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Fao:Staff -SoulStone Plains Problem


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I thought I'd make this thread as it's becoming a on going issue in SoulStone Plains and only set to get worse with the coming server merges.


Basically certain players, classes  are struggling to get enough Damage off on the bosses because they are dying  that quick that most people who are not  a ForceMaster,Summoner or Semi kitted warlock miss out (unless 600+ ap). This is not so much the HogDonny or Terrors, it's more so the keydroppers ( Grassquatch,Boar,Sujin).


Now the issue is if its this bad now with servers being separate, how bad is it gonna be with 3 other servers combined into one? the Bosses are gonna die way too fast the same as grandharvest (apart from final boss) before mid tier players can get off enough DPS to even get a chest drop.


 I have a few ideas that could possible help tackle this problem.


  • Raise the Health on the KeyDropping bosses Such as Boar as literally about 7-10 seconds after they come out of the ground they are dead so any mid tier players trying to hunt soulstone plains too upgrade its a waste of time.


  • Lower the Total Damage needed to Trigger a Chest Drop.


  • As someone Suggested in another thread earlier, possible have it so you can exchange X amount of prestige for a key.


So to sum it up something does need looking into as it stands after the merge its set to become even more punishing  especially for players playing catch up to the 600+ APers ( who go afk until the key dropping bosses spawn) lol, and trying to farm moonstones,soulstones and keys to upgrade.



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Not everyone can do SSP as smoothly as others either and at some point almost everyone's FPS goes to shit. That should be taken into consideration also because it's not always OUR ISP's fault. 


You'll probably be met with a lot of git gud remarks but with server mergers SSP needs to be reevaluated that's for sure.

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3 hours ago, Squirrelzzzzz said:

Not everyone can do SSP as smoothly as others either and at some point almost everyone's FPS goes to shit. That should be taken into consideration also because it's not always OUR ISP's fault. 


You'll probably be met with a lot of git gud remarks but with server mergers SSP needs to be reevaluated that's for sure.

Yea I'm expecting those replies at some point but the thread isnt for those people so not bothered, my aim was to create a constructive post that NCWest would read and take into account as decent feedback,suggestions.

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The bosses could scale based on the amount of players around, else I could see it backfire the way you suggested it.

Like for example at 4AM there might be only 3 people doing SSP, now suddenly Suljun has 14million HP.

Try to burn that down within 10min.


Eitherway, the zerg style can be used by the faction that lost the capture phase too.

Drill down in 5 sec, npc down in 5 sec.. Mining ruined for everyone.

Moral of the story, we want other ways to farm Moonstones (not 6vs6 pls!)


My final suggestion: Give us the option to change the Frozen stinger loot into Moonstones before entering a dungeon.

So when a boss drops stingers, they'll actually be moonstones.

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32 minutes ago, luzt said:

The bosses could scale based on the amount of players around, else I could see it backfire the way you suggested it.

Like for example at 4AM there might be only 3 people doing SSP, now suddenly Suljun has 14million HP.

Try to burn that down within 10min.


That would be great. Probably not happening, but would be great.

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They should literally just make it into a instanced dungeon and compatible for a 24 man raid, guilds could easily do this as well, and it can only be defeated once a day per person like cold storage but you can't pay for a reset. This can be part of the challenging content the game can offer. 

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4 hours ago, luzt said:

The bosses could scale based on the amount of players around, else I could see it backfire the way you suggested it.

Like for example at 4AM there might be only 3 people doing SSP, now suddenly Suljun has 14million HP.

Try to burn that down within 10min.



But that's their choice  to hunt at those hours. The problem lies  with anyone in mid tier stats to wanting  to do SSP to upgrade from midday until like 1am and not getting  a loot chest from boars because some APers  decide to afk until  next boars and then have it dead before the lower tier players get  the opportunity to give out enough Damage for a chest drop.

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RIP SSP 2016-2016.

Good luck with SSP ever having any changes. The devs clearly said in a past Tweet or stream or whatever they don't give a rat's ass about player feedback regarding SSP issues. Their suggestions are:

  • Get better AP
  • Roll a caster
  • Get better interweb speed
  • Go play another game
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4 hours ago, Melodia said:


 The devs clearly said in a past Tweet or stream or whatever they don't give a rat's ass about player feedback

This guy is correct, the whole NCSOFT company can be summed up in 1 sentence.

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7 hours ago, WhoAmI1 said:

This guy is correct, the whole NCSOFT company can be summed up in 1 sentence.

Well its worth a try, thought i'd try a more constructive post rather then the regular'' fix SSP now '' posts that they probably glance past.

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On 7.07.2016 at 0:51 PM, KENPACHl said:

Lower the Total Damage needed to Trigger a Chest Drop.

I support this one. ssp now is crazy when even the legendary weapon owners cant get loot because of the massive crowd.

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4 hours ago, Nattia said:

I support this one. ssp now is crazy when even the legendary weapon owners cant get loot because of the massive crowd.

Either that or have the invading terrors, hogdonnys a chance to drop keys or moonstones also, as it stands at the moment the game is punishing people trying to catch up in SSP.


Myself I made a SoulFighter when it was released it's now hogmoon 5 with 532 AP yet i very rarely get a hog/suljin chest drop which contains they keys  needed yet you have 650+ AP players afking or setting timers on when the hogs are due and coming in and flattening the hogs in less than 10 seconds after them coming out of the ground and it makes it worthless for the people that farmed the full mining stage until then.


I don't get why people trying to catch up to the high AP'ers should need to suffer when they kill the boar from start to end and receive nothing.


In the last 5 SSP runs for example I have received 0 boar chests because its dying that damn fast.


Now to make things worse with the server merge coming my server (GreenHollow) is merged with 3 others meaning 3 servers more worth of high APers surfing channels for the boars its only going to get worse...

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An official response on this would be good as many people have had to give up on soulstone plains  as all the other bosses are fine but when it comes to Grindtooth boar,Suljun and Raging Grassquatch you simple cannot get keys anymore they die that fast, the last Grindtooth boar I got 14 PP and still no chest drop.


Maybe also possibly a thread merge with this as its a post along similar lines: 


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