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New player, same old question

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Hey guys,


I am DLing BnS as we speak, and I wanted to know which classes are the best this season. Please don't respond if your response is something along the lines of "...whichever you find fun". I watched a few videos, but unfortunately most are pretty old and patches have come out. 


Don't hate, just tell me which class is OP/easiest in PvP.


Also, one more question: Does this game allow animation canceling? I was thinking about KFM, but if the whole point of the class is to parry but you can cancel animations, I think that might make it tough. 


Okie, thanks.

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Of course someone wanting all the advantage they can get. For the most part the game is fairly balanced. Since you need to play the more broken/op class i'd recommend sin, destroyer, or bm since they will be one of the strongest classes soon. Summoners are fairly easy and really strong as well. Stay away from warlock, kfm, and fm since they require more skill than you probably want and won't be one of the strongest classes in an upcoming patch.

Currently however BM is not broken or op. So sin, destroyer, or summoner are my recommendations.

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54 minutes ago, CarebearChristina said:

Would like to play KFM but I dont think I am good enough to parry attacks. Always had a hard time parrying in Dark Souls. Was so iffy.

It isnt as hard as you would imagine, but kfms have some serious leg work to do learning combos (one day while getting 100- 0d by one you may wish you had tried it). Summoner is faceroll as fck, op in pve and pvp. Easiest to level and farm with, hated by a lot of people because of it as well. You are never not useful as a Summoner, as anything else you will face situations where you class is less desired. 


Since you are new to the game as well, just catching up in gear is gonna be a pain in the asz. No class would be better at catching up than skummoner (as they are uneffectionantly called). 


You are instantly platinum if you roll a summoner, from that point on you will need to actually begin learning to play. 

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22 now :D


But had another question. For my second slot I created a KFM, and I made the character size as large as possible. However, I noticed that I couldn't see the enemy attack so I couldnt counter, since my character hulks over the enemy.


So my question is, is the only way to tell when to counter visually? If so any large size character would be a terrible choice.

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17 minutes ago, CarebearChristina said:

22 now :D


But had another question. For my second slot I created a KFM, and I made the character size as large as possible. However, I noticed that I couldn't see the enemy attack so I couldnt counter, since my character hulks over the enemy.


So my question is, is the only way to tell when to counter visually? If so any large size character would be a terrible choice.

Yes you would need to learn how to counter visually because in 4-man mode dungeon, there is no aoe/attack indicator (the red/yellow circle), so you would need to learn the attack animation in-order to counter properly. 

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