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Destroyer dps in dungeons


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I don't understand destroyer dps in dungeons.  Sure in pve world environment I can do whatever but in dungeons it's like another scenario. 


I heard about ani-cancel doing LMB, RMB repeat.  Is this what destroyers do in dungeons?  Seems boring and makes my fingers tired.  Also doing dps like this isn't super dps.  I mean the only other thing we can do to up our dps is Fury.  But it boils down to LMB, RMB repeat?  Or when destroyers go in dungeons they aren't expected to have top dps.  Instead, cc mobs and keep mobs from attacking other players?


I don't know destroyers seem useless in dungeons other than play with things using cc abilities.

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Survivability. Good Destroyers can give that one extra push to DPS to kill a boss before post-enrage timer wipe attacks kick in. Stay near boss, use iframes/Hurricane/Emberstomp (preferably HM one), heal with RMB/Smash/Stone Shield. I once was part of the half of an Asura party still alive in the last minute who kept DPSing and killed boss while timer was in the negative already. That's what a good Destroyer can pull off in a pinch.


But yes, Destroyers aren't expected to have top DPS, like, ever, which, yes, does require anicancel nearly all the time to be anywhere near good (I use R to replace LMB, makes it easier to pull it off right). If you do, you either have much higher AP than everyone else in party, rest of the party is doing REAL badly or both... or you're the higher AP guy dealing with Raijin in Labyrinth (we aren't as quite good against Fujin).


Besides that, our roles are helping party members near death by carrying them away from attacks and then using Iron Fortress when they're using chi regen, CC support (stun and knockdown are our forte, don't count on us for daze too much since our options there aren't nearly as reliable) and grabbing to give others extra DPS boost (but only when it's actually advised to use grab at all).

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  • 2 weeks later...

you can make good dps even higher than ani cancel with shadow element if you have asura ember HM skill and learn few tricks to get max willpower again and again.


SPECIALLY in dungs like necro.


and who ever says iam wrong never tried it and never tested it as i did.

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6 hours ago, AlanWake said:

you can make good dps even higher than ani cancel with shadow element if you have asura ember HM skill and learn few tricks to get max willpower again and again.


SPECIALLY in dungs like necro.


and who ever says iam wrong never tried it and never tested it as i did.

Are there more ways to get willpower other than typhoon and using execute to extend it?


The only thing I can think of when I read this is you're using t3s2 wrath, which you can't animation cancel with RMB, unless I'm doing something wrong, and using it after typhoon gets you to 200 focus, then using e/3 wrath, Execute/wrath, RMB spam, repeat.  In my experience Execute is insanely unreliable in that it will sometimes just stop casting and not do all of it's hits even with 200 focus, otherwise I might use it more.  I also seem to do about 2.5-3k less dps using that version of wrath even with it being able to be used a lot more because it's so slow.

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On 7/22/2016 at 5:13 PM, AlanWake said:

you can make good dps even higher than ani cancel with shadow element if you have asura ember HM skill and learn few tricks to get max willpower again and again.


SPECIALLY in dungs like necro.


and who ever says iam wrong never tried it and never tested it as i did.

explain please ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Destroyer dps in dungeons is high and if yours isn't your not playing it right.  Your main job in a dungeon is to CC and grab so others can chi dump skills into the boss which makes the runs go a lot smoother / faster (get the badge for extended grab time).  When u slam the boss you get your fury proc which is high dps and your rage incredibly high dps if you cancel correctly.  Other then that yes its animation canceling until the new badges arrive.  As for shadow build while I agree it has a higher raw damage output with the HM skill for chi regen but its still complete shit compared to earth,

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Well for all class its repeat the same skills all time x) I play fm and i do always the same most part of the time :D

Destro is not useless, he can grab the boss and have "a lot" cc for control it, so i find it very usefull ! And his buff give him a good burst even if its not for long. ^^ AFter i dont play destro so i dont know everything about it, but any classes in the game is useless :p Maybe you just need to learn to play it better ^^

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