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Never been more frustrated...


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I left this game a few months ago due to being blocked by a weapon upgrade path for my level 42 KFM.  With the arrival of the Soul Fighter class, it seemed like it might be time to try again with a new class.  Leveling seemed easy up to level 16/17 when it was time to do some dungeons all centered around Jadestone Village.  Ok, no problem, hit F8 and...nothing...


Wait, dungeons seem to be missing from the cross server dungeon room.  Humm, read forums, there was a patch that removed the green dungeons from the cross server party finder.


Ok, knowing how the first dungeons are, I just run in and solo it.  Humm, glad I picked this new class.  I would have hated to be trying this with other classes.


Ok, I level up and now is time for The Darkglimpse.  Ok, I'm social, I hit F7 and start looking for the party.  So I wait and wait and wait...


34 minutes later (got to love those timestamps for helping you keep track of things).  A player sends me a tell.  Ok, off we go...


Into the Darkglimpse we enter and...  It's brutal for us, we are managing but we're so close to dying each time.  We're chewing dumpling (which for a new player is very limited at the 20's) and we keep going.  Another player sends me a tell to join mid fight and I gladly grab that player.  Ok, I'm doing a lot better now but the two melee based class players are still getting chewed.  Funny thing was at the very last wave (end fight), a level 31 player joined us and we walked away with the reward.  Now the thought of doing that over and over again just made me feel angry.


Ok  Blade and Soul, you just screwed it for folk trying the game for the first time even learn about partying in an easy environment.  It also just slowed down and causes the player (potential cash source) to sit and waste their time if they choose the wrong server (low population, server biased for certain playing hours, etc).  Also, a casual player was able to do the dailies cost free, collect keys, stones, unsealing charms for free since access to the party finder allowed them to grab the daily before jumping in the dungeon.  Now that is gone.


But here is the bottom line, now after all that time investment of waiting, hoping that group makeup or player skill would carry the day, it's now up to a low chance to actually obtain what I or any other player needs.  Why did you remove a time saving feature that was not broken?  It allowed a very fast way to form parties (every server player wanting a certain dungeon compared to only the players on your server) and allowed a new player to not chew their copper in order to make small progressive gains?


Stupid thing on my part was I tried to use my level 42 KFM to farm that stupid dungeon and failed (orb got destroyed).  At this point, I just want to punch the dev team...


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there is one green dungeon around lvl 40-45 that has never been cross server and it drops an weapon evolution piece. it was a pain farming that one around launch. i cant imagine what lvling is like now. 


its why i dont have a SF alt really, the games endgame grind makes it impossible to have a life and 2 characters. plus lvling now seems painful. 

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Well, if NCSOFT's intent was to force me to quit, they succeeded.  Based on that last comment, I'm just going to forget this game ever existed and tell my friends to stay away.  It's such a shame, I enjoyed the immersion and the look and feel of the game along with the storyline.

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On 25/06/2016 at 0:03 AM, MajorTom3D said:

I left this game a few months ago due to being blocked by a weapon upgrade path for my level 42 KFM.  With the arrival of the Soul Fighter class, it seemed like it might be time to try again with a new class.  Leveling seemed easy up to level 16/17 when it was time to do some dungeons all centered around Jadestone Village.  Ok, no problem, hit F8 and...nothing...


Wait, dungeons seem to be missing from the cross server dungeon room.  Humm, read forums, there was a patch that removed the green dungeons from the cross server party finder.


Ok, knowing how the first dungeons are, I just run in and solo it.  Humm, glad I picked this new class.  I would have hated to be trying this with other classes.


Ok, I level up and now is time for The Darkglimpse.  Ok, I'm social, I hit F7 and start looking for the party.  So I wait and wait and wait...


34 minutes later (got to love those timestamps for helping you keep track of things).  A player sends me a tell.  Ok, off we go...


