class build diversity, we all spec for the same stats. etc, etc




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12 hours ago, Napping said:

What do you mean specifically by raids? Like Nightshade, E.Fleet, Grand Harvest Square?

Yes those and also Zaeiwi ruins,  Frostscale Basin, E Fleet, Poh, and twisted grimhorn wilds, plus areas like beastbog and Plog Sanctum.

11 hours ago, KlausFlouride said:

These kinds of threads contribute to the toxicity in the community.

I don't think that's always true. I really like finding out what other people think and if I agree.

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