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Which new class would you like to see in BnS?


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Due to the game being based on Wuxia shit there could be..


A Buddha (nah not a healer)

Rather a tank which dps stacks up on tanking (or maybe even just outdpses classes by taking hits


A shuriken shield wielder (some kind of round shield with blades around it)

Some kind of control class with supportive shit



Didn't find it in a wuxia movie but it will work


There's not much they can add if they wanna keep up the wuxia style

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arieschais idea of enhancing classes we already have sounds great to me, i'd love more ways to customize my gameplay on a class I already love playing.


I'd also really like to see a lycandi race as a hybrid melee/ranged class which could shapeshift to fox/tiger etc for melee and human for ranged attacks.


Mainly I just want to be able to play a grown up furry race like in PWI rather then being stuck with a chibi like most of the games seem to be doing now.

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5 hours ago, IxFa said:

Vice Admiral

While you are correct that is her proper title; however, if one interacts with one, it is yes/no Admiral sir/ma'am. Vice is not used unless you're introducing them some official capacity or a senior officer addresses them for official purposes (like dressing them down or reminding them of their station as an example).

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I am good with what they have already. Not a big fan of RNG, and well, current classes somewhat fit in the backstory of being raised in the Hongmoon School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, but a lot of suggestions like a gunslinger won't.


Overall, save for the huge RNG concern, it doesn't matter to me, since I am limited in what I can play anyway, both by time constraints and the playing ability, so I suppose I don't care, and only because of the RNG I have a stake in this matter being against any new classes added.

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