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Destroyer Dazes skill not working at drill sergeant?


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I dunno is that just me or it is common that destroyer daze skill does not work at drill sergeant anymore after the last patch.

Destroyer does not has straight daze skill but pull and daze except knee which depend on crit.

so if you cant pull it you cant daze it?

I feel pretty confusing that I cant daze the drill sergeant many times, can some1 enlighten me?

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You can't daze it with drab or blitz. If you thought you dazed it before, it was someone else.


For Knee, spec S1T2 so you can cast it at your leisure - spin with Hurricane, then Knee can be activated.

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One problem with destro daze in Drill seargant is that...it needs yes that hurricane skill..Or critical hit. 


I feel it's kinda impractical for me to do it given that during spin the drill sergeant cast mini AOE which bleed my HP.  I can of course set persistence but..i need it for later when it explode and down. 


usually i have to leave dazing to other member. But yeah..guess imma try taht S1T2 spec when daze is needed.

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