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The adventures of doing heroics on alts


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^ Those stats belong to the shit talker. 6man Lair.

No, I'm not the one he's talking about.


Having 1 or 2 "undergeared" players in the party shouldn't even be an issue to do a 6MAN run considering how easy these 3 dungeons are. Everyone else in the party had subpar gear to run the dungeon.

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5 minutes ago, Pepperino said:


^ Those stats belong to the shit talker. 6man Lair.

No, I'm not the one he's talking about.


Having 1 or 2 "undergeared" players in the party shouldn't even be an issue to do a 6MAN run considering how easy these 3 dungeons are. Everyone else in the party had subpar gear to run the dungeon.

Nobody has to carry low-geared people whether the dungeon is easy or hard for them. Besides, personally i got no sympathy for those with alts.

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23 minutes ago, GodofWrath said:

Nobody has to carry low-geared people whether the dungeon is easy or hard for them. Besides, personally i got no sympathy for those with alts.

Nobody should be discriminated on because they don't have 480+ap to do simple dungeons. We've all been there.

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42 minutes ago, GodofWrath said:

Nobody has to carry low-geared people whether the dungeon is easy or hard for them. Besides, personally i got no sympathy for those with alts.

If those elitists don't want to "carry" anyone, they can premade their parties in dungeon lobby, doing so they'll be assured to play with perfect pro-gamers like them. 


I mean, high AP players have perfectly right to want a full high AP Party to rush of course and they have the perfect tool for it. Just shout your requirements and recruit the 500+ AP players. But being mean to low APs while using random search... NO ! 


Also, I'm aware that a full party with ~350 AP players probably won't do the work, that's why I always check the average of each mate i'm tag with. If it's globally too low (including me, I'm 406 AP), I just leave and find a new group. If there is 1 ~350AP + few ~420 + 1 ~500 AP, then I go because it will be easy enough to clear.

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They don't have to carry you, you're a lv.49 and I assume you have a true profane. They spent a lot of time grinding on their mains to get that kind of gear, it's not like they should just carry a random person that brings nothing to the party.


If you want to be carried as a 354 ap, join a clan and ask them for help, but being so severely undergeared and then whining on the forum about it, really?


Also, yes we've all been there, but I doubt many of us decided to go into lv.50 dungeons without getting gear, go do the lv.45 ones, gear up, or run with a clan.

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12 minutes ago, Masqava said:

They don't have to carry you, you're a lv.49 and I assume you have a true profane. They spent a lot of time grinding on their mains to get that kind of gear, it's not like they should just carry a random person that brings nothing to the party.


If you want to be carried as a 354 ap, join a clan and ask them for help, but being so severely undergeared and then whining on the forum about it, really?


Also, yes we've all been there, but I doubt many of us decided to go into lv.50 dungeons without getting gear, go do the lv.45 ones, gear up, or run with a clan.


I'm not the one with 354ap. I don't even know who they were.



Also, I bring just as much as they would to the party minus the shit talk.


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Its simply the fact that threr is completely "NO NEED" to do the lvl 50 Heroic instances with an weapon on lvl 42 .. this weapon is suggested to farm breaktrhoughs in lvl 45 instances .. also u dont need any kind of materials or items out of the lvl 50 ones until u upgraded ur gear 3 or 4 complete evolves... So yeah its just "leeching" to join lvl 50 heros with profane ...

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8 minutes ago, TofuChicken said:

Its simply the fact that threr is completely "NO NEED" to do the lvl 50 Heroic instances with an weapon on lvl 42 .. this weapon is suggested to farm breaktrhoughs in lvl 45 instances .. also u dont need any kind of materials or items out of the lvl 50 ones until u upgraded ur gear 3 or 4 complete evolves... So yeah its just "leeching" to join lvl 50 heros with profane ...

Thats like saying because they have Profane, they have no reason to do BSH because they can't use any of the materials there yet either.

You can easily hit 400+ AP with Profane, which is good enough to clear these dungeons.

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3 minutes ago, Pepperino said:


Thats like saying because they have Profane, they have no reason to do BSH because they can't use any of the materials there yet either.

You can easily hit 400+ AP with Profane, which is good enough to clear these dungeons.

BsH is clearly the same lvl area as PoH and jeah thats the range u should work in with profane wep. i dont even mind if they do laby also its just a filler without rly needet stuff in but the lvl 50 heros are just 8 fckn lvl higher then there weapon lvl and any idiot should be able to understands that is just not great to do that ones.


and to that "easily 400AP with Prof" .. jeah for sure with lvl 50 now its easy, in 45 cap it was "everything else maxed out with biggest AP gem etc" and just practicipated by the Profane fanclub who has thought we will get gratis legendary and ashit ton of gold for free with silverfrost.

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How so? 400 is adequate for these dungeons. I've done tons of 4mans with my friends when they had 400-410ap without fails (me bringing them into the runs with them having no knowledge of the runs, giving them tips and pointers as we go).

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I was doing altar 4 in trio with 450 ap summoner,480 destro and me as 480 ap FM.Stats wasn't nice either as just level to 50(actually we was 49 still).The big snake was somewhat challange - we fail few times on enrages here and there.So I don't know how 4 350ap people would clear it tbh...


Now with gear is easy as cake,I can duo all 3 dungeons...

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3 hours ago, Teffy said:

I was doing altar 4 in trio with 450 ap summoner,480 destro and me as 480 ap FM.Stats wasn't nice either as just level to 50(actually we was 49 still).The big snake was somewhat challange - we fail few times on enrages here and there.So I don't know how 4 350ap people would clear it tbh...


Now with gear is easy as cake,I can duo all 3 dungeons...

Sounds more like your team doesn't know what to do. With people with those stats even while "carrying" someone, shouldn't be hitting enrage.

I ran these with a SIN, two BDs, and me as a SUM. Everyone had around 400-410ap because they were still using Sirens. I had maybe 430-450ap at the time.

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You talk about 4 people.I'm talking about high ping destro and 40% crit summoner,at the time atleast.Was first 2 days of the patch.Thing is beside me they wasn't experienced....like 95% of the players in west? The players like me that played asia are not that many.


You are talking about 4 people and sin buff,gg?

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1 hour ago, Teffy said:

You talk about 4 people.I'm talking about high ping destro and 40% crit summoner,at the time atleast.Was first 2 days of the patch.Thing is beside me they wasn't experienced....like 95% of the players in west? The players like me that played asia are not that many.


You are talking about 4 people and sin buff,gg?

I'm talking about 3 people who had no experience with anything. They fit right in with that 95% of west.

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Obviously you still didn't get it.... 3 players and 4 players with blue buff....obviously the 4 with buff will clear it easier.For us it was tricky in the beggining due of low crit etc and most importnatly - we was 3.

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23 minutes ago, Teffy said:

Obviously you still didn't get it.... 3 players and 4 players with blue buff....obviously the 4 with buff will clear it easier.For us it was tricky in the beggining due of low crit etc and most importnatly - we was 3.

I've done them without the SIN as well. We even 3man'd Scorpion. I don't see what you're trying to say here. With 3 people that are over 450ap, you shouldn't even be having issues not getting enrage.

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