Into the Darkglimpse we enter and...  It's brutal for us, we are managing but we're so close to dying each time.  We're chewing dumpling (which for a new player is very limited at the 20's) and we keep going.  Another player sends me a tell to join mid fight and I gladly grab that player.  Ok, I'm doing a lot better now but the two melee based class players are still getting chewed.  Funny thing was at the very last wave (end fight), a level 31 player joined us and we walked away with the reward.  Now the thought of doing that over and over again just made me feel angry.


Ok  Blade and Soul, you just screwed it for folk trying the game for the first time even learn about partying in an easy environment.  It also just slowed down and causes the player (potential cash source) to sit and waste their time if they choose the wrong server (low population, server biased for certain playing hours, etc).  Also, a casual player was able to do the dailies cost free, collect keys, stones, unsealing charms for free since access to the party finder allowed them to grab the daily before jumping in the dungeon.  Now that is gone.


But here is the bottom line, now after all that time investment of waiting, hoping that group makeup or player skill would carry the day, it's now up to a low chance to actually obtain what I or any other player needs.  Why did you remove a time saving feature that was not broken?  It allowed a very fast way to form parties (every server player wanting a certain dungeon compared to only the players on your server) and allowed a new player to not chew their copper in order to make small progressive gains?


Stupid thing on my part was I tried to use my level 42 KFM to farm that stupid dungeon and failed (orb got destroyed).  At this point, I just want to punch the dev team...


Punch the dev team! Punch punch punch!

Seriously devs... is this the way you make money? Brain cells lost too much?

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I feel your pain...same situation when I created a char on NA but at least I had some friends who could help me. Have you tried to ask in faction chat? I tried for King Croak and a guy came to help me.


With Darkglimpse I was forced to solo it as the friend who was helping me crashed during fight...lol. Anyway she was back right during boss fight. But Darkglimpse is quite soloable if you let mobs to come near orb. Its aoe kills everyone :D

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1 hour ago, Majka said:

I feel your pain...same situation when I created a char on NA but at least I had some friends who could help me. Have you tried to ask in faction chat? I tried for King Croak and a guy came to help me.


With Darkglimpse I was forced to solo it as the friend who was helping me crashed during fight...lol. Anyway she was back right during boss fight. But Darkglimpse is quite soloable if you let mobs to come near orb. Its aoe kills everyone :D

your talking about a company that put a wall in front of melee characters on an item thats required for all silverfrost equipment evolutions  by allowing the cap in the area to be too high to allow everyone who participates credit and giving all ranged the advantage due to the mechanics of the mobs. have fun when you hit 50 and your playing 3.5 - 4.5 gold a piece to ranged players who can farm 40 of them in a few runs. ive never seem a melee character selling moonstones lmfao. 


this game enrages me. ncsoft is pretty lucky that at the moment there is not much else to play. 


you know what i got from doing that crap. 20 boxes i cant open over countless runs. 1 key to open them. and i never get credit on grindtooth seeing he has the tendency to charge everywhere and then toss out a massive aoe the second he stands still, than immediately charges again after that.


oh yah ranged players will pull quest mobs into stupid shit to kill off people to ensure they get credit. you see that shit all the time too. faction screwing over faction to make a buck.

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34 minutes ago, Vau said:

your talking about a company that put a wall in front of melee characters on an item thats required for all silverfrost equipment evolutions  by allowing the cap in the area to be too high to allow everyone who participates credit and giving all ranged the advantage due to the mechanics of the mobs. have fun when you hit 50 and your playing 3.5 - 4.5 gold a piece to ranged players who can farm 40 of them in a few runs. ive never seem a melee character selling moonstones lmfao. 


this game enrages me. ncsoft is pretty lucky that at the moment there is not much else to play. 


you know what i got from doing that crap. 20 boxes i cant open over countless runs. 1 key to open them. and i never get credit on grindtooth seeing he has the tendency to charge everywhere and then toss out a massive aoe the second he stands still, than immediately charges again after that.


oh yah ranged players will pull quest mobs into stupid shit to kill off people to ensure they get credit. you see that shit all the time too. faction screwing over faction to make a buck.

