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award for worst pvp arena ever seen in MMORPG HISTORY  
why is this nomination ? 

1 bots 

2 macro users

3 fps drop after 15 or more matches 

4  rly f**ing bad rating system 

5 kinda worst mmorpg balance ( i played around 30 mmorpg's and this one is out of any balance ) 

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It been a *cricket*ing ages since I`ve seen bots in arena.

Macro users are there,rare but there.Some got banned.Some will stay.circle of life.

Just get back to normal server and re-enter.Just like I do every 8-9 matches.

Balance is there.How it was...get good?

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Any chance of seeing screenshots of your characters along side whatever these 30 MMOs use for rating? Considering a decent MMO takes at least some effort to get decent at pvp in, I find this kinda unlikely unless you're counting stuff like online checkers.

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One of the only games with proper 1v1 arena, very mechanical and skill based. Basically every other mmorpg just does team based arena / pvp. Or pay2win. Bns is imo the best pvp arena game out of any mmorpg out atm. Atleast for a 1v1 minded person like myself.


Whatever small issues it may have can be dealt with. Not many bots in arena after 50 patch as they can't really buy soulstone pouches anymore ( due to heroic dungeons too hard for them + gear req. ) Good players could just breeze trough the bot ratings anyway.

Balance is actually decent even tho we don't have all hm skills yet. Macro users? sure.. Ani cancel macros are sort of bs, but any1 can actually just learn to do it manually and its not too hard. Full combo macros can be dealt with by just tabbing at the right time ( they waste their cds and macro is then useless )

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4 hours ago, Caex said:

lol macro users? how can you even tell?

An example is when a summoner pins you after knocking you down - you can sometimes tech out of it if they are not fast enough.. but with a macro the option to tech out of the knockdown doesn't even popup.


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On ‎03‎/‎04‎/‎2016 at 0:47 PM, forpnstone1 said:

be and assassin or summoner , LBD if you want a little difficulty, just a little.


Assassin as the easiest class in PvP? LOL

Just LOL

Have you ever played as an Assassin?



PS: Assassin is in the top 3 in terms of difficulty, along with FM and KFM


In what planet do you live in to think BD is harder than Sin?

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41 minutes ago, Mighty said:


Assassin as the easiest class in PvP? LOL

Just LOL

Have you ever played as an Assassin?



PS: Assassin is in the top 3 in terms of difficulty, along with FM and KFM


In what planet do you live in to think BD is harder than Sin?

And you miss the assassins has a extreme ping dependence

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On ‎04‎/‎04‎/‎2016 at 3:45 PM, Devianne said:

ye sins qqing again like usually. perma stealth build issues? pfff 8/10 sins roll lame mode build in higher rating. pathetic

Pfffffff 10/10 KFM roll lame mode "stun-3rf"

Pfffffff 10/10 Summoners roll "cat grab-shoot"

Pfffffff 10/10 Destroyers roll "Stun-LMB+RMB"


Get the point?


I'm a plat Warlock main, ty for putting me on the "sin QQ" group instead of asking

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do u even know what ur talking about or u just pouring that crap out where u make it? do kfm have perma stealth build? i dont think so. do summoners? no unless they hack. what about destro? got any perma stealth? oh wait no they dont. so wtf u comparing here exactly? that every class has a lame build? yes they do. i am play on summoner, bd and fm so fkin what? its still possible to win vs lame build but u dont with a lame ass perma stealth timekill build. think b4 posting pls ffs

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