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What am I doing wrong?


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I played PVP for the first time last night and at first I was pretty happy with with my performance, I was able to get to Silver but now... I'm getting absolutely destroyed. I have watched lengthy PVP guides and Assassin guides because that's the class I use but no matter what, I always end up getting stun locked because my escape is on cooldown. 


I try to use stealth to get a stun so I can try a combo but the opponent always gets out of the stun with their escape and then end up getting me out of stealth to then proceed to destroying me with hefty combos. I try to back away to re -evaluate my situation and place down my Escape Lotus but no matter what I do, I end up losing whilst the opponent still has over 90% health. 


Please tell what it could be that I'm doing wrong because I really just want to enjoy PVP.


EDIT: I should also add that I am currently sitting at 5 wins and 15 losses.

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Nothing. You are simply learning. The entry-level ELO ceiling is very low right (about 1500-1580) now because most folks who still play arenas are experienced and have a great deal of knowledge and talent.


Just don't worry about the ELO, and in like every other game, learn your own character, then try all other classes and pick the one that you are most successful with to climb the ELO if you wish to do so.

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I cant really tell you what you did wrong but I could tell you what you did right...

You chose the right class assassin...Joking


Honestly the first time in pvp playing any class takes some time, effort and a lot of practice... Cough* "summoners"

Depending who your up against, there's a method to deal with each class:

  • Destroyers and Blade Dancers, you can spec your 3  "Shadow slash" skill to knockdown to get them out of their "spin to win"  and if you wanted to play it safe your best choice is "body swap" tab skill
  • Ranged classes have aoe "area of damage" skills that can get you out of stealth.
    • Specially for Summoners  you can use your 2, X, C, V "spec to stealth and resist"  to be safe and do dmg  when its its safe and necessary
    • The way I deal with Summoners is to not kill them and get into a sticky situation but to stay far and throw Z bombs "set landmine" and waste time. 
    • Remember the one that does most dmg to their opponent wins
  • Blade Masters are literally a free kill.. wait they block? spec your lmb "Spinal Tap" to defense penetration and your 4 skill to to "Venom swarm" and now they cant block 
    • Free kill for days
  • The rest comes down to practice





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And there you go linking him the 'how to perma stealth pve stuff' guide. Please no! Lol


This is why ppl hate on sins.


Sin can be an amazing class with tons of potential and you can also do amazing 'style' combos that go beyond just killing your enemy regularly. Youre not as locked into doing your combos 'the one way' as for instance kfms often are. And sin combos are also extremely long. Sometimes you end up killing people in one combo that takes half a minute even. Does not really get any longer though as their tabs have 36 sec cd..


You could watch viles guides (still) as even though by now they are pretty outdated and some guides lack what i would actually call 'basic knownledge' as people progressed from back then they are still probably good to get started. Or watch streams from ryuki, xukania or yomah. If you understand *everything* they are doing and why they are doing it and what the maybe did wrong even, then go practice 'some' thouthand games and youre gonna be somewhere in plat or close too /diamond too. And hm skills also dont hurt. Decoy > Rmb > shadow slash you dont need anything else.

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13 hours ago, N3ro said:

And there you go linking him the 'how to perma stealth pve stuff' guide. Please no! Lol

This is why ppl hate on sins.

lol I know what you mean

I play that Blade Master class that gives everyone free kills xD


7 minutes ago, Enoll said:

Imma give you the best ones out there. I am a summoner and it is really difficult to win against them:





And of course when we are talking about assassins we cannot miss this gem - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVCINc3Nz81c-ZNV7LxcepQ

Im glad you understand how we feel lol

Thanks for the links and this aint even my post 

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The sin class is amazing class with a huge wallet of tools and tricks that can take us out of nearly all situation if correctly used. Stealth is just one of these tools

and unfortunately it is abused by some. Anyway, if you want to progress with the sin class class, I recommend you not a guide but a complet master class from

the assasin godfather Vile. His beginners' tutoriel is a national treasure for the assasin community. The rest is just practise, alot of practise.



Try using the time bomb, I completely love that skill ( trolololololollol).

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so whats advantages about stealth anyway , without the most important hm skill we stand no chance , dot takes out of stealth , most classes can take you out of stealth even after flash bang cause noob soft forget that pvp must be balanced and  gave us an outdated version <3 , imo stay  away from  sins right now , trash tier they are without the hm flag bang skill that gives you 5 seconds of resist after stun break , right now all classes will follow you after your break your stun and kill yous 

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