Ehhmm..I'm ranged and I've already hit 50 long time ago (check profile in signature); I've never had problems with gold since release (I bought also a lot of outfits with HC) and at the beginning I wasn't even premium. I do ssp very rarely so my income is provided by other activities (quest, farming valuable item not in Lagland, also a bit of luck with challenge chests, etc.).


Anyway I know that for melèe is more difficult to get moonstone in ssp but not impossibile as I know people who are farming moonstone there without problems; besides I understand that for a new player is more difficult to upgrade equipments because low level maps are ghost lands. And community doesn't help at all. On NA right after green dungeons were removed from cross server prices of upgrading weapons were doubled. I didn't check on EU but I think it was the same. When I farmed The Darkglimpse to get bangle I sold other weapons for 10-15s instead of current price of 80s.


In each case if many people are still playing maybe this game isn't so bad as described.



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6 minutes ago, Majka said:

Ehhmm..I'm ranged and I've already hit 50 long time ago (check profile in signature); I've never had problems with gold since release (I bought also a lot of outfits with HC) and at the beginning I wasn't even premium. I do ssp very rarely so my income is provided by other activities (quest, farming valuable item not in Lagland, also a bit of luck with challenge chests, etc.).


Anyway I know that for melèe is more difficult to get moonstone in ssp but not impossibile as I know people who are farming moonstone there without problems; besides I understand that for a new player is more difficult to upgrade equipments because low level maps are ghost lands. And community doesn't help at all. On NA right after green dungeons were removed from cross server prices of upgrading weapons were doubled. I didn't check on EU but I think it was the same. When I farmed The Darkglimpse to get bangle I sold other weapons for 10-15s instead of current price of 80s.


In each case if many people are still playing maybe this game isn't so bad as described.



i enjoy the gameplay, but i hate the artificial gear requirements people put on things. i hate that this games upgrading system was not adapted for the market they released it for. i hate how you can hit lvl 50 and not be ready to do anything thats "lvl50" for me its a sinking ship that im bound to jump off as soon as something comparable comes out. the game reminds me of tera. i loved the combat and gameplay but it made to many mistakes. and seeing this game is 10 years old it baffles me that they seem to just patch in the original flawed things without fixes that have come out along time ago. 

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I try to respond to the faction chat requests. But so far I only saw one. And we had 2 level 50s helping with Bokogon dungeon, tbh by the time I got there, the boss was dead. :)  We are a small server, so I feel we need to get those green dungeons problem resolved via the faction chat, rather than the F7.

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9 minutes ago, Vau said:

i enjoy the gameplay, but i hate the artificial gear requirements people put on things. i hate that this games upgrading system was not adapted for the market they released it for. i hate how you can hit lvl 50 and not be ready to do anything thats "lvl50" for me its a sinking ship that im bound to jump off as soon as something comparable comes out. the game reminds me of tera. i loved the combat and gameplay but it made to many mistakes. and seeing this game is 10 years old it baffles me that they seem to just patch in the original flawed things without fixes that have come out along time ago. 

In truth I prefer this type of upgrade instead of get some loot that becomes unuseful after few levels so you need to restart again with new items. Besides upgrade never fails, it takes time but at least you are sure to succeded. In other games you may decrease upgrade level or even destroy item. The side effect is that you cannot skip first steps but you need to go thru each one.


I guess it's normal at level 50 you can't do some content. Level 50 is the cap level but not the power level, so it's correct in may opinion that there is some content you can only do after increasing your stats. Actually some 50 purple can be run with 400-450 AP and it's not that hard to reach (my clone on NA as a bit more of 400 AP at level 50 HM1). Of course for me was easier as I know class and the game because of this it's important the role of community to help newbies and on this side is quite missing.


Last but not least, we haven't yet full content like other regions so I should wait before to red cross the game.